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Lillian flew through the night sky in search of the Tenshi from the previous night. As she flew over the beach she noticed a cave not to far from the ship and noticed a glow emitting from it. 'they have to be in there' Lillian thought to herself. The waves were almost silent but they were glowing with the moonlight. Lillian stood silently at the mouth of the cave staring inside at the tan skin boy who seemed to be cooking a fish over a tiny fire that was dying out. Crest sat deep in thought when suddenly the flames of the Fire rose and touched the roof of the cave, " What the..." Crest turned to see Lillian leaning against one of the rocks with her eyes closed, "You won't cook anything on that..." she smirked. Crest was shocked and took a defensive stance and bent some water around his fists, "Don't tell me your afraid of me?" Lillian growled as her crimson eyes seemed to be set on fire, " Lilly, I can explain everyth-" Crest was silenced by Lillian's blue flames, "I didn't come here for an explanation. I came here to warn you!" Lillian roared causing some of the Stalactites at the top of the cave to fall. Crests eyes widened in shock, " You tried to hurt my friend..." Lillian hissed as she walked closer, " We didn't know it was you!" Crest tried to reason, but in a blink of an eye Lillian had Crest at the collar of his shirt, " Save it!" Lillian yelled, Crest looked down at her, " Lilliy... I'm sorry..." he whispered as Lillian clenched her fists to the point that her knuckles turned white, "Stay away from the Prince, and you sure as hell better stay away from me!" Lillian choked as she felt tears form in her eyes, she let go of his collar and turned her back to him. Lillian walked out of the cave and stood on the beach watching as the ocean night life woke up. Her heart felt as if it had shattered into a thousand pieces, he was one of her closest friends, she trusted him with her life and then he just left...

Lillian felt two strong arms wrap around her waist, "Please, just listen to me... You don't have to say anything... just hear my out..." Crest's voice whispered into Lillian's ear, he felt her body stiffen but didn't let her go, "Please..." he begged one last time. Lillian placed her hand over his and nodded, "Okay..." She whispered as she gave his hand a squeeze. 

Lillian and Crest sat on the beach close to the ship. " And that's why I didn't go back..." Crest finished his story. Lillian sat wide eyed staring at the tanned boy, " I see..." Lillian said in a sad tone, " But why didn't you come to me? I would have helped you?" Lillian asked. Crest took a deep breath, "To be honest... at the time I felt that the Princess had more important duties than to help me.." Crest took Lillian's hand in his and rubbed her knuckles with his thumb, " I missed you..." Lillian stared at her hand and then at the rising sun. Crest followed her gaze and smiled, "I rise with the moon and you rise with sun." Crest whispered, " Crest..." Lillian's voice cracked, " yes?" Lillian began to stand up, "I have to get going..." Crest's eyes fell sad, "oh... Will I see you again?" He asked hopefully as Lillian dusted herself off. Lillian gave him a small smile, "If fate allows it." Lillian gave Crest a small hug before returning to the ship, "I believe it will, Princess. Soon." Crest whispered to himself as a childish grin formed on his face.

Lillian fell onto her bed and pulled the cover's over her head, " So tired..." She mumbled, but before Lillian could get comfortable Zuko charged into her room, "Get Up Lillian! The engine doesn't want to start up so we need to go find someone to make repairs!" Zuko yelled as he stood at the foot of her bed, " Lillian peeked from under her cover's, "Awww, Zuuuuko, please can I stay in bed? I don't feel to good..." Lillian mummbled as she put on a fake sickly voice. Zuko raised his brow, "Why? What's wrong?" Zuko asked with a deadpan expression, Lillian met Zuko's golden eyes, "I have a tummy ache..." Lillian said in a baby voice. Zuko's shoulder's fell as he held his head in his hands, "Really?" he asked as he stared out her window, " Do I have to go with Uncle alone?" He whined. Lillian giggled and snuggled back into her bed, "Would you mind getting me some midnight jasmine bath oils? Mine are finished." Lillian pouted at Zuko."ugh! Fine... Anything else?" Lillian shook her head, and closed her eyes, "Night night." Zuko grumbled as he walked out and closed her door. Lillian smiled into her pillow, no matter what happens, she will always be there for that Prince whenever he needs her no matter how stubborn he is.

Lillian laid in her bed with her arm resting over her eyes, she hasn't had the chance to relax in over 4 days with all this avatar nonsense. Lillian shifted slightly to lay on her side and then she heard Iroh's voice in the hallway, "And down this hall we have our sleeping quaters. This here is Prince Zuko's room, General Lillian and myself. Your room will be right here!"Iroh clapped his hands together as he showed somebody around. Lillian lifted her head and stared at her door, 'He better not even think abou...' "Lillian Dear! Meet our newest junior engineer !" Iroh sang as he opened her door slightly, Lillian jumped out of her bed and slammed the door closed, "Uncle!!! I don't have my uniform on!" Lillian screeched, Iroh raised his brow, "But wasn't Prince Zuko in here an hour ago?" Iroh mused as he grinned at the door, Lillian sighed, "Give me 5 minutes..."

Lillian found Iroh and a bunch of the crew men on deck standing around the new guy, "Alright everybody! Meeting time is over, let's get this ship moving!"Lillian barked as she stood beside Iroh. Lillian's eyes fell on a familiar figure that had one blue and green eye..."Crest..." Lillian whispered, "So you know each other?"Iroh said as he faced Lillian and looked towards Crest. Zuko walked out on the deck, "What is the meaning of this?"He shouted at Lillian, "Oh calm down Mr Grouch, we just finished the repairs on the ship and are about to move out. "Lillian said with her arms crossed over her chest. Zuko leaned over her and smirked, "Your looking better..."Lillian rolled her eyes at him and turned his attention to Iroh and Crest, "Uncle woke me..." Lillian said as she bumped Iroh with her hip, "Prince Zuko, meet the genius who fixed our engines!" Iroh said as Crest bowed, but Lillian glared at him. Zuko noticed the look on her face, "Get back to work, we need to head West..."Zuko said as he stood next to Lillian and grasped her arm. Crest's eyes widened and he slightly took a defensive stance which Iroh noticed, "General Lillian... A word?"Zuko said as he pulled her away keeping his eyes on the new recruit. Lillian fell in besides Zuko, "Why West?"Lillian asked as she stood in front of Zuko, "Our Oil prison was ambushed. All the prisoners escaped, they were attacked by a boy with an arrow on his head..."Zuko said in a smirk. Lillian nodded and turned around to go give an order when Zuko held her shoulder, "Do you know him?"Zuko asked coldly, Lillian shook her head, "Only met him today..."Lillian lied... Zuko nodded and walked to the control room.

Lillian ran down the halls in search of Crest or Iroh, whoever she might find first. Iroh's door swung open revealing a strange glow. Lillian found Crest attacking Iroh and had his wings exposed, She charged into the room slamming the door shut and shoving Crest off of Iroh, "Get away from him!!!"Lillian yelled as she too released her wings, "I gave you an order to leave!"Lillian yelled again as flames formed around her fists. Crest stood in shock, "Easy my dear, I am sure this was just a small misunderstanding..."Iroh said in a calming voice as he stood in front of Lillian with his hands raised, "Uncle! Are you okay?"Zuko's voice rang through the hall. Lillian retracted her wings and attacked Crest, pinning him to the floor and pressing a pressure point behind his left wing that forced his wings to disappear, she held his arm behind his back and pushed him against the wall, "Lilly? What happened here???"Zuko roared as he noticed her hair a mess and clothes burnt, "Just a disagreement prince Zuko, Lady Lilly has it under control."Iroh smiled, Lillian released Crest and stepped back beside Zuko, her crimson eyes burning into his multicolored ones, "But we fixed it..."Lillian said as she walked out the door and slammed her own bedroom door... Lillian leaned against her door and slid down to the floor, "This is going to be a long trip..." she whispered.

Crest stood at Lillian's bedroom door, "Lilly... I'm sorry..." he whispered, "I didn't know he knew you were... We'll... You, Tenshi..." Crest whispered in the door. "Go to bed Crest... We will talk in t he morning And Stay away from the Prince!" Lillian growled as she snuggled against Kasai. Crest stared at the door and whispered , "Yes princesses... "


I know it's a short chapter but I have been hectically busy so I thought that I would just publish this one and then give you an extra long chapter next time.

SO? What do you think is going to happen between Crest, Lillian and Zuko? 

Stay tuned for more Tenshi...!

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