Packing up!

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Once Lillian arrived home, she went straight to her room. She didn't say anything or speak to anyone. Ping was worried about her, he even made her some of his famous fire flakes, but that didn't lift her spirits. Iroh watched as Ping tried to get through to his grand daughter but failed each time, he felt sorrow for both of them. Zuko's ship would be leaving at dawn and if Lillian wasn't ready then she'd be left behind.

Zuko sat outside in the courtyard meditating, with his eyes closed he replayed the memory of the fiery tornado that flew around Lillian and the villagers. She risked her life for them, she was quick and agile, thinking on her toes and taking action. Zuko smiled... She would make an excellent General for his crew. Something nudged Zuko against his back, when he turned around he saw Kasai looking at him with his ears down and a slight whimper escaping his mouth as he looked from Zuko to Lillian's bedroom window. "I guess you want me to try and talk to her?" Kasai's ears perked up, he licked Zuko's hand and went to lay down near the stables. Zuko stood up and dusted himself off. He decided to walk to Lillian's bedroom window to make sure that she was still in her room, as he got closer and closer he heard her voice... 'Was she singing?' Zuko couldn't believe how calm her voice made him feel, he lifted his head to the sun as he listened to her, suddenly she stopped.

"What are you doing?" Lillian asked.

"Listening to you, you sing beautifully." Zuko said as he placed his hand by his neck.

"Thanks... When do we leave?"

"At Dawn"

"oh... Ok, well I'm done packing, just need to get Kasai's things and then I'm ready"

"Kasai's things?" Zuko asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, he's coming too. Isn't he?" Lillian gave Zuko puppy dog eyes.

Lillian stared at Zuko, and he stared back but failing to be as intimidating as her. With his eyebrow twitching Zuko gave in "Ugh! Fine!"

Lillian jumped out of her window and bowed to Zuko " Thank you Prince Zuko". Lillian turned to make her way back to her room but Zuko took Lillian by the arm and started walking to the beach, "Zuko? Where are we going?" Lillian asked as she was being pulled along. Zuko didn't say a word until they were in the beach.
He let go of her arm and stood in a fighting stance facing her. Lillian raised her brow "What are you doing?" Zuko blasted a fire ball at her feet, Lillian jumped back and took her stance. Zuko smirked as fire started to form around his arms, "To be general of my crew and soon an army of the Fire Nation, I need to test your fighting and bending abilities."
Lillian smiled and charged at Zuko, she leapt into the air and blasted fire out of her feet, Zuko rolled on the floor to dodge Lillian's attack. Lillian landed in front of Zuko, Zuko flung his leg forward and tripped Lillian as she fell on her back Zuko leaped up and spun his legs around creating a ring of fire around him. Lillian kicked her self up and jumped over the ring of fire landing on top of Zuko. She flung him over and held his arm behind his back and pinned him to the ground. Lillian released his arm and stood up, Zuko turned on his back and looked at Lillian shocked, she was an amazing bender, and didn't even break a sweat, she reached out her hand to help him up. Zuko smiled and took her hand, as he got up he realized how much taller he was than her, he looked straight at her forehead. " Thank you..." Lillian whispered, Zuko smiled at her, she looked better and seemed more relaxed. " Anytime" Zuko made his way back to the house while Lillian took a walk to the cliff side.

Zuko can never know her secret, not until she can fully trust him again. Lillian stood at the edge of the cliff, her toes curled over the end of the rock, "One last time to feel the breeze, before I get on the ship..." Lillian said with a smile. Lillian turned so that her back was facing the ocean, she stretched out her arms and fell back. During Lillian's fall, white flames formed around her fists, she rotated her body so that the flames were all around her, then... She rolled her shoulders back and released her large white wings. She soared the skies through the clouds, flying as high as she could until she felt like nothing could touch her, then she dived down, bring her wings as close to her body as possible she felt her eyes burn from the wind. The ground was getting closer and just before she touched the ground she opened her wings and lifted up towards the Sky again.

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