The Firebending Master's Part 1

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The morning was peaceful as everyone was still asleep, everyone except our crimson eyed princess. Lillian stretched her muscles out after all this time, things have slowed down and now everyone has a moment to themselves.

Lillian tried to focus her breathing with her palms together and her eyes closed.

"heat" Lillian whispered.


Lillian opened her eyes to find her palms empty. Lillian clenched her fists and punched the rubble beside her. Lillian retracted her fist and stared at her knuckles, "woah, I guess your not a morning person." Toph said. Lillian looked over at Toph, "what gave that away?" Lillian groaned as she sat beside Toph.
There was a moment of silence before Toph spoke up, "so... Any luck on your bending?" Toph asked. Lillian ran her fingers through her hair as she sighed, "no, but Katara suggested that I attend lessons with Aang. Maybe going back to basics might help me reignite my inner fire." Lillian stated, "ooh hopefully it doesn't spark up an old flame between you an Prince Sparky." Toph snickered. Lillian rolled her eyes before ruffling Toph's hair, "hey! I can feel your heart rate when your near him and Zuko's is even worse" Toph stomped, "What about me?" Zuko interrupted as he walked down the stairs, "uh Dragon girl here was just-"

"Just warming up before training. Are you ready to give your first Lesson?" Lillian asked as she jogged up beside him. Zuko nodded, "yeah, let's go get started."

Lillian and Zuko walked to the area where Aang had suggested they start their training, "So... Uh did you sleep well?" Zuko asked as he rubbed his neck. Lillian rubbed her arms, "not really, I've been up since before sunrise." Lillian shrugged. Zuko smiled, "well, we are fire benders Lilly and we rise with the sun." Zuko grinned. Lillian rolled her eyes, "whatever Sparky."

"Good morning Sifu Hotman and Sifu uh...." Aang dragged out looking at Lillian,

"how about class mate for now." Lillian said slumping her shoulders.

Aang nodded, "okay, so let's get started!" Aang said excited.


Lillian watched as Aang and Zuko went through the basic forms, "now show me what you've got... Any amount of fire you can make." Zuko said gesturing to Aang. Lillian laid back on the rock and faced the sun as she absorbed the heat, "Lillian, you need to do this as well." Zuko said sternly. Lillian lifted her head and glared at Zuko, "remind me who kicked whose ass the last fire duel we had." Lillian smirked. Zuko crossed his arms and shook his head, "remind me whose the one who lost her bending." Zuko teased back. Lillian shot up and stormed towards Zuko. Aang looked between the two, "Are you challenging me Prince Grumpy." Lillian poked Zuko in the chest, "I am giving you an instruction as your teacher, now, take your stance beside Aang." Zuko took hold of Lillian's wrist and held it staring into her eyes. Lillian pulled free and took her stance. She nodded at Aang before they both began the movements and tried to bend. Lillian managed to bend a small spark of a white flame but Aang just produced a puff of smoke, "uh I don't do well with instructions, perhaps a demonstration?" Aang asked sheepishly. Zuko looked over at Lillian as she opened and closed her hands, "I agree, I suggest you take a step back." Zuko said starting his breathing. Aang ducked behind Lillian as Zuko began his sequence, "Just breath and..."
A small puff of smoke escaped from Zuko's fist, "what the..." Zuko looked at his hand.

Zuko looked at Lillian as her serious face faded and she burst into a fit of giggles, "Shut it Lillian!" Zuko warned, "This is so ironic!" Lillian laughed with a slight snork. Zuko growled before he tried his forms again but the same result as before. "just breath and shoot." Zuko said bending a small flame, "That one felt hot." Aang said rubbing his head, "don't patronize me! You know what it's suppose to look like!" Zuko growled. Aang retreated, "Sorry sifu Hotman!" Aang apologised, "Aang, maybe you should go, Toph mentioned that you needed to work on your earth bending." Lillian suggested to the young Avatar. Aang nodded before bowing to Zuko and leaving.

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