The Chase

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Lillian swung her fire around her arms as she walked beside Kasai and Iroh, "Keep the flames close my dear. If they linger to far from your body the flames will die." Iroh instructed as Lillian bent her flames around her body, "I know uncle" Lillian said slowly, "But if I keep them too close then-" Suddenly Lillian's shoulders began to burn, "I might have my wings pop out.." Lillian said as she stopped. Iroh smiled at her, "You are a very powerful bender and not to mention a very powerful Tesnhi." Lillian smiled at Iroh as she tried again, "Now tell me my dear, where did you see this form?" Iroh asked, "I saw a water bender dance around her water at the last village we were in. It looked so beautiful and not to mention Fun!" Lillian said with grin. Kasai started sniffing the air and then came to sudden stop, "What is it boy?" Lillian asked with a raised brow. Iroh stood beside Lillian and stroked the Lionsharks mane, "Easy... Maybe it's Zuko?" Iroh suggested, "Kasai wouldn't growl for Zuko..." Lillian said as she released her wings and hovered before a thick berry bush, "What in agni's name-" Suddenly Iroh was flung into the air by a piece of earth and Kasai was pushed over, " Ohhh... That really hurt my tailbone." Iroh whined as he rubbed his behind, "Uncle! Are you alright?" Lillian gasped as she pulled him up, "Whose there!?" yelled the little earth kingdom girl who ambushed them, "My name is Lillian! And you attacked my Uncle!" Lillian said angrily. The earth girl spun around with her arms raised, "where are you? Why Can't I feel you?" She asked. Lillian raised her brow and then noticed that the girl had milky eyes but she was able to attack Kasai and Uncle, "This might sound crazy to you... But I am flying right now." Lillian said slowly. The girls eyes widened in shock, "Like airbending?" she asked curiously, "No... I'm a tenshi." Lillian said slowly, "A Tenshi? Like you have wings? I don't suppose you know Aang?" the girl asked. Lillian's face filled with shock, "Yes, I do have wings. Is he okay?" Lillian rushed. The girl smiled, "My names Toph, dragon girl. Nice to meet you. I've heard some awesome things about you." Toph said as she held out her hand. Lillian retracted her wings and took Toph's hand, "Like wise" Lillian said unsure. Iroh stood up and held his back, "Let's have some tea!" Iroh said as he sat back down slowly. Toph nodded as Lillian helped Iroh unpack, "Here is your tea. You seem a little too young to be traveling alone." Iroh said as he handed Toph her tea, Lillian smirked at Iroh, "Aren't you too old Uncle?" Lillian asked gaining a smile from Toph, "Perhaps I am" Iroh said with a small chuckle, " I know what you're both thinking. I look like I can't handle being by myself." Toph said as she gripped the tea cup, "Not really..." Lillian said, " I wasn't thinking that all." Iroh stated. Lillian watched as questions swam in Toph's milk eyes, "You wouldn't even let me pour my own cup of tea." Lillian giggled, "Uncle always pours the tea." Lillian said as she nudged Toph, "I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason."Iroh said calmly, "People see me and think I'm weak. They want to take care of me. But I can take care of myself by myself." Toph said slightly upset but what she said caused Lillian to choke on her tea, "You sound like my nephew.  Always thinking you need to do things on your own without anyone's support. There is nothing wrong with letting people who love you help you.  Not that I love you; I just met you. " Iroh said. Toph began to laugh but noticed the pace of Lillian's heartbeat, "So, where is your nephew?" Toph asked slowly, " we've been tracking him, actually." Lillian spoke softly, "Is he lost?" Toph asked, "He wishes..." Lillian growled. Iroh gave Lillian a stern look before talking to Toph again, "Yes, a little bit. His life has recently changed and he's going through very difficult times. He is trying to figure out who he is and he went away." Iroh said sadly, "So... now you're following him." Toph asked confused, "He doesn't want us too but... We want to be close by if he needs us." Lillian said looking away. Toph faced Iroh as she stood up, "Your nephew is very lucky, even if he doesn't know it. Thank you." Lillian raised her brow, "For what? The tea?" Toph bowed, "No, thank you for what you said. It helped me." Toph said with a smile. Just before she walked away Toph faced Lillian, "You should prabaly tell him that You and his uncle need him... I'm sure I'll meet you again soon Dragon girl." Toph said as she walked away. Lillian smiled at the odd nickname, "You too... Toph."

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