chapter 9: alive or dead

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so last chapter I left off with a cliff hanger whether Cody was gonna die or stay alive. now today in this chapter you will find out. Enjoy!!!!!!


*Cody's POV*

" where am I" I look around to see white every where. AM I IN HEAVEN!!!!!

" you guys come in, he's awake!!! come hurry" I hear a voice yelling

" he is awake!!! thank goodness he's ok." I hear someone else say and then I see people walking up to me where ever I am. I see Avery, Emma, Zoey, Annabelle, Emily, and Logan pacing like crazy

" Logan calm down, he's ok don't you see hes awake and breathing." I hear Annabelle say to Logan since hes going crazy. if I was him id be doing the same thing considering he almost lost his best friend.

" I cant calm down!!!!!! he could be breathing and awake but he didn't said anything. maybe he cant talk, or how about if he's paralyzed!!! he cant be the captain of the soccer team anymore!!!" Logan starts to yell at the girls and then I see a t ear fall down his face, he must be really worried for me!

"Logan....." everyone turns away from Logan and turns to me when they notice that i  just talked. a huge smile appears on Logans face and he comes running to give me a hug but I shriek in pain."oww"

" im sorry!! im so happy your alive, I would have killed myself if you had cuz I couldn't live a life without my best pal." that's nice of him

" well im alive just in lots of pain, that's it. so can you guys please tell me how I ended up in the hospital because my world went pitch black before whatever happened."

" well, the police who are investigating your case say that something must have had happened to you in the car like you might have lost your control and then your car went tumbling down the hill beside the high way. and you woke up outside of the car cuz when the car it was going down the hill, your window from your door shattered and since you went unconscious you couldn't hold your balance and you fell out. and someone driving saw the whole thing happened and called the police and then they called me saying you were injured to come to the hospital so I called everyone and we came rushing over here." Emma explained to me

" wow I went through a lot!! how am I still alive" I start to laugh since it was meant to be a joke.

" well the people from the hospital said you only had a 10% chance to live. so I am so glad you stayed strong and woke up!!!!!" Avery said and smiled

" so is it only you guys here or any one else" I wanted to know if Niall or Ricky were here

" well Emery, Jon, Harry. and Austin are here. Niall and Ricky said they didn't want to come cuz they'd  only make you feel worse, what do they mean by that" Emma asked. I have to tell them the truth

" ok when all of us mates where in London in grade 9, I got a girlfriend and well she was perfect and liked each other a lot and she said she loved me. but then one day I brought her over to our house and Niall and Ricky were there. she took one good look at Niall and well she fell in love but I don't know how that happened cuz she loved me!!!!! then Niall wanted her and what hurt even more was that Ricky was on Niall side!! ever since then, ive hated them. so that's why me and Logan moved here. Logan came with me cuz he was really the one who cared for me the most and was always by my side. duh, I had Harry and Emery and stuff but Logan was like a brother to me and our friendship was always stronger then everyone else's."

" oh...... wow!! you have gone through a lot. I feel bad for you but don't worry all will get better and your heart will one day be picked up by an amazing girl and stitched back together with her love for you." Avery said

" can you be that girl for me. you'd make me the happiest boy."

" ok Cody don't start this again ok. last time this happened, you didn't talk to me for a while" Avery said remembering our last argument together

I see Emery holding Emma's hand and walking out the room together. and then I see Harry and Emily  just linking arms together and Emily's head on his shoulder.

" ummmm im lost I see every one cuddling and being romantic. what happened?" I am so lost right now LOL

" ok so me and Emily are just really close now cuz we both like eachother and im not 100% sure but I think Emery and Emma have something going on between them two." Harry explains to me

" oh wow, so everyone could get a girl but me!!! that's just really getting on my nerves, god I have a life full of bull shit!" everyone starts to laugh at my comment " so there is no one officially together

" well me and Niall and sex once but were not together we just really like eachother so we might go out soon, Harry and Emily like eachother to so that's another couple, Emery and Emma are getting really close but she still has Jon in her way, Annabelle likes Ricky a lot and apparently he said to her that he wants to marry her so that's another couple, and lastly Avery likes Justin but she still doesn't know if he likes her back." Zoey explains to me.

" so its just me, Logan, and Austin who don't get a girl and a happy ending. well we will prove all you people that we can get a girl and we will be happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

" ok calm down. you have to relax not scream cuz your are still pretty madly injured and sour." Annabelle says to me while tucking me back in the hospital bed and I start to relax and fall asleep so I guess afterwards everyone left to go home.

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