Chapter Thirty Three

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'dear josh,
let me tell you a story. It's my favourite.
There once was a young boy who lived with his older brother, his dad and his mom. The boy didn't have any friends.
One day the brother had took the boy to a special place. It was the brothers favourite place. A small treehouse shared between them.
Near the treehouse was a pond where the boy and the brother went after school to skip rocks.
One day, they stayed a little too late.
When they came home, their mother was still at work and the father was under the influence of drugs and had been drinking lots of alcohol.
He started hitting the two boys a lot. Then he pushed the brother off of a balcony during his high.
The brother died, leaving the boy sad.
A few years later, the boy started high school where he met his first friends.
A girl and a boy.
Their names were spencer and jenna.
One day, Jenna asked the boy if she could be his girlfriend.
The boy said yes.
They really loved each other until one day when a new boy named Ryan Ross moved to town. Ryan and a few of his friends got drunk at a party and kidnapped Jenna.
They did all sorts of horrible things to her.
Jenna ran away and the boy never saw her again.
Ryan had moved schools.
At least he still had one friend, Spencer.
Him and spencer were really close. They had a lot of memories, sad and happy. The boy even trusted him enough to show him his tree house, the place that only he and his brother knew about.
One day, Spencer started making friends with other kids, but then he stopped and became very distant. The boy knew something was wrong, so he went to Spencer's house after school and found him pressing a silver blade to his wrist.
When he asked why, Spencer had told him that he was being bullied and he wasn't happy with the way he looked, so committing self harm seemed to help him.
The boy was also going through a rough time filled with bullying, self hate and abuse, but he was convinced that you could get through it without self harming.
One day, the boy had enough. He was so fat and ugly and hurt and sad that he couldn't take it anymore.
He pushed a blade against his wrist. At first it hurt, but it felt good and it soon became a regular thing.
The boy went for a walk when he saw an ambulance. He lived in a small town so there werent many ambulance drivers, police or problems there.
It caught the boys attention, so he followed it into the hospital.
The thing that hurt him the most was that when they dragged the bed out of the car, he noticed something. That was Spencer in the ambulance.
Spencer had committed suicide.
The boy now had no friends and was bullied more than ever.
His mom realised he had become depressed without his friends and his brother, so they moved houses into a new neighbourhood.
The mom was thrilled to have a few boys ask about him.
The boy didn't want to go anywhere with them, because he was convinced that he didn't need friends and he didn't like talking to people.
His mother made him, as she thought it would be good for him.
We went to a cinema and the boy met some new friends including a boy with dyed red hair.
The boy liked the red hair boy, Josh, but was too afraid to tell him as josh was already dating another boy.
One day, they broke up, because the Josh's boyfriend had cheated on him.
The boy met two new friends who helped him speak up and be a better person.
One day, the two friends asked if the boy wanted to be Josh's boyfriend. The boy was overjoyed.
Josh became the boys new best friend, but the boy was still being bullied.
That night, one of his friends noticed smoke coming from his house. The boy ran to the house and saved his mother, but it was too late.
The father had once again, murdered someone he loved.
The boy and Josh were happy together.
Josh helped the boy come out of his shell.
One night, the boy was sad. He didn't want to be on the earth anymore.
He thought of a plan.
He wanted to see Josh one more time, so he asked to borrow his car, knowing that Josh would come.
The boy had to do the hardest thing he's ever done before. And that was to tell Josh to forget about him.
It hurt him and the boy was sure that it hurt Josh.
The boy committed suicide and left a note in the treehouse for Josh, in case he couldn't forget.
Because, dear Joshua, forgetting is the hardest thing to do.
I love you and I hope you live a happy life and forget about me. Put this note in your top dresser drawer never to be seen again and move on.
I'm sorry it has to be like this, but I know for a fact that I will see you again.
Don't you dare blame yourself, because there was nothing you could do.
I've left you my song book that I wrote in. You'll find lyrics and stories, and maybe you could use them and make money from them. I couldn't, because I was too afraid. Too afraid of myself.
I hope you look at the stars tonight and I hope you're not alone.
Forever yours,
Tyler xoxo'

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