The Sky Temple Part 1: You're Dead!

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Shin and Shane appeared just a second too late, "Lillian!" Shin hissed under his breath. Without hesitation Shane charged at the slayer and attacked him from behind, "I'll handle him, get the other's out!" Shane called to his brother behind him.

Lillian's body fell towards the ocean but before her form could disappear into the dark blue Appa swooped down and Zuko caught her in his arms, "no no no, Lilly, wake up, please." Zuko spoke softly as he held Lillian close to him fearing that she would disappear. Shin flew in beside them looking over at his sister's limb body in Zuko's arms, "Move, let me work on her." Katara said taking water from the ocean and closing Lillian's body entirely with water, "Is she..." Zuko started by was interrupted by Shin, "She's alive, but barley. You need to take her to the sky temple." Shin said slowly not taking his eyes off his sister. Appa landed by Aang and the other's, "It's all my fault... I should have listened to her when she said we should go," Aang said with tears in his eyes. Shin placed his hand firmly on the young Avatar's shoulder, "She's going to be fine." Shin said looking at Zuko who watch Katara heal Lillian's body, "You need to take her to the sky temple. There you will find Ling, she'll know what to do." Shin rushed. Everyone stared among each other, "how do we get there?" Sokka asked taking control of the matter, "Where dragons fear to fly and the ocean kiss the skies. Weeping willows Surround like a prison but offer protection, there the tenshi's fly and dance." Shin said poetically feeling proud that he remember the rhyme, "Uh... English?" Aang asked slightly annoyed, Shin's face fell, "Kids... Fly into the sun and when the ocean turns from blue to crystal clear you turn right to the mountain that looks like a giant lionturtle with long hair." Shin said before flying to help his brother. 

Everyone climbed on to Appa, "Lillian's clinging to life..." Katara whispered to Aang hoping that Zuko wouldn't hear her. Zuko sat with Lillian's head in his lap, "She's boiling, I'm afraid her blood is too hot for me to take my healing further... and water will just make it worse." Katara said a loud so everyone knew what Lillian's predicament is. Toph held onto Suki as Appa flew towards the sky Temple. Kasai rested his head by Zuko, 'You know what to do... I've showed you' Lillian's voice echoed in Zuko's head. 


Lillian awoke in the spirit world. The skies purple and all the odd creatures about the meadow. Lillian stood up and clenched her head, "Am I dead?" Lillian whispered to herself. Lillian looked over her shoulder to see if she could see any of the burn marks or any scars that she could have gotten from the lightning strike, "Yeah... I'm dead..." Lillian said as tears formed in her eyes, "I failed... If he got to me... It's not long before he gets everyone else..." Lillian sobbed.

"Lucy wasn't this emotional was she? I mean, she was a girl with all her problems but sheeesh!" Growled a familiar voice. Lillian lifted her head at the sound of the voice, "Zuko?" Lillian lifted into a standing position at the shadowed figure beneath the trees, "Nah, try again Princess, I'm more fun than that grouch, how his an offspring of my blood only the great spirits know." Said the voice again. The figure stepped out from the shadows revealing a tall strong built man with spikey pink hair and a large grin. Lillian's eyes grew wide, " your the dragon Prince... Igneel's son!" Lillian gasped falling into a respectful bow. Natsu growled, "get up. I never like that falling over stuff." Natsu stated as he walked closer, "So... Here you are. In the spirit world. And JUST when the love story was getting juicy!" Natsu groaned. Lillian raised her brow, "so I'm dead..." Lillian felt her heart burn, "I wanted to save my friends... Are they?" Lillian's eyes started to tear up. Natsu rolled his eyes, "you girls are always so emotional." Natsu sighed, "What do you expect from me!! I just died!" Lillian exploded causing her wings to ignite and blaze with orange flames. Natsu stepped back, "okay okay, bad joke... Sorry!" Natsu panicked. Lillian calmed down but her wings stayed on fire, "your not dead... Just in a coma!" Natsu said with a grin. Lillian felt her brow twitch, "and you only tell me this now!" Lillian raised her voice again. Natsu raised his hands in defense as he backed away slowly, "yeah, I mean... You have lightning running through your veins with no way out. Each time they circulate past your brain it puts you to sleep before you can wake up." Natsu stated igniting a flame in his hand taking the shape of a lightning bolt. Lillian gritted her teeth..." And you say it so calmly because?" Lillian tried to remain calm. Natsu grinned at the Blonde haired tenshi... "You'll see...."

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