Chapter Twenty Two

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"Are you sure?"
"Yeah," I answered. "My parents won't get back until Monday."
"Okay, cool."

Brendon, Melanie, Ashley, and Tyler were all going to sleep over.
All but Tyler went away to grab clothes and things.
"So, boyfriend, what do you want to do?" He smiled.
"Do you like Mario kart?" I smirked.

"You're cheating, Josh!" Tyler exclaimed, leaving me with laughter.
Melanie busted into the room.
"Joshua William Dun! You've been in a relationship for half an hour! You fucking liar! Don't you dare!" She yelled.
"Melanie, chill. He means at Mario kart. 'Cause I'm the best."
She blushed. "Sorry," she mumbled.
We laughed, but Tyler's was kind of forced.

"Truth or dare...Tyler."
"I can't be bothered to get up so truth." He said.
"What's do you use that old notebook for? A diary?" Brendon asked.
He went pale.
"I-uh-I write music in there."
Melanie's eyes lit up.
"No way! So do me and Ashley! Oh my god! Can you show us?"
Tyler looked slightly uncomfortable.
"Can I hear your music first?" He asked.

"They call you cry baby, cry baby, but you don't fucking care! Cry baby, cry baby, so you laugh through your tears." Melanie's voice was very good.
At the end of the song, she was grinning and we all clapped as if we were at a small concert.
"I used to get bullied, because I was really sensitive so, that's when I started writing songs." She told us.

"Tyjo, you're next!"

He looked really uncomfortable and scared, but it slowly went away as he sang.
"Enough about you, let's talk about me and how everybody thinks I'm just so free
Free? Did you hear the verse that came first
And how my own body's waging war on me?
I bet you didn't know something as absurd, There's a word that is said more than any other word
It's sorry, sorry." His voice was absolutely astonishing and he sung with so much emotion.
He sat down and everyone was silent. 

"Sorry, it's not real good." He mumbled.
"No Tyler, it's amazing." He leaned against me and I put my arm around him, putting my head on top of his.
"That was so good." Ashley was amazed.
"Tyler?" Brendon started.
"I've heard some of those words before. The ones in the second verse."
"Do you know Spencer Smith?"

A/N: more like did you know Spencer smith amirite
I am sorry

im a horrible person THAT WAS A BAD JOKE FUJC

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