chapter 26: Would we last or would we break

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* Ricky's POV*

When me and Annabelle got kicked out of Jon's house the other day, we went to stay at my house. Since its already a day after the party, Annabelle left and went home for the night since we have school today. FUCK its already today school.... I basically have 30 minutes till school starts!!

* 8:30 am*

I made it to school!! thank goodness! But I seriously have a minute or 2 to get to class! When I'm running to class I bump into someone and we both fall and drop our books.

" Great I'm already late enough...."

" Hey grumpy pants, chill come with me." I look up and see Emery laughing at me.

" Sorry man, it's just I'm late and so tired! Thank goodness Halloween is over. I wonder if Emma has talked to Jon yet? I ask him when we run to class

" It's been 2 days and trust me she hasn't!" He is probably right.

When we arrive at class 3 minutes late, we open the door lucky to see that are biology teacher still isn't there! He is always late.

I take a seat in the back row and Emery takes a seat beside me. We stay talking about the hockey game last night till the teacher shows up. Todays class is boring as usual but this time I actually try to take notes since we have a test in 4 days..

* 1 Hour later*

Class is over and everyone gets out of class.

" Life is going buy fast. It's already November 2nd since that drama but nothing has been resolved! Soon it will be Christmas but hopefully it will all be good by then. We just got to calm down and focus a little more in school and out Halloween all behind us!" I say to Emery

" That's true. Soon it will be Christmas break and many things by then will be different. Hopefully in a better way not bad!*

* Emery's POV*

I just hope until Christmas everyone will be happy and maybe have some couples. Maybe Emily and Harry, Ricky and Annabelle, Avery and Justin, Zoey and Niall, maybe even Logan, Cody and Austin could get a girl in school or at a party, and then theres me and Emma!

I wonder if me and her would ever work. Would it be a good or bad relationship

Sad or happy.............

Loving or Dreadful.............

Would we last or would we break.........

These are the questions I ask myself when I think about her and me. I know 1 thing for sure! She better not go out with that jerk of Jon again. I know me and him are bros but what he did to Em is just not cool... AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe before Christmas I will ask her out and then we will be a happy couple getting gifts for eachother and having a nice time. Just hope my little idea works

* 1  Week Later*

* OK buddy are you ready to do this.* Harry asks

Me and Emma have been mostly with eachother an entire week. We have gone shopping, went to get ice cream, the zoo, my house, and her house! This has been a great week that I will always remember!!!!!!!!!!!! Even shopping with her was great........... every time she tried something on, she always wanted my opinion!!! So it has been a week like I said before that the whole Halloween, Jon, thing happened and we have gotten closer so I think its my turn to shine and ask her out. I could only pray for the better of what will happen next!!

* Ya im ready, I just need you guys to do a good job!! When you give her the stuff don't act all weird, be normal!!!!!!*

* Chill dude she will have fun on her little journey you set up for her! She might just get really curious!! Soon she should be walking in these halls cuz her class finishes like in 5 minutes so ya.*

* OK I should leave for her not to see me ok dudes. Make sure you do it right!! I will be waiting in my designated location!! Good luck* They all smile and wave when I walk away.

* Emma's POV*

I leave my 3rd period class and walk in the same hallway that I usually always walk in. I see Harry running from some lockers so I just laugh at his weirdness. I go to my locker and open it, finding a note on the bottom.

9:12 is our time.

partying and fun is our thing. Also an ice cream with you is a Canadian dream! Follow the path to the mystical garden known as the cafeteria and you will find another clue.

Someone is sending me out on a treasure hunt. I wonder who can be and why! Cant wait to figure this out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hey everyone!!!!!!!!! Hopefully everybody had a good Christmas, I know I did! I got an Iphone 5s, 1D album ,things from Aritzia, money, instax mini 8 instant camera, a dress from Guess, a thing to make scarfs, and a pack of 4 from the EOS lip balms!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This was a short chapter but it was different for me too in away. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and I would like if you guys commented on this chapter and actually read it!!! Thank and bye

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