Lake Laogai Part 1

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                                                     I'd risk the fall just to know how it feels to fly

Lillian stood on a tall ladder as she packed away some of the checked out books, Lillian was humming a love song which caught Ling's attention, "So... Kohana? How was your date with Lee?" Ling asked with a raised eye brow while still using Lillian's earth kingdom name. Lillian hummed as she ignored Ling purposely, "Awwww Come on!"Ling whined. Lillian smirked at Ling as she packed away another book, "A Princess never speaks about the past." Lillian hummed. Ling crossed her arm's over her chest and pulled her face, "Whatever..."Ling mumbled. Lillian burst out in laughter, "You remind me so much of my best friend Ling." Ling raised her brow, "But, My name's Ling."Ling said confused. Lillian winked at Ling before the door to the library creaked shut, "Good Morning!"Lillian said as she stepped down from the ladder, "How can I hel-"Lillian paused as she watched Zuko walk in with a tray of tea, "Oh, why hello Lee!" Ling sang as she wiggled her eyebrows at him. Zuko suddenly stiffened and began blushing, "How was your date with Kohana?"Ling asked suddenly. Lillian crossed her arms over her chest, "Children who ask to many questions about adult matters usually lose their hair and teeth" Lillian said slyly. Ling covered her mouth before running out towards the back room, "Not my hair!!!" Ling cried. Lillian giggled as Zuko smirked, "really? why wont you just tell her?" Zuko asked as he placed the tray of tea down on the counter beside Lillian, "Because she is so nosy, I'm going to let her imagination run away with her for now." Lillian winked at Zuko. Zuko suddenly felt his face heat up, "Is that a good idea? I uh mean she was reading a very, um unusual choice for reading yesterday." Zuko stammered. Lillian smirked before swaying slowly towards Zuko, "So? Are you afraid she over thinks scenario's?" Lillian asked. Now Lillian stood right before Zuko on her toes, "Or under think?" Lillian whispered before stealing a quick kiss and his tea, "Hey! That's mine." Zuko said with a pout. Lillian held up the tea cup and examined it, "Doesn't have your name on it." Lillian hummed as she sat down on the counter. Zuko stood in front of Lillian with both his hands beside her on the counter boxing her in, "You know... I never got to give you your birthday present." Zuko said softly leaning towards Lillian, "Oh really?" Lillian questioned while tapping her chin, "I wonder what it could be?" Lillian guessed as she placed her hands on Zuko's shoulder's. Zuko gave Lillian a small smirk before leaning down and kissing her. Lillian smiled into the kiss as she mumbled, "best present ever." before pulling Zuko even closer. Zuko's hands found their way to her hips and pulled her towards the edge of the counter. Lillian turned her head slightly so that she could deepen the kiss. Zuko pulled away breathlessly leaving Lillian to lean into his shoulder, "I need to get back to the tea shop. Uncle told me to only be 10 minutes." Zuko said with a hungry voice. Lillian gave Zuko a pout, "Awww, does my Grumpy Prince really have to go?" Lillian muttered in a baby voice, "Just 2 more minutes." Lillian begged as she batted her eyes and pouted even more. Zuko rolled his eyes before pecking Lillian's lips, "I'll wait for you outside the shop." Zuko said while collecting the tea pot and cups, "And I'm not that grumpy anymore!"Zuko called from over his shoulder as he walked out. Lillian smiled at him as he walked out, "You'll always be my grumpy prince." Lillian whispered to herself before returning to the ladder and the stack of the books.


Ling sat on the counter swing her legs as she ate an apple, "So, You are the princess of the temple? And you are betrothed to another tenshi from another temple, but you and Lee love each other and as a princess your duty is to your people." Ling said in a bored tone. Lillian ignored Ling as she wrote down notes of the books that were taken out that day. Suddenly Ling dropped her apple and squealed causing Lillian to take a defensive stance, "What! What is it!?" Lillian cried as she eyed the store. Ling ran to a blank book and began writing down notes vigorously, "The perfect Love story of all time! AND YOU! You and Lee will be my inspiration!" Ling said in a very determined voice. Lillian opened her mouth to object but the door to the library suddenly opened. Lillian watched as two cloaked figures stalked in. By the build of their bodies Lillian could tell they were male, "Can I help you?" Lillian asked with a raised eyebrow. The cloaked men looked at each other before nodding, "You know... letting your guard down is never a good thing..." Lillian's eyes widened at the familiarity of the voice then the other figure spoke, "Specially around us..." spoke the other. Before Lillian could react she was tackled to the ground and was being tortured in the worst way possible ever.... TICKLES!!!!, "What are you two doing!!!"Ling cried confused, "LEE! LE-"Ling began screaming but the one figure took hold of her and placed his hand over her mouth, "Shhhhhh, Can't we tickle our own sister????" Spoke Shane as he removed his hood. Shin backed away from a red faced Lillian and removed his hood as well, "Hey Lil sis..." Shin and Shane said in union. Lillian's eyes filled with tears of Joy as she saw the twins before her, "Did ya miss us?" Shin asked with a toothy grin.

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