Crystal Nightmare Part 2

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"I did not see this coming..." Lillian mumbled to herself while Zuko held his stance, "Don't move!" Zuko growled as he walked closer, Lillian raised her hands in defeat as Zuko walked towards her, "Don't be a fool..." Lillian hissed at Zuko as he walked closer, "I have some questions for you Tenshi!" Zuko yelled as he blasted another fire ball at her. Lillian killed the flame effortlessly, "Why should I answer any questions of yours?" Lillian growled. Zuko circled her slowly, " My name is Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation! You will answer to me!" Zuko yelled in anger, Lillian smirked under her mask, "Well 'prince Zuko' I am the Princess of all Tenshi's and heir to the throne of our great sky temple!" Lillian said as she bowed in a mocking way, "And I do not have to answer any of your questions!" Suddenly Zuko attacked, kicking fireball after fireball at her, Lillian allowed the fireballs to come close before catching them in her hands and tossing them behind her, "First lesson! I am a fire Tenshi and therefore cannot be harmed by fire, I breath fire, eat fire I am one with the flame!" Lillian roared as she formed a ball of white fire in her hands, "Second, you will leave here with defeat!" Lillian shot the white fire ball at Zuko causing him to stare at the fire ball in wonder, "Block it you idiot!!!" Zuko heard Lillian's voice scream in the distance, without a second thought Zuko crouched down and made a pathway through the flames, "Lilly?" Zuko questioned as he searched for the source of her voice, "There is no one else besides us on this battle field!"  Lillian roared, 'I almost gave myself away, stupid!' Zuko ran forward towards her deciding that close combat might be the next best attack, but Lillian dodged and blocked all his attacks, "Why. Won't. You. Answer. Me!?!?" Zuko said as he threw punches at her, "You seek knowledge to use against us in this pathetic war of yours!" Lillian yelled. Zuko lunged forward and tried to pull off her mask but Lillian threw him off with one of her wings, as both fighters regained their stance the earth began to quake and then they were trapped in a stony cage, "Well, well, well. What do I have here?"  Lillian and Zuko both turned to see the elder woman from the stall walking closer, "Well done old woman, now release me and hand over the Tenshi!" Zuko ordered as he backed away from Lillian. The old woman had a deceitful smile upon her face, "Now why would I want to do that?" Lillian narrowed her eyes as she watched the old woman, "Who are you!?" Zuko asked when the old woman was right against the stone pillars, "Just a poor old lady who has found herself a way to make some money. The Prince of the Fire Nation and the Princess of the Tenshi, your name escapes me dear?" the old woman said looking over at Lillian, Lillian's eyes fell to the floor, " Princess Scarlet..." Lillian whispered as the woman began to walk away. Zuko was inspecting the pillars when Lillian spoke up again, "I believe you have a few crystals that don't belong to you? Care to explain where you got them from." Lillian asked, Zuko stood beside her, "How do you know about them?" Zuko was curious, Lillian needed to get out of there, she was risking their safety and Zuko finding out who she is, " I watched you and a few others buy some crystals from her and she has no right!" Lillian said, "Now, now dears, let's not fight." the old woman hummed as she took an earth bending stance, "Listen to me Prince, if you help me get out of here I will tell you everything you need to know about a Tenshi, but only if you keep your word." Lillian whispered to Zuko, he seemed to be deep in thought when he held out his hand to shake in agreement. Suddenly the ground below them rumbled and they were being moved up the mountain side towards the factories. Lillian smirked, "You seem to have forgotten the strength we Tenshi hold old lady." Lillian said as she punched the pillars away allowing a small opening, "Move!"  Lillian said as she pushed Zuko towards the gap but before he could get past a red crystal took the stoney pillars place, "What is this?" Lillian asked as she stared at the red crystal, she reached out to touch it and was repaid with a shock of pain rushing through her arm "ahhhhh!" Lillian yelled as she held her arm, "Oh my dear, do not underestimate me, I know what I am dealing with!" Zuko held out his hand and helped her up, "This stone cage is enforced with dragon heart crystals, one would say it's your weakness." the lady replied. Lillian felt a pain in her lower back, she hasn't left her wings out for this long in ages, "You know who we are, but who are you?" Zuko demanded breaking Lillian from her train of thought, "How rude, my name is Merci-lee, but you can call me Nan." Merci-lee said with a smile, "Merci-lee"  Lillian repeated under her breath.

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