Chapter Seven

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"Tyler?" I called. I could've sworn he came in here.

The bathroom was vacant except for one door that was locked, however, no feet were visible underneath it.
Heavy breathing came from the locked door.

It took a long time of waiting until Tyler came out (of the closet amirite) of the bathroom stall, but finally, he gave in.


He looked scared by my unexpected appearance.
"Better start heading to class. I think we both have geography." I smiled softly, a gesture in which he copied before walking out of the bathroom and toward the classroom, as the bell was going to ring in a few minutes.

Suddenly, Tyler made a grunt before falling to the ground.
"Tyjo! Watch out." I said, helping him up.
"What's that?" I asked.
"Nothing." He said defensively, pulling his hand away from mine.

In my point of view, it almost looked like blood.

"No." He mumbled.
"Excuse me?"
"Stop it, Josh!" He cried.
"S-Stop what?"
"Stop talking to me, Josh."
"What? Why?"

He rushed into the classroom.

I caught Tyler humming again in geography.
"And if I said that I would live for you,
For nothing in return,
Well I'm sorry Mr. Gullible,
But lying's all I've learned so be concerned." He sang quietly.

The day went by very quickly and I didn't catch sight of Tyler until the next day.

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