New Beginning

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"Have you located the Princess and the refugees?" an unknown voice said,

"Yes, My lady." Mac's hoarse voice replied,

"Well done. You will await for orders before taking any further action." The voice said again.

Mac's violet eyes widened, "My lady... would it not be best to place the dark crystal apon the princess now?" Mac said calmly.

"Don't argue with me! Without me, you would be nothing!" snapped the voice once more.

Mac placed his hand over his heart as he bowed, "Yes, My lady." Mac said before leaving the shadow area.


Lillian rode beside Zuko as they traveled through a small cleft valley. Iroh sat behind Zuko on his Ostrich horse groaning and moaning in discomfort from his pain, "Uncle, maybe you should ride with Kasai?" Lillian offered as she watched Iroh grip Zuko's shoulder and shake from the pain, "Maybe we should make camp." Zuko said pulling the Ostrich horse to a stop, "No, please, don't stop for me!" Iroh said in a pained voice. Lillian rolled her eyes as Iroh winked at her, "Oh Uncle..." Lillian whispered. 

Lillian led Kasai towards some shade as Zuko was going through their supplies when Kasai's ears suddenly perked up. Zuko immediately took a defensive stance and Lillian scanned their surroundings as Kasai began to growl, "What now!" Iroh groaned annoyingly. The Fire-nations Rough Rhinos burst through the foliage around them. Colonel Mongke's rhino stamps the ground forcefully, shaking  the surface slightly by Lillian's feet. Cololonel Mongke pulls back on the rhino's reins and stops before the three fire benders. Zuko and Lillian continues their defensive posture as Iroh brightens and places a hand on Zuko's shoulder, "Colonel Mongke! What a pleasant surprise!" Iroh said happily, "If you're surprised we're here then the Dragon of the West has lost a few steps." Mongke says as he makes sparks with his bracers and the other men ready their weapons, "You know these guys?"Zuko asked in a harsh whisper. Lillian kept her eyes on the two men on her right, "Sure. Colonel Mongke and the Rough Riders are legendary. Each one is a different kind of weapons specialist. They are also a very capable singing group." Iroh said proudly, "I don't think their here to perform uncle." Lillian said as she and Zuko leaned back to back, "We're here to apprehend fugitives!" Mongke yelled as all the men sneered at Lillian and Zuko. Iroh stood held his shoulder as he smiled, "Would you like some tea first? I'd love some. How about you, Kachi? I make you as a jasmine man. Am I right?" Iroh said causing Lillian to giggle, "Enough stalling! Round 'em up!" Mongke yelled. The dark skinned, pony tailed fighter swings his ball and chain at Iroh. Lillian kicks the ball away and sends a fierce fire ball at him. The ball, redirected, wraps its chain around the foot of another warrior's rhino. Iroh dodges the fire blasts by tumbling along the ground. He rises back up to swat the rump of the rhino that had been chained. The rhino runs off, yanking the dark-skinned warrior who had one end of the chain attached to his belt as well as its own rider. Lillian giggles and waves as she watches them go.The archer shoots a lit arrow at Zuko's back. Zuko senses the arrow, turns, and breaks the arrow apart as it approaches him. Zuko then lets a fire blast loose, which burns a hole in the archer's bow. The blast passes through the bow and breaks the string. Mongke decides to attack Lillian who seemed to be slightly distracted, he sends fire blast after fire blast at Lillian. Lillian deflects each one and returns with some of her own fire blasts. Zuko runs up and jumps on the back of Mongke's rhino behind him as he continues to attack Lillian. Zuko grabs Mongke by his shoulders and flings him off his rhino. Iroh runs up to the ostrich horse, jumps up on the saddle, and rides to Zuko. Zuko jumps from Mongke's rhino into the saddle as Iroh gallops by, "Let's get out of here Lillian!" Zuko yelled. Lillian is still in a heated battle with the armored warrior when Kasai charges at his Rhino and releases a loud roar. The armored man is thrown off his Rhino and Lillian takes this opportunity to catch up to Iroh and Zuko. The armored warrior has reclaimed his rhino and is riding in pursuit. He throws a grenade at the fleeing ostrich horse and Lionshark. The grenade explodes ahead of the ostrich horse, but Iroh, Zuko and Lillian are able to ride through the explosion unharmed. Lillian and Kasai gallop beside Zuko and Iroh, "Whoo hoo! I Feel so Alive!" Lillian cheered as she began laughing, "It's nice to see old friends. "Iroh said with a smile, "Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you."Zuko growled, "Too bad you don't have any old friends that don't want to attack you." Iroh thought aloud while stroking his beard. Lillian stared as Zuko's face became angry. Lillian slowed Kasai down so that she rode behind the ostrich horse as they came closer to a small village just before the desert. 

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