Island of Kyoshi

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"Ugh! What's taking so long Uncle?"Lillian groaned as she rested her arms on the pai sho table, "Can't we just play one game before we report to Prince grumpy?"Lillian begged as she gave Iroh her best puppy dog eyes. Iroh looked up from the map and snickered at the young girl, "Patients my dear, are you in such a rush to lose?" Lillian rolled her eyes, "We haven't played a game in 2 weeks, i just want to be sure that I can still beat you." Iroh was not amused but allowed a smile to fall on his face, "Very well, let's just go give this report to Gru- I uh mean my nephew and then we can play."Lillian burst out laughing, "your were going to say grump pants weren't you???" Lillian wiped a tear away from her eye as Iroh made his way out the door, she stood up and followed close behind. Lillian and Iroh stood outside Zuko's door, Iroh gave Lillian a sly smile before handing her the map, " What am I suppose to do with this?" Lillian asked as she watched Iroh retreat, " Would you be a dear and give that to my nephew, I believe that I left my tea pot on!" Lillian grabbed the back of Iroh's collar before he could make his get away and raised the map to his face, " Sorry Uncle, but this is your grumpy baby!" Lillian gave Iroh a teethy grin as they opened the door.

Zuko sat alone in his room, he had a lot on his mind. So many things were racing through his head, what Zhao had said and how he was so focused on a Tenshi and then Lillian. Zuko shivered under that thought, the way Zhao touched Lillian made his blood boil....But why? Why did he feel this way whenever he thought about her or about anyone else hurting her. Zuko watched the flames of his candles, 'Different in appearance....' Zhao's voice ran through his head then suddenly an image of Lillian appeared in the flames and then... she vanished! Zuko held his head in his hand, " She's just different, she's not one of them... She's just Lilly..." He said to himself as he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

General Iroh pushed the door open, as he walked in Lillian noticed that Zuko sat in the lotus position and was meditating, " The only reason you should be interupting me is if you have news about the Avatar." Zuko said, Lillian's eyes grew wide, 'Nope! Not in the mood to see a tantrum!' Lillian thought to her self as she made her to the door but was stopped by Iroh's hand on her shoulder, " Well there is news Prince Zuko but you might not like it. Don't get too upset." Iroh said as he gave Lillian an encouraging smile, " Uncle, You taught me that keeping a level head is the sign of a great leader, Now what ever you have to say I am sure I can take it." Zuko said as he took a deep breath, " Ok then... We have no idea where he is." Lillian crouched to the floor to avoid Zuko's outburst, "Yeah... Calm head, not." Lillian mumbled to herself, Iroh took out his fan and handed Zuko the map. Lillian dusted herself off and stood besides Zuko as he looked at the map with a few confusing squiggly lines on. " There have been mulitple reports from the villages where they have spotted him, but other than that we don't seem to have a good lead, he seems impossible to track down." Lillian said as she ran her finger over the lines on the map, Lillian felt Zuko's shoulders tense, " How am i going to find him? He is clearly a master of evasive maneuver." Iroh placed his hand on Zuko's shoulder before he left.

Lillian sat down on Zuko's bed and watched as he paced up and down, " He couldn't have gone far." Lillian said as her eyes stayed on Zuko, " Please just sit down... You need to rest." Lillian said in a gentle tone, " I'll rest when I have him in chains." Zuko growled as he gripped the map even tighter. Lillian sighed and stared at the floor, Zuko was obsessed and it was unhealthy. Zuko stopped his pacing a looked over at Lillian, she was staring at the floor deep in thought. " I Know!!! Zuko! Take your clothes off" Lillian burst out as she jumped to her feet, " Your coming swimming with me right now!" Zuko widened his eyes in shock, " Excuse me? Wha-" Lillian groaned as she pulled her armor off, " oh come on! Just do it!" She grabbed Zuko's armor and pulled it off over his head ," Lillian what on earth?" When Zuko's armor was removed he noticed Lillian before him only wearing her wrap and shorts, "Hurry up Zuko! I'll be waiting for you outside, don't make me undress you." Lillian said with a wink as she walked out the door. After some time Zuko finally came out in his shorts on and a slight blush, "Great! Let's go!" Lillian grabbed Zuko's arm and pulled him towards the deck, Zuko stumbled behind Lillian barley keeping up. Lillian placed her fingers at her mouth and gave a sharp whistle once they were on deck, Zuko was barley able to see what the guards were doing when Lillian pulled him up behind her on Kasai, "You better hold on tight Prince Prissy!" Lillian said over her shoulder as she kicked Kasai's ribs and yelled, " Kasai! Janpu!" And with that Kasai took off with a jolt and jumped off the ship, Zuko wrapped his arms around Lillian's waist in fright, "Lilly!!!!" He yelled and then there was a splash. Iroh ran to the side of the ship as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. "What is the meaning of this!!!" Zuko yelled as he floated on the surface," Lillian swam around him with only her eyes visible. Zuko raised his brow and began swimming to the ship, "Don't worry about us Uncle! We'll catch up soon!" Lillian waved at the General looking over board.

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