The Earth King

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(an does it post the full chapter? I seem to be having problems? It's over 3000 words...)

The sun was rising as a start of a new day came in the City of Ba sing Sai. Lillian laid on her bed with her arms tucked under her pillow clenching it tight against her body. Lillian snuggled her face flat into the pillow and tried pulling it closer but it wouldn't budge, "" Lillian mumbled softly kicking the lionshark.

Zuko slept on his back with his right arm over his eyes and his pillow at his side. For some reason his left side was getting extremely hot. Zuko yawned as he felt something shuffle closer to his body and bump his legs, "dumb cat...I told you to stay out of my room." Zuko groaned as he opened his eyes.

When Zuko opened his eyes he realized that he wasn't in his room but in Lillian's. Zuko's eyes fell on the girl sleeping beside him. Her long blonde hair was all over and she had both her arms wrapped around his torso. Lillian's legs were tangle with his and her head laid just perfectly on his shoulder. Zuko leaned down and placed a soft kiss on the crown of Lillian's head and pulled her even closer.

Zuko stared at the beautiful girl beside him. Lillian had only her under garments on but he didn't care. Zuko took in her beautiful toned body and smooth skin. How can one girl make everything so perfect? Zuko softly began stroking Lillian's back so that she would wake up, "Lilly"  Zuko whispered gently. Lillian mumbled something about 5 minutes and then turned around facing the wall. Zuko started to roll his eyes but instead they found Lillian's scars. Her scars on her lower back almost took the form of a fire Lilly from how the flames spread on her back when she was attacked. For some odd reason... This made Zuko smirk at the thought of 'Fire Lilly' which was mainly the nick name that Uncle Iroh and her Grandfather gave her without a thought. The scars under Lillian's shoulder blades made Zuko frown. These scars were not like any other he has seen on anyone. They didn't seem to be from any form of blade. You would think that it could have been from a waterbender but no... This seems that it's stayed the same color and shape for as long as he could remember. Zuko couldn't even recall if Lillian had these scars when they were kids or even before he met her. But he knew that he wanted to figure out how she got them and why they were glowing that night on the mountain after she redirected lightning. Zuko moved closer to Lillian and wrapped his arm around her before nudging her ear with his nose, "Lilly...we need to get up." Zuko whispered as he kissed her right beneath her ear before moving to her jaw line, "mmm, is this your way of getting me out of bed or to stay in bed?" Lillian mumbled with a smile. Zuko rolled his eyes before getting up and looking for his clothes. Lillian watched each movement Zuko made as he pulled on his pants and began moving things around in search of his shirt, "Looking for something?" Lillian giggled as she put Zuko's shirt on, "Hey, that's mine!" Zuko whined. Lillian gave Zuko a devilish grin, "Come and get it..." Lillian whispered as she stood on her bed. Zuko stormed towards her and tried to grab Lillian's legs but missed as she jumped over his shoulders. Lillian ran out of her room into the kitchen, "What's the matter? Can't you catch a girl?" Lillian giggled as she faced the door waiting for Zuko to come after her. Zuko rushed to the door way and placed his hands on either side of the door frame, "Come on Lilly! What if Uncle comes back early?" Zuko asked nervously looking around the apartment, "Then you better hurry up and catch me then." Lillian said as she twirled around causing his shirt to lift and reveal her bare thighs and green underwear. Zuko felt his face heat up and watched as Lillian danced around humming, "slow poke, la la la aaahhh!" Lillian yelled when Zuko gripped her hand and pulled her with full force towards his chest, "My shirt." Zuko demanded as he held Lillian with one arm and the other out stretched for his shirt, "Your no fun." Lillian said with a pout. Zuko wiggled his fingers causing Lillian to roll her eyes, "Fine." Lillian began pulling the shirt off but stopped when Zuko suddenly scooped her up in his arms, "Hey what's the big idea!?!?" Lillian exclaimed while she tried to pull the shirt off faster, "Shhh! and hurry up!" Zuko growled as he kept his eyes on the door, "Lillian! Prince Zuko!" Iroh called, "Oh shoot!" Lillian squealed as she pulled the shirt off and threw it to Zuko as he rushed out of her room, "Good morning Prince Zuko." Iroh said with a small mischievous smile. Zuko's face fell as he realized he was too late, "I'm sure you and Lillian slept well." Iroh added as he started his tea. Zuko felt as if he was firebending from his face, "We... uh we never um..." Zuko stammered causing Iroh to snicker, "We Didn't sleep! we uh, were up all night talking!" Zuko said embarrassed. Lillian face palmed, "Better go save his ass." Lillian mumbled as she put on her own clothes. Lillian hopped out of the room while she was putting her shoes on, "Good morning Uncle!" Lillian called while walking to the cabinets to get the cups ready, "good morning my dear. Did you sleep well?" Iroh asked with smile, "Yes, having Zuko there really helped me ease my restless nights that I've been having." Lillian said with a wink at Zuko. Iroh burst out laughing at Zuko's defeated face, "I'm glad to hear that." Iroh said with a loving smile. Zuko raised his head and smiled at Lillian and Iroh, "I'm glad that you and Lady Lillian finally came to your senses about your feelings for each other." Iroh said as he began packing somethings in a box, "What do you mean 'finally' Uncle?" Zuko asked a bit confused. Lillian rose her brow also curious to hear Iroh's answer, "Oh come now nephew..." Iroh said sarcastically, "The way you two acted around each other. The longing looks and secret smiles. It was obvious from the start of your friendship that there would be more..." Iroh said peeking over his shoulder at the two young bender's. Lillian and Zuko's eyes locked for a moment before Lillian blushed and turn her attention back to the tea, "So Zuko, would you mind helping your 'girlfriend' with the tea so that we can discuss our moving plans." Iroh suggested taking a seat. Lillian's eyes widened, 'girlfriend?' Lillian repeated in her mind, "Uh actually Uncle... I'm not his girlfriend." Lillian stuttered embarrassed, "Your not?" Iroh and Zuko exclaimed. Iroh was surprised and Zuko shocked, "Well, not yet..." Lillian said nervously as she began twirling her hair in her finger, "You haven't really asked me..." Lillian added in a rush and shrugged her shoulder's. Iroh raised his brow and gazed at the young prince's confused face that slowly fell into a small smile, "Okay then..." Zuko said walking towards Lillian, "How about we go for a walk today after all the packing is done?" Zuko said sweetly causing Lillian to giggle, "Sure, I'd love to." Lillian said. Zuko nodded and went to his and Iroh's room to pack his things. Iroh smiled at Lillian as she stared at the empty space at where Zuko only stood moments ago, "The smile of young love... It is visible in the eyes and felt in the heart." Iroh said as he sipped his tea, "Is that a proverb uncle?" Lillian asked as she sat across from Iroh, " Not a proverb. It's what I see before my own eyes. I always knew you too would be more than friends." Iroh said. Lillian nodded before holding her crystal and thinking deeply about what she needed to do, "I need to tell him before this goes to far..." Lillian whispered. Iroh nodded in understanding, "It went too far when you took the first step out of friendship." Iroh said worriedly, "Don't let him wait forever and find out by someone other than you." Iroh said placing his hand on Lillian's knee, "What if he doesn't care as strongly for me and I tell him... and he he..." Lillian felt the tears form in her eyes, "My dear... Your father would always tell his men that 'Respect is earned, Honesty is appreciated, Love is gained and Loyalty is returned.' keep that in mind and your mind and heart will make the right decision." Iroh said softly. Zuko walked into the room carrying a small bundle of clothes, "Where should I pack this Uncle?" Zuko asked hastily, "I'm going to get a few things from Ling. I'll be back in an hour." Lillian said quickly standing up and kissing Zuko on the cheek and hugging Iroh, "I'll meet you there for our walk!" Zuko called out.

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