The Prince and Angel

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As the day went by, Zuko and Lillian sat on the balcony the whole time. Ping and Iroh only heard the laughter and gasps from the two children. Lillian stomped around the table placing her fingers at the side of her head displaying "horns?" Iroh asked Ping as he noticed what Lillian was doing. Ping looked up from pouring the tea and looked at her, he smiled and continued pouring, "She's telling him about the time she and Kasai were chased by a herd of Mooselions, she's a wild one Iroh, just like Scarlet." Ping said with slight pain in his voice. Iroh looked at his friend, his wife had left 3 years ago. Iroh took a sip of his tea as he heard Zuko laughing, he watched the two again and smiled "Has she shown any special traits?" Iroh asked, Ping looked at him shocked but then calmed down and nodded, "But I fear her destiny is too great for such a spirit, at least that's 14 years away." Ping said. Iroh nodded "Ping, Zuko and Lillian's destinies are tightly intertwined, whether we like it or not. And besides, maybe Lillian's destiny will change with Zuko by here side." Iroh spoke full of love for both children.


As Lillian watched Zuko perform some firebending forms, she noticed that the ocean was calm and looked very inviting. Once Zuko was done he bowed and Lillian clapped her hands. "That was amazing! Soooooo? Do you have swimming trunks?" Lillian asked Zuko who was flexing his arms with a smile, his smile diapered at Lillian's question. "uh... yeah, why?" Lillian jumped up and ran to her room, as she ran down the hall she yelled "Last one on the beach has to clean up the turtleseal enclosure. Zuko's face filled with disgust as he ran to get changed. Ping and Iroh broke out in laughter at the young Prince's reaction.

*time skip 5 min*

The beach was peaceful, the ocean sparkled and the seagulls pecked at the empty shells. Suddenly... a huge dust cloud was approaching, and in that dust cloud was The Prince and The Angel. Lillian was running behind Zuko, when she got close enough she tripped him and jumped over him, as Lillian's foot landed on the floor Zuko pushed up with his arms and swung his legs around kicking Lillian causing her to trip. Both children lay on the floor laughing, Zuko stood up and helped Lillian up. Zuko and Lillian walked towards a shaded area where Kasai was laying in, the lionshark lifted his head slightly and opened an eye to see who was approaching. Kasai started closing his eye but lifted his head quickly. He started to growl at Zuko and got up slowly hunching his shoulder's. Zuko had a worried look on his face when he looked at the Lionshark "Um...L-lilly! Why is he growling at m-me?" Zuko asked terrified. Lillian was staring at the ground blushing "M-maybe it's because your holding m-my hand." Lillian stuttered. As Zuko realized that he was still holding onto Lillian's hand he released it straight away placing his hand behind his head blushing.

"Let's go swim!"Lillian said as she started walking to the ocean. Zuko and Lillian stood waist high in the water. "Do you ever miss the capital?" Zuko asked as he waded in a bit deeper. Lillian watched Zuko "No, the only thing I miss about the Capital is you,"Lillian answered. Zuko watched Lillian as she ran her fingers through the water, 

"Do you miss your Father?"


"But his your Father?"

Lillian sighed " A Father doesn't send his daughter away after she has lost her mother and her brothers, he is suppose to protect me, care for me... L-love me" Lillian sucked in her breath, tears were coming.

Zuko looked at Lillian with sadness, as he reached for her hand she pulled away and walked out of the water, " And your Mother?" Lillian stood still, she started shaking.

" Everyday..." she whispered. 

Lillian whistled for Kasai and jumped on his back and ran back home...

"Lilly! Wait!"Zuko yelled and started running after her, but she was long gone. Zuko kicked the sand and mumbled to himself before walking up to the main house.

Lillian ran through the doors with her face in her hands. She slammed her door shut and dressed in dry clothes before falling to her knees, not matter what she did trying to get her mind of things, she couldn't, Her Mother was dead, Her Brothers Disappeared and Her Father didn't care about her. Lillian started to whisper..

Do not shed your crystal tears

take a breath and know that I am here.

Look up at the bright, blue, endless sky,

Take a breath and know that it is time to fly.

Today will be tomorrow's yesterday,

So roll back your shoulders and fly, fly away...


Iroh placed his hand on Zuko's shoulder as he walked into the room they were staying in, "What happened nephew?" Zuko crossed his arms over his chest and blew steam out of his nose, "I don't know! I was asking her about the Capital and General Thorn, and then she just stormed off!!!" Iroh looked down at the floor " I believe that her life in the Capital is a life that she is trying to forget, that is why she is here. But, you may be able to remove the thorn from the stem of the rose but the scar will always remain. She will speak to you when she is ready nephew." Iroh said with his eyes sad but his voice full of wisdom. Zuko nodded and turned in for the night. 

Lillian walked out to the balcony and climbed up to sit on the railing. Kasai was sitting next to her, he was growing by the day. Lillian smiled at her pet and then snuggled him. " Lilly?" Zuko's voice whispered. Lillian jumped off the railing and stood infront of him, "I'm sorry about running away earlier..." Lillian spoke slowly, "I didn't want you to see me cry." Zuko looked at his friend before embracing her, "Lilly, I'm your friend, whether you cry, scream or never even say anything to me,  I can still help..."Lillian smiled at Zuko. 

"Do you miss your mother Zuko?"

Zuko took a step back "Yes, I wish that she was still here."

"Me too... I wish they both were" Lillian whispered

Lillian and Zuko went back to bed but never noticed that Ping stood there watching them. He stroked his beard. Lillian was weak around Zuko, she was vulnerable around him. Ping made his way back to his room, "Maybe Iroh was right... My dear Fire Lilly, please... always keep your guard up no matter who it is. Your greatest enemy can turn out to be your closet friend..."Ping whispered to himself.


There you go, another chapter done.

The pic in the media is something I drew quickly. Just so that you have more or less an idea of how Lillian looks. Just her hair a bit darker and I will post one with her eyes once i'm done.

Thanks so much for all the readers and comments  

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