Chapter Twenty Three

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Tyler >>

It's not like Brendon Urie had just mentioned my best friend, who helped me through my depression, but I couldn't help him enough.
Oh wait, it was exactly that.

"I - I - yeah, why?"
"Are you still friends with him?" Brendon asked.
He doesn't know.
"I guess."
"How is he?"
"Very dead." I mumbled.
"He's dead, Brendon, he committed suicide. He's dead. He's gone." My eyes filled with tears.


"He's fucking dead! Get it through your thick head! He died! He's gone!"

"and he's not coming back." I mumbled. 

At this point, everyone was staring at me in shock.

Josh gave me a comforting hug.

Even Brendon started tearing up.
We all ended up in one big group hug with the forever lingering silence.
It was the comfortable silence, one that was very rare to me.

"Ashley." I whispered.
She jolted upwards.

"What do you want, Tyler?" She whispered tiredly, still careful not to wake the others up.
"Do you have a rubber band? I forgot mine."
"Okay, but can we go outside first?"
"Alright. Don't wake them up."
We tip toed out of the lounge room where three mattresses and a lounge lay, covered in our sleeping friends.

We sat on Josh's back verandah.
"Here." She said, handing me a rubber band.
I snapped it on my wrist and moved it a few times so it would burn.
"Thank you, Ash."
"Look at the stars Tyjo."
"They're gorgeous."
"What are you doing?" Josh asked, joining us on the verandah.
"Looking at all the stars." Ashley replied without hesitation.
"I saw you guys get up, I was still awake.
"My Grandma used to tell me to look at the stars and just think about everything when you're sad. It worked until a few months ago. I just stopped being sad."

"What do you mean you stopped being sad?" Josh asked.
"Well, once you're sad for so long or you've been hurt too much, you just stop feeling sad. You just feel empty. You feel numb."

Josh sat down next to me and kissed my cheek.
"I love you, Tyler."
"You too." I replied.
"Joshler action up in here." Said ash.
"Tyler," he said, getting up.
"Promise me you won't do anything stupid."
"I promise, Josh."
"Okay, I'll go back to bed. Goodnight guys."
And with that, he walked back out to the lounge room.
"It's funny." Ashley said, looking past me.
"I swear I saw smoke coming from next door."

A/N: disloyal order of water buffalos

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