1. Melbourne Elites

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"Do you want me to change? I'll fucking leave it all behind! I'll change eveything about myself, for you!" He yelled at me in exasperation, his green eyes glazed over with tears that threatened to escape.

I growled, replying with the same tone of voice, " I shouldn't have to ask you to change!"

"Anakin, why won't you just give me a chance?" He asked.

I replied to him. "Because you can't change! You can use your dad's money to make yourself look like you have class, but you'll always be a delinquent! I could never love someone like you. Ever." I added with a glare, "And you know I hate to be called Anakin."

"You can't or you won't allow yourself to? Annie, I know you love me too." His green orbs stared directly into my ice blue ones. He took a step in my direction and his right hand reached out to caress my cheek.

I swatted his hand away and stepped back, raising my chin up proudly. "I don't mix myself with people of an inferior class."

"I'm sorry I don't fit into the category you find worthy to date. I'm sorry I'm not part of the Melbourne Elites in this fucking city." He said bitterly and then turned to walk away. Pausing half way, he added, "You might think me stupid, but I won't give up on us."

"There is no us." I said, and soon he was out of sight.

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