Twenty One

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(spicing it up with a different POV)
Ashley >> 

"You have to. You two would look so cute together!" My best friend Melanie said.
"Tyler's only next door, Mel and I could go get him and ask him." I suggested.
"Whatever." Said Josh.
Mel, Brendon and I all squealed with joy.
"I'll text him," I suggested, opening kik to find that Tyler had texted me first.
I added the rest of them to a group chat, then headed over to Tyler's house with Melanie.

Just as we were about to knock, we saw Tyler's head poke out his bedroom window, leaving us giggling.
"Don't knock!" He whisper shouted.
I noticed he had a black eye, and so did Mel, by the way she questioned it so quickly.
"What's with the black eye?" She asked.
"I'll tell you later," he said, jumping out of his window and onto his front lawn.
"Tyler?" I started, hoping Mel would catch on.
"Will you go out with Josh?" Melanie asked, blushing.
"Ok." Was his answer, and it was so simple, but we still got over excited.

"Come on!" I practically shrieked, dragging him to Josh's house next door.

Brendon was at the front door.
"What'd he say?"

"Oh my god! Yes!" He said, hugging Tyler and leading him up the stairs to Josh's bedroom.
"What should the ship name be?" Melanie asked as we slowly followed Brendon and Tyler up the stairs.
"Hmm." I put some thought into it.

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