Sozins comet Part 2

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Lillian kept her eyes on Zuko as he steered Appa towards the earth kingdom. Sokka paced around on Appa's saddle, "I don't get it! Where would he have gone?" Sokka questioned as he looked among everyone, "The best we can do is go forward with our plans, Aang will be back, I'm sure of it." Lillian said. Silence filled the air once again, "Who is the back up to face the firelord?" Toph whispered slightly frightened as she sat beside Lillian and rested against Kasai. Lillian looked down at the scared earth bender and then among her friends. Grasping the hilts of her swords Lillian thought clearly... "I will... he wont be a match against me." Lillian said causing everyone to look up at her in shock, "What? You'd rather handle him yourself? I'm a firebender by birth and with my abilities and strength as a Tenshi, he wont last very long." Lillian stated at everyone's shocked faces. Zuko turned to meet her gaze, "Lilly... Aang will be there, I know it!" Sokka said worrying for his friend, "And what if he's not?! Better I be prepared, if Aang shows up I'll leave Ozai to him and battle the airships!" Lillian growled. Lillian lifted her gaze and met Zuko's golden eyes that were filled with worry. Lillian gave Zuko a small smile to reassure him that she would be fine, but Zuko shook his head and looked away.

Arriving at the Earth Kingdom tavern, everyone jumped off Appa and noticed the large creature that June rode on, "What's that thing called again??" Sokka asked, "I believe it's called a shirshu." Suki said smiling up at her boyfriend. Lillian led the way into the tavern, "Let's go get her so that we can find Aang." Lillian said marching through the doors. 

The tavern was filled with the stench of alcohol and sweat. Katara plugged her nose and gasped, "What is this place?" Katara moaned. Toph grinned and held out her arms taking in a deep breath, "Heaven Katara, this is Heaven!" Toph said smiling. Zuko walked beside Lillian and pointed in the direction of the woman they seek, "June..." Zuko spoke causing Lillian to nod and walk towards the assassin.  The gang stood wide eye as Lillian walked causally towards June, "Hey, remember me?" Lillian asked as she grabbed June's shoulder, "Hey Blondie!" June greeted as she grabbed Lillian around the shoulders, "How have you been? Tear down any fire nation ships lately?" Lillian asked grabbing June's drink and downing it. June smiled, "Not since Prince Pouty over there." June said gesturing to Zuko. Lillian smirked, "I wish I could say that I'm here for drinks, but I actually need your help." Lillian stated, "Uh, no offense darling but I don't just work... I'm off." June said waving her hand over her shoulder. Lillian gritted her teeth, "You have no idea how this will affect you... All of you." Lillian growled gaining everyone's attention. June raised her brow, "I'm listening." June whispered as her eyes met Lillian's serious blazing Crimson eyes.

Outside the Tavern the gang walked towards Appa. Katara gave June Aang's staff and placed it before Nyla's nose. The Shirshu took a few sniffs before walking around in circles scratching its nose in annoyance. Lillian raised her brow, "What does that mean?" Lillian questioned, "It means your friend is gone." June said with no emotion. Lillian felt her blood go cold, "So, he's dead?" Toph asked slowly. June shook her head, "No, if he were dead we could find his body, but it seems he doesn't exist." June explained. Zuko walked over to Appa and opened his bag, "I may have someone who can help us." Zuko said slowly as he bought an old sweaty sandal towards June, "Eeeew, you actually kept that!" Lillian gagged along with the rest of the gang. June nodded taking the sandal and placing another object at the beasts nose. Nyla sniffed the air and growled, "She's got him. HURRY Lets go!" June yelled jumping onto Nyla's saddle and taking off, "Hey! Wait up!" Sokka called as the all got on Appa. Appa followed the shirshu as fast as he could, "Is that thing heading for Bai sing Sai?" Lillian asked looking over at Zuko who seemed just as confused.

The gang arrived at the Great wall of Ba sing Sai, "June pulled Nyla back, your uncle is behind the wall, Nyla's getting twitchy so his close." June said pulling her beast back, "Thank you June." Lillian said as she bowed, "Goodluck, I hope to see you sometime in the future." June said at the gang who all waved their goodbye.

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