Chapter Nine

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Walking home, I took the usual route. From school to my old school to home. I usually walk there everyday, even when it rains. It's kind of to remember my only friend that I ever had, Spencer Smith. (I had to. I'm extremely not sorry)
Than into the forest to my old treehouse. It was burnt down now. I burnt it down.

" you find you're not who you're supposed to be?
This is not what you're supposed to see
Please, remember me. I am supposed to be a King of a kingdom or swinging on a swing
Something happened to my imagination
This situation's becoming dire
My tree house is on fire
And for some reason I smell gas on my hands
This is not what I had planned
This is not what I had planned." I sang with more emotion than I intended to.

I turned around.
"What the hell are you doing in the forest?" Patrick asked.
"I could ask you the same question." I sighed.
"I'm at my old tree house." I said.
"Old? You're never too old for a treehouse!" He exclaimed and grinned like a child.
"I burnt it down."
"Oh." His face dropped.
"Why the hell would you burn your tree house down?"
"I'll tell you if you tell me why you're in the forest."
"There's no good way to answer that."
"Answer it anyway."
"Uh-I-I-uh I saw you uh weren't going the right way s-so uh I uh followed you to make s-sure you're okay, and man, that was some workout." He covered up with a smile.
"Okay I'm fine, now go away."
"What do you do here?" Patrick asked, avoiding going home for some reason.

"I write."
"Can I read some?"
"I mean, I don't really like people reading my stuff, sorry dude."

He gave me puppy eyes.
"fine. Alright. But you won't get any of the lyrics. Because they came from me."
I didn't really want to show him, but I guess he wouldn't tell anyone.
I passed him the book.

"Spending hours on end, deciding what I'd say to a friend if I ever saw him again Cause I don't if I know, don't want to come across the wrong way and I don't know if I know, but I know I want to see your face today
And somebody told me they saw you cry and break down
Do you know how hard that is to get around and think about?
It's not like you to let emotions get the best of things." He passed me the book back. It was a little embarrassing to hear him say the lyrics out loud.
"Is this the song you were singing at school?" He asked.
I nodded.
"You don't have to answer, but what's it about. It's amazing."
"My friend that died. He-He c-committed suicide." I mumbled.
"He fucking died!" I scream at the top of my lungs.


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