Chapter Twenty

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I gulped and took a deep breath before opening the door.
"Tyler! You're home!" My Dad called with a sick, twisted grin.
He had a cigarette in hand.
"You didn't tell me you were going somewhere."
He slammed the door shut and dragged me to the lounge room.
"You know what the consequences are for that, Tyler, don't you?"

He pinned me to the wall, took a deep drag and blew the smoke into my face, over and over again, leaving me chocking.
In his other hand was my Athsma inhaler, which he threw on the ground and stomped on.
"Need to breathe?" He asked, smiling.
I nodded.

"Too bad." He said, adding emphasis on the word too, taking the chance to breathe more smoke in my face.

He stopped after five whole minutes of that and let me go.
With a few punches, of course.
He went easy on me today.
I ran to my bedroom, still chocking and locked the door.
I opened my bedside drawer and used my spare inhaler, then texted Ashley.
Tylerrjoseph: hey
Iamashley: hey what's wrong
Tylerrjoseph: don't worry it's nothing too bad
< Iamashley added spookyjim and breadbagurine to the chat. >
Spookyjim: hey it's Josh
Tylerrjoseph: hey
Breadbagurine: where's mel
Crybabymel: idk where is she
Breadbagurine: there you are
Iamashley: Tyjo why'd you leave :(
Tylerrjoseph: it doesn't matter
Crybabymel: come over we r all at Joshs house
Tylerrjoseph: I don't think my dad will let me
Crybabymel: idgaf I'm coming over right now to get you
Crybabymel logged out

A/N day three:
It's been three days since my first encounter with undyne the undying on a video game called undertale and I still haven't beaten her
This is my suicide note actually gonna kms because of this bitch
(I'm not gonna kms but I'm pretty close to it)

edit: i beat undyne but now i can't beat sans.

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