The Boiling Rock: Part 1

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Ling and Lillian sat with their legs dangling over the edge of the temple as the giggled away and sipped their tea, "I remember Skyla ran into the mirror hallway and got lost because she forgot where the door was!"Ling Snorted, "Oh yes! And do you Remember when Lulu heard that we were not allowed to attend the ball she threw such a fit she forbade us from ever mentioning the word 'Dance' but we rubbed in her face!"Lillian added as she held her stomach from the ache of laughing.

Crest leaned against a pillar as Shin and Shane gathered their things. Mac sat sharpening his Katana with Zuko and Sokka both glaring over his shoulder. Sokka stared at Zuko and then nodded as he walked towards his sister and Toph. Zuko remained behind watching Mac and then stealing a glance as Lillian laughed, "She has an amazing smile, doesn't she?" Mac said glancing at Lillian. Zuko was lost in his thoughts only to nod in agreement, "She's the reason I'm here, the reason I keep trying to be the person people see me out to be, she always was the reason." Zuko whispered, "I never believed that she was right for the throne, I always thought she would destroy us. I even tried to have her killed... But after everything... She still showed me great kindness, and after all these years..." Mac took a deep breath and Zuko started at him, "She still manages to prove me wrong... She will make an amazing queen." Mac finished shielding his katana and standing up, "Ling! It's time." Mac called. Crest rolled his eyes, "Couldn't leave them to their fun, could ya." Shin mumbled. Zuko notice Ling and Lillian's smiles fade as they stared at each other knowing that this will be their farewell. Ling stood and helped Lillian up, "Don't give me that face!" Ling said poking Lillian's forehead, "But, But-" Lillian was interrupted by her brother's, "No Buts! We really need to go Lil, you will see us soon, promise!" Shin said hugging his little sister, "I know, Once this war is over we'll see more of each other." Lillian grinned, Mac bowed to Lillian and took off with Ling and Shin. Shane and Crest grabbed the last of their supplies, "Silly Lilly, be careful out there, the world is a cruel and heartless place." Crest said hugging Lillian and placing a kiss on her forehead. Zuko clenched his fists at the sight and stormed away. Aang was about to take a bite of his dumpling when Zuko stormed past grabbing him by his collar and dragging him along, "h-hey! My FOOD!" Aang cried as he was dragged away. Lillian hugged Shane and waved as they took off into the orange skies.

Katara marched up to Lillian and tapped her foot, "Woah, whats with the tap dancing?" Lillian asked surprised, "Zuko dragged Aang to training without letting him finishing his food!" Katara growled. Lillian retreated slightly as Katara hovered over her, "Yes mom, I'll fetch Little brother!" Lillian said with a tease before bolting down towards the hallway to the training yards.

"Again! More fire! More Power!"

"Don't slouch!"

"Breath deeper!"

Zuko kept barking orders at Aang as Lillian walked into the yard, "I am trying Sifu Hotman! I just need more energy..." Aang mumbled clenching his growling tummy, "Lilly! SAVE ME!" Aang yelled rushing towards Lillian and hiding behind her, "Uh, actually, I came to tell you to go finish your food, I'll handle fire pants over there." Lillian smiled rubbing Aang's head. Aang bowed to Zuko and Lillian before rushing back to finish his food. Lillian placed her hands on her hips and raised her brow at Zuko,  "Want to tell me what's wrong? Or just stand there and steam?" Lillian asked. Zuko rolled his eyes and growled under his breath. Lillian charged up to Zuko and stood right in front of him, "Hello! Prince of all Grumpy!" Lillian teased poking him on his sides. 


"How about you train me? I need to brush up on some stances." Lillian said stepping away and removing her shirt, "Come on Zuzu"Lillian stuck her tongue out but stood straight when Zuko removed his own shirt and took a firm stance, "Ready?" Zuko asked coldly. Lillian nodded with a smiled, "Come and get it grumps!"

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