Chapter Fourteen

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"Where are we? We're going to get lost, Tyler!"
I laughed.
"We're in a forest. And I know exactly where to go."
"Wait why are we in a forest?"
"Follow me!" I exclaimed.
I led him to my old treehouse.
"It's a tree. Very surprising." He said sarcastically.
"It's my old treehouse."
"Can we turn my torch on? I can't see a thing, I don't know how you can see anything at all."
"I can't," I replied. "I spend a lot of time in this forest so I know where things are."
"So we aren't going to get raped?" He joked.
"Not funny. Don't." I frowned.
"Geez, way to darken the mood."
"Are you going to put your torch on?" I asked, getting agitated from all the talking.
"Yeah, yeah, okay."

His torch was weak, but made it at least four times easier to see.
"It's all burnt." Josh simply stated, shining the torch on the tree.
"Come up!" I said, climbing up what was left of the ladder and I say in the rubble.
He followed me up and then shined the torch on a part of the charcoaled wood.
He looked confused as he stared at the engraved letters:


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