Bitter Work

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Lillian sat in her lotus position beside Iroh. Her mind was clear and calm with each breath she took. The incense she had lit beside her filled the air around her and Iroh. Zuko sat on the other side of Lillian watching his uncle's pained expressions, "Lu Ten" Iroh's voice mumbled as a small smile appeared on his face. Lillian's eyes fluttered open and rested on Iroh as he began to wake up, "Uncle?" Lillian and Zuko spoke together. Lillian watched Zuko's face as a small smiled appeared, "You were unconscious. Azula did this to you." Zuko said as he helped Iroh sit up, "It was a surprise attack." Lillian added. Iroh winces in pain and holds his bandaged shoulder, "Somehow, that's not so surprising." Zuko shuffled around as he gathered three cups and poured some tea, "I hope I made it the way you like it." Zuko said as he handed Iroh and Lillian tea, "From when do you make tea?" Lillian asked with a raised brow. Iroh took a large sip of his tea but before he could swallow his face fell with disgust. Lillian placed her hand over her mouth as she tried to conceal her giggle, "Mmm, Good..." Iroh gagged. Lillian's smile disappeared when Zuko stared at her hopefully. Lillian looked down at her tea and saw that the green liquid was actually brown. Lillian swallowed the whole cup and tried her hardest not to gag, "T-thanks Zuko... That's ugh...great." Lillian said as she felt her face turn green. Zuko took Iroh's cup and refilled it as he reached his hand out for Lillian's cup she gave him an innocent smile, "I wouldn't want to finish Uncle's delicious tea." Lillian said. Iroh's eyes widened at Lillian's statement and caused him to stare at her, "Drink up Uncle!" Lillian cheered as she patted his back. Zuko took his own cup and began drinking with no emotion, "So uncle, I've been thinking. It's only a matter of time before I run into Azula again. I'm going to need to know more advanced firebending if I want to stand a chance against her. I know what you're going to say: she's my sister and I should be trying to get along with her. " Zuko said seriously. Iroh sat up, "No, she's crazy and she needs to go down. It's time to resume your training. " Iroh said to Zuko. Lillian crossed her arms over her chest, "His training can resume in two days. You are in no condition to train anyone Uncle." Lillian said in a matter of fact tone. Iroh's face became mischievous, "You are absolutely correct my dear. That's why you will be training him!" Iroh said with a grin. Zuko choked on his tea,

"She's what?" ,"I'm what?" Lillian and Zuko burst at the same time. Iroh just nodded his head, "I believe that you should teach Prince Zuko about lightning." Iroh said seriously. Lillian rushed up and waved her hands crazily, "I Can't teach him that! I-i mean, no one really taught me! Grandpa Ping showed me once!" Lillian stuttered. Iroh began making a new brew of tea. Zuko raised his brow at Lillian, "Then how do you know how to perform it?" Zuko asked curiously. Lillian began pacing, "Same way I learn many forms... By observing..." Lillian said. Iroh patted the cushion besides him, "Take a seat my dear." Lillian did as she was told, "Now, how would you describe the feeling of lightning and creating it?" Iroh asked proudly waiting for Lillian's answer. Lillian took a deep breath, " Lightning is a greater form of fire. You may not be able to see it but in a way you can feel it. It's a crazy feeling in your stomach like having too many spicy pancakes and your stomach feeling as if it's an erupting volcano. Once you feel that heat then you can form the lightening and then, Zap zap and pew pew!" Lillian explained as she used her fingers to demonstrate.

 Once you feel that heat then you can form the lightening and then, Zap zap and pew pew!" Lillian explained as she used her fingers to demonstrate

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