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Lillian stood in front of a waterfall. Deep in the reflection she saw herself, but this wasn't her. "Who are you?" Lillian whispered at the reflection. In the water stood Lillian but her wings and eyes were black and every vein on her body stood out bold and black, "I am you..." Growled the figure. Lillian shook her head, "No, your not... You're a fake." Lillian said watching the black whole eyes. 

"Hmm, but I won... You're dead. I will be reborn but you... You're done." 

Lillian stood tall, "No, I refuse to believe that this is how I am taking from this world." Lillian said clenching her fists, "Lucy said I could be saved!" Lillian felt tears form, "SO I WONT GIVE UP!" Lillian yelled causing the water to flutter out.

"You're weak, you can never escape this mental imprisonment, you have nothing! Your friends have abandoned you. Your family have turned their back on you're friends, there will be a war unlike any other!" cackled the figure. "A war between the land walkers and Tenshi! Oh the glory of chaos and murder! I can't wait!" 

"Don't leave me please..."

Lillian's eyes widened, "Zuko?!" Lillian cried out, "I'm here! I'm still alive!" Lillian cried out. 

"No... Our baby sister... how could you?"

"SHIN!" Lillian turned away from the figure and called out to her family, "I'm here!" Lillian walked away and the figured disappeared.

"I'm sorry... I had to... please Lilly, forgive me..."

"AANG!!! LISTEN TO ME!" Lillian cried falling to her knees, "I'm here, please, someone, show me the light... bring me back!" Lillian sobbed and placed her face into her hands, "p-please..." 

"You're friends will forget you, just as you will forget them... So give up!" The figure growled. "You've died for them, so now, let go!" 

Lillian sobbed as she thought back....

"Everything will work out, I promise!" Iroh's voice said pulling Lillian in for a hug, "Just don't lose hope"

Hope is something we give ourselves in the darkest of times, it brings out the light...

"Lets fix you up Lilly, then you can get some rest." Zuko said as he squeezed out the cloth. "He got me good, but i still kicked his ass!" Lillian grinned.

"Too much?" Lillian asked the flames dimmed and the people of the water tribed stared, "Everyone, calm down, this is my protector, my friend, my tenshi!" Aang said and Lillian waved, "Hey!"

Katara wrapped her arms around Lillian, "You okay?" Katara nodded, "Thank you for everything... You are truly an amazing friend, almost like a sister to me" Lillian held Katara and smiled, "Any time..."

"hey dragon girl! Whats up?" Toph smiled, "Not much and you pebble?" Toph crossed her arms, "What's with that sappy nickname, should I start calling you Lizard chick?" Toph growled but Lillian burst into a fit of laughter...

"No matter what, we stay together and protect one another, that's what family does." Sokka said, "you're right Sokka!" Lillian cheered

"STOP FUCKING DYING!!!" Ling yelled as she throttled Lillian, "S-sorry L-ling!" Lillian gasped

"So I guess you and I will be sharing the main bedroom my dear lady." Zuko teased as he turned Lillian to face him and placed a delicate kiss on her lips.

"That's my SPOT!" Aang fell over twitching, "Was that really necessary?" Aang gasped, "Nope just having some fun Little buddy!" Lillian grinned

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