chapter 21: calm down

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* Emily's POV*

" Oh Harry, I hope Em is ok. If she's not I seriously don't know what to do in life! I do everything with her and am always with her. She cant die!!!!!!!!! I need her!!!" Harry and I are driving to Emma's home to see if she is there. When I finish my sentence hot tears roll down my face. One by one, they all end up touching my lips. Harry notices and wipes them away but I nudge him and push away to put my head against the window " Sorry I'm just not in the mood to be friendly."

" It's ok. I understand. When I was around 10 years old, back in London, I remember me, Zayn, and Niall were at the park and then we turn around and Zayn was gone! I swear me and Niall almost got a heart attack thinking that our friend was gone. We thought someone kidnapped him and killed him but luckily we found him 5 minutes away from us peeing in a bush. I wanted to beat the shit out of him when I saw pissing cuz I thought he was dead!!!!!!" We both laugh from his funny childhood memories. The boys must have been good friends and had many good times together! It must be hard for them now since Harry and Niall are here and Zayn, Liam, and Louis is back home! " Are we almost at Emma's house?"

" Yes. We should be there any second. Just hopefully she will be at her house cuz if she's not then well we've checked everywhere! Zoey, Niall, and Logan went to the mall... she wasn't there. Cody and Lucy went to our school.... she also wasn't there. Now if she is not home then we don't know were else to look. We will have to pray that she is here or that Emery finds her." A tear roles down my face for all the sadness and worries I have in me. Harry takes one hand off the wheel, he leans into me and wipes my tears away from my cheeks.

" Emery is probably the one who will find her" Why the fuck would he say that

" What do you mean"

" Well everything is a miracle sometimes but with the help of true love and passion, Emery will be the knight and shining armer! He will be her hero and you never know she might enjoy that he comforted her and they might end up together" That's true love always wins so Emery might find her but ugh seriously Harry is basically trying to set Emma up when she didn't even break up with Jon yet!

" OK the first thing is cute but the 2nd thing you really need to give Em some time to get dating back in her system but first of all we have to find her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 3 minutes later we arrive at Emma's house. Emma, Avery, Zoey, Annabelle, and I are all very wealthy girls. Our parents are extremely rich and we are very spoiled so we always get what we want and on top of that we all live in huge homes, so mansions! Harry and I exit the car and step onto the stairs of Emma's front porch

" Aren't you gonna knock or ring the door bell to see if anyone is home"

" No need Emma gave me a key for me to come whenever I want. We are basically family! She also has a key to my house." I open up my purse and unzip a pocket in it to reveal a silver set of keys with a heart chain holding them all together. I insert the key in the lock and twist it open. I twist the doorknob for the big wooden doors to open and to reveal that no one is at home. It is pitch black inside so clearly her parents are out and she isn't here but I still want to double check. She could be in her room, in her bed, under the covers crying!

" No one is home. It doesn't look like Emma is here to, so we can leave and text back Zoey to inform her"

"UMM I'm not giving up that easy. Your probably right, that she isn't here but its worth a try to double check and make sure!" We split up in the house and walk all over trying to find her. We look in bedrooms, bathrooms, basement, living rooms, kitchens, and even backyard....... but she is no where to be seen!!! She isn't here either! I take a seat on the couch with my face in my hands. I start to cry like an idiot

" Emily please don't cry. If you cry, I'll cry. I don't like to see you sad, please cheer up for me! She will be fine and we will find her. Just calm down!!"

" NO I WILL NOT CALM DOWN!!!!!!!!! EMMA IS NO WHERE TO BE SEEN AND YOU WANT ME TO CALM DOWN!!! I LOST MY BEST FRIEND OK, WHAT THE FUCK AM I GONNA DO WITHOUT HER, WHAT WILL I TELL HER PARENTS, HER FAMILY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I start to scream at Harry. I couldn't hold in my anger, my sadness, or my tears anymore so I let it out all on him. I feel so bad cuz its not his fault she is missing, its all fucking dick head heartless bitch Jon's fault! I should be screaming at him not Harry. Harry is actually nice, sweet, funny, attractive, and he cares for me and I just acted like a bitch to him " I'm sorry................"

" It's fine. I know you didn't mean to yell at me but it just came out from all your stress. I know your pain so don't be sorry its just your emotions! Trust me someone will find her and she is perfectly fine at this moment.... wherever she might be." He pushes himself closer to me on the couch and opens his arms, gesturing for me to give him a hug. I push my body to his and burry my face in his chest, all my tears falling onto his shirt. He really is amazing!

" Thanks for being here for me and comforting me"

" Well I had no choice, I was paired up with you!" I look up at him sad that he actually isn't happy to be here with me and then I see him laughing, im confused. " I'm joking. If I wasn't with you id be super sad and mad. And im glad im the one here helping you feel better from your depression!' He smiles and kisses my forehead. I smile and push away from.

" I should text Zoey back now telling her that she's not home either" Harry says


Hey you guys, we didn't find Emma either! Hope Emery finds her now. Bye!!!!

" ok done. I sent the text now lets pray Emery will find her!"


Harry and Emily chapter!!! comment if you think they are cute together or someone else! I also sent a post with all the girls clothing styles so take a look and plz write back about what you think about the outfits! thx keep reading comment and vote to1 and OMG im almost at 1.5 K readers!!!!! I am so happy, thx u for is reading. you guys make my life so much better and also I got 80 votes!! thx u so keep voting and commenting. bye!!

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