chapter 6: finding love

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*Harry's POV*

todays my first day here in the high school and whats even better, I get to go to my first class with Emily!! she's so perfect, shes beautiful. Emily and me walk through the hallways trying to get to class but its a little hard considering we had to stop at least 10 times for me to sign some autographs and take some pictures but the best part of walking was to be next to Emily. I will always protect her and care for her cuz shes a very special girl to me, I don't know why but shes different then all the other girls ive dated or liked!! her body is perfect, its fun watching her walk cuz she moves perfectly!

" so are you happy that im here in your high school with you, forever till well the end of this year?"

" well I guess so, I like having your presence beside me, you make me feel special and protected but ya I know I sound stupid saying that" when shes talking to me she flips her hair and god she looked so hot doing it

" no, your not being stupid, its true you are special and I am here to protect you and love you cuz your an amazing girl who deserves a guy like me beside you!"

" wow thank, I never knew you could be so cute and romantic like that Harry. you made me feel special hehe" she giggles and it makes her even cuter.

a minute later we arrive to class and we both take a seat in some desks and then a minute or 2 later, Emma's crush Jon appears and takes a seat next to me, but I already know Jon cuz hes from Forever in your Mind like Emery and Ricky are.

" Harry this is Jon, but you must already know him right?" she asks and smiles while pointing to both of us to introduce ourselves.

" ya  I know Harry, were like best friends but I came here to high school before any of them realized they wanted to do anything to change there lives. I left back and came here" Jon said

" always the same Jon, you haven't changed a bit buddy. nice to see you again!" I said while patting his back and smiling

while we wait for the teacher to come we just keep talking about life and stuff like girls, our careers, and partying. a few minutes later the teacher arrives and we begin class. luckily were not doing any dissecting today cuz I did not want to touch any frogs on my first day so instead were just taking some notes.

when class is over, its our period to go have lunch so me and Emily decide to eat together.

*Emily's POV*

after class Harry asked me if I wanted to go have lunch with him and I said yes, so we left class and know instead of going to the cafeteria we go out for lunch at Tim Hortans. we walk there instead of taking the car since its only like 5 minutes away. while we walk we ask questions and just talk about us.

" so you guys just left all your family back in L.A?"

" well ya, but were going to visit them and stuff during breaks and maybe even you girls could come with us cuz well maybe by that time one of us are in a relationship" when Harry said that, he moved our hands closer and then our hands touched and our fingers intertwined with eachother.

" talking about relationships, who do you think looks good with each other, lets start with Emma. I know she likes Jon but shes only gonna end up broken hearted with cuz hes no good. first of all one day he likes Em, another day he likes someone else like gosh who does that, hes just a bitch"

" you guys must be really smart cuz well that's exactly Jon. he likes to play with girls feelings and emotions, he always does that to girls and I feel bad for those girls cuz they always end up so sad and crying. if I were you id try and save your Emma cuz I don't wanna see another girl getting heart broken, oh and I think Emma and Emery look good together, and apparently Emery told me that after the club when they both went to go get some ice cream, he kissed her!!!" when Harry finished saying all of that I seriously stayed with my mouth open in shock

" wow Jon is a total player, I have to talk to Em before something happens, and wait OMG he kissed her!!!!!!!!!! ahhh, they are totally perfect together."

"I think Zoey and Niall are cute together since they already had sex together" Harry laughed " also Annabelle and Ricky look good together and Avery and Justin!!! Austin doesn't look good with any of you, maybe he'll find a girl in the school." he says, but wait he didn't mention me.

" hey!! you forgot about me! who do I look good with?"

" you look good with me!! we make a perfect couple!!" he said and smiles at me

a minute later we get to Tim Hortans  and we go line up to order our food.

" hello, what would you like" the cashier lady says

" ill have a toasted bagel with butter, a strawberry-banana smoothie and a chocolate chip cookie"

" and ill have a toasted bagel with butter to, a orange smoothie and a fudge cookie. that's all" Harry says

" that will be $9.78, please" the lady says

Harry gives her the money and then we get all our stuff we ordered and go take a seat to eat. after maybe 15 minutes we finish eating, go throw our garbage out and start to walk out to get back to school.

" Emily can I tell you something" he smiles at me

" sure anything you want."

" well I know we just met and stuff, but your special to me. ive never felt so happy around a girl. your different then any other girl ive liked, dated or slept with!!!!! you my girl!!!! were meant to be together forever Emily, cant you see!!" he holds my hands and says these stuff to me like he actually really loves me! but I think I might actually have feelings for him to

" Harry I don't know what to say. its true what you said, that we just met so don't you think we should take some time and get to know eachother better"

 " NO!!!!" I feel him get closer to me and his lips touch mine and we both move in sync. its magical between us!!! " umm I think we should get back to school now" harry must have enjoyed this cuz he cant stop smiling

we walk the rest of the way to school smiling together and holding hands and skipping. he truly is magnificent.


I hope you liked this chapter. all about harry and Emily. this is a romantic chapter between them. comment if you like them together or not, thx byee

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