The Desert

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Lillian fell asleep in Zuko's arms as they traveled back to Uncle, "I think we might be lost..." Zuko mumbled to himself. Lillian stirred as she slowly woke up, "No, we're on the right path..." Lillian said with yawn, as Lillian stretched her arms she received a sharp pain. Lillian placed her arms over her torso as Zuko pulled the Ostrich horse to a stop, "What happened there?" Zuko asked as he climbed down and lifted Lillian down, "I umm, got hurt in a fight." Lillian said quickly. Zuko nodded, "And then I redirected lightning which caused it to reopen." Lillian added. Zuko's mind went back to the night when Lee and Gansu were stuck in the burning barn, "What fight?" Zuko asked curiously. Lillian's eyes darted around as she tried to think about and excuse, "Uncle and I-" suddenly a tall figure walked out from behind some trees, "awww, look what we have here. A lost couple?" a hoarse voice said, Lillian's eyes widened as she watch Mac walk closer, "Lost on the road or Lost in their hearts?" Mac continued. Zuko took a defensive stance beside Lillian as she kept her eyes on Mac, "Either way, your lost... And I found you... my Princess" Mac hissed as he charged at Lillian in full speed, "Back off!" Lillian said as she jumped out the way, "get away from her!" Zuko barked as he sent a blast of fire at him, "Ah, the banished Prince, My Lady search's for you but yet she follows empty roads." Mac said with a mocking bow, "What are you talking about?" Lillian hissed. Mac raised his head and smirked, "My lady may be your foe now but soon she will be your redeemer my princess..." Mac said as he slowly walked towards Lillian. Zuko stood firm before Lillian, "Get. Back." Zuko growled, "Hmmm, the prince seems more like a protector. Will you die for her?" Mac said as he swung his body slightly that his formation of lightning was unnoticeable, Lillian's heart stood still, "Zuko he's-" Zuko took the stance his uncle had showed him, "I know Lilly." Mac allowed the static of the lightning to crackle and simmer, "Let's see what a Princess as her means to a banished Prince!" Mac growled as he shot the lightning at Zuko. Mac had an evil smirk which fell away as Zuko caught the lightning and slowly stepped forward to redirect it but it wasn't working. Lillian ran towards Zuko and grabbed his right hand and allowed the lightning to travel from his body to her own, "Impossible!" Mac growled. Lillian and Zuko nodded at each other before both of them took off running towards Mac, "STOP! CALLING! ME! YOUR PRINCESS!" Lillian yelled in between attacks as she and Zuko fought side by side. Zuko formed his fire daggers and began to swim his arms around as Lillian succeeded to trip him, "What do you want from us!?" Zuko ordered as Lillian stood above him holding his color with her fist raised, "Why me? Nothing... But My Lady wants everything you have to offer." Mac smirked, Lillian didn't like where things were, "Who is your lady?" Lillian questioned but suddenly Lillian and Zuko were blasted back by green flames, " Lilly!" Zuko yelled as he scrambled to catch her. Mac stood with his large blue wings exposed and his purple eyes glowing, "Remember... there are always eyes in the sky but never forget the ears on the ground." Mac said before he took off. Zuko covered Lillian's body from the dust as Mac flew away, "Who was that!?" Lillian asked Zuko dramatically. Hoping that her acting skills were great so that Zuko wouldn't suspect anything, "And why did he keep calling me his princess???" Lillian questioned. Zuko stared at Lillian shock, "I Thought you knew!" Zuko yelled. Lillian shook her head repeatedly, "No! Nope! I don't know psycho flying people!" Lillian argued but she was interrupted by Zuko, "Crest?" Lillian pressed her lips together, "He is not a psycho." Lillian said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Zuko rolled his eyes, "What ever... Let's go before that freak comes back" Zuko said as he climbed on to the Ostrich horse, "freak... yeah..." Lillian whispered hurt. Zuko noticed Lillian's hurt expression, "If I had to... and it meant that you would never get hurt... I would always..." Zuko said catching Lillian off guard. Lillian was confused but shook it off as she took Zuko's out stretched hand and he pulled her to sit in front of him.


Iroh was gathering all their things together once Lillian and Zuko arrived back to the camp site. Iroh gave the two firebender's a large smile, "What took you two so long?"Iroh asked curiously. Lillian rolled her eyes, "Grumpy here got lost!" Lillian teased. Zuko gave Lillian a death stare, "We were attacked by a tenshi who seems to have been hired by someone."Zuko said wary. Iroh's eyes widened in shock but as his eyes fell on Lillian he saw her damp bandage, "What on earth?" Iroh said as he approached Lillian, "What did you Do!?"Iroh said in a fatherly tone, "I redirected lightning. No biggy." Lillian said as shrugged her shoulders. Iroh's face was un-amused by Lillian's tone, "No biggy? What about this?"Iroh asked as he applied pressure on Lillian's wound causing her to yelp, "It's deep. You are forbidden from bending or training."Iroh said in a serious tone. Lillian opened her mouth to argue before Zuko shook his head, "Don't even try Lillian."Zuko stated with a small smile, "Ugh! Fine!"Lillian said as she pouted with her arms crossed over her chest. Zuko smirked at Lillian, "Let's clean those bandages before you complain about pain."Zuko said. Lillian smiled and nodded at Zuko before following him to the shelter.

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