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              'Evil Lurks in places you would never imagine and tries to charm it's way into your life'

The Gaang made camp on the island outside of Sozin's cove. Sokka and Aang shared a sleeping bag as Aang offered his for Lillian to use until she can get her own. Lillian, Katara and Toph laid on one side of the dying camp fire and Sokka and Aang on the other. There was total darkness except for the light ember's of the old camp fire. A peaceful silence filled the area along with Kasai's sleeping purr. Everything was perfect.

"mmmmm" Sokka shuffled in his sleep, "Put it out...." Aang mumbled. Lillian rolled onto her back as she listened to the two boys, "Come on... put the light out!" Sokka groaned placing his arm over his eyes, "Could you just shut it!" Toph growled as she bent a pebble at Sokka's head *THUD*

"HEY!" Sokka yelped, "Watch it Toph!" Sokka growled sitting up.

"I'll watch it when you Shut it!" 

"What's the problem?" Katara asked sleepily.

"Toph bent a rock at my head all because," Sokka started

"Because Lillian wont put out the light!" Aang groaned pulling the cover over his head.

Lillian sat up sleepily, "What light--- ahhhh!!!" Lillian yelped as her crystal pulled her forward and then swung around, "What's the big Idea!" Lillian complained as she grabbed her crystal.

"What's going on with your necklace?" Aang asked sitting up. 

Lillian shrugged and stared at her crystal thinking for a moment before realizing that the crystal was trying to lead her to , "The Capital" Lillian whispered worriedly.

"Is that what it did when I broke the feather?" Aang asked tilting his head. Lillian nodded, "I need to go." Lillian said standing to gather her things, "What??? Where?" Toph questioned sitting up, "Someone needs me." Lillian said stuffing her belongings in a bag, "No! You can't leave me with these babies!" Toph cried, "I'll be back. I've mesmerized Sokka's schedule." Lillian said emotionless, "Don't you think your being stupid?" Katara's cold voice spoke causing silence to fall as Lillian stopped packing, "What is that suppose to mean?" Lillian huffed crossing her arms over her chest, "I'm just saying... Azula or that Purple eyed freak could be planning something or-"

"Or my grandfather could be in trouble and needs my help." Lillian said silencing Katara. Katara looked down, "I'm sorry it's just.... We don't want you getting hurt." Katara whispered. Lillian smiled at the young girl who she has grown quiet fond of, "Don't worry. I'm a tough girl. I can handle myself." Lillian gave Katara a small hug, "You still have the silver feather I gave you?" Lillian asked turning to Aang, "Right here!" Aang grinned as he lifted his shirt, "Great. I'll see you guys soon!" Lillian winked stepping back, "Keep Kasai with you, I shouldn't be gone long." Lillian spoke looking over at the sleeping lionshark. 

The Gaang came together for one last group hug, "Keep out of trouble Pebble." Lillian mumbled into Toph's ear causing the blind girl to grin, "no promises."

Lillian pulled away before the white flames escaped from her feet and placed her crystal back around her neck, "Stay flaming!" Lillian grinned before releasing her great wings and taking off into the night sky!

The Gaang returned to their places before a certain Monk made a heartbreaking discovery...

"Hey... She took my sleeping bag!" 


Lillian soared through the night sky following the intense glow that emitted from her crystal. Someone needed her and she would make sure that she's be there in time to help them, no matter what. 

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