Chapter Seventeen

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My favourite class was next, science. It wasn't my favourite because of the subject, quite frankly, I hated doing science. But I got to see Patrick in science class.

"Joshie!" Patrick kissed me on the lips, smiling like a dork. 

Before the class, not in the middle of the class or anything.

"Patrick! What the fuck!" A voice behind me startled us both.
Patrick turned around.
"He kissed me!" Patrick blurted to him.
I knew this guy. Ryan Ross, Brendon's ex. Classic dickhead.

I thought he was just messing around, trying to cause unneeded drama, so I just ignored it.

"No, cutie, you kissed me." I bopped his nose and he returned an angry glare.
"Patrick Vaughn Stump. You're cheating," he stared blankly.
"Wait, what is going on?" I chimed in.

"This asshole is cheating on either me or you."
"It's not what you guys think it is." Patrick said defensively.
Ryan pinned him to the wall.
"Then what is it, Patrick?"
"Fuck you, Patrick."
"I second that."
And then Ryan and I walked away.

"Wait guys, class is this way!" Patrick called.
Ryan turned around and stuck his middle finger at Patrick, and he was so concentrated on glaring at Patrick in the opposite direction, that he ran straight into an unusually happy Tyler Joseph.
A/N: i should edit this shit

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