chapter 12: the answer that will change his life

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*Emma's POV*

I cant believe Emery just asked me out!!!!!!!!! I like him a lot but Im still head over heels crazy for Jon!!! I get the note and pick up my pen and choose my words wisely  to do my best and not hurt him.


                 your an amazing friend, and I really like you, but......................... im sorry but I have to say........ no! I like you as a friend and I also really like you. but I still have lots of feelings for Jon and I think I will have a chance with him. I am truly sorry!!!!!!!!!

I pass him the note and wait for him to read it, and then I see him turn around and look at me, his face turning from a smile to lips curling up about to cry! I see him get up from his desk, and slap it, and then go running out the door. 5 minutes later the bell rings and I go running out of the class trying to find Emery and at the same time not break a heel. I keep on running by people and lockers and then my eye catches my locker and someone sitting infront of it, hitting himself. its Emery!!! I rush over to kneel beside him and put my hands on his which are burning with hate!!!!!!!!!!!

" Emery calm down. I am so sorry but I think we should see other people cuz I think we are great as friends."

" oh so by other people you mean Jon right!?!" I look down at my legs and stay quiet " ya, that's what I thought so" he crosses his arms and puffs.

when I sit there beside him comforting him, Emily, Annabelle, and Logan appear. they all scream at the same time HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"wow thank but you guys seriously killed my ears." I plug my ears and laugh

all of them laugh and notice Emery sitting on the floor looking sad. " Emery whats wrong, why are you so sad on Halloween and on Emma's birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!' she cheers

" who gives a shit what it is, I will always remember Halloween as the day  when I got my heart broken" he starts to tear up and I just look down at the floor looking guilty

"Em, what did you do to poor Emery's heart?" Logan looks at me with a sarcastic face and I just put my hand on my him and stare at him

" I didn't do anything. well maybe something" I look down a the floor and tell him and everyone else what happened " he asked me out and I said no cuz I still think I have a chance with Jon" when I say Jon's name, Emery gives me a disgusted look and he starts to walk away

" Emery, wait.......... where are you going??" I ask him looking puzzled and pulling my arm out to reach for him

" im gonna go find the fucking dick head who stole my girl. hes gonna pay, real hard!!!!!!!" he leaves full of anger and ready to beat someone up and its probably gonna be my Jon.

Emily, Logan, and Annabelle turn all white considering they all so that happen and just heard that Emery is gonna go kill Jon.

" LETS GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I scream at them to start running after him. we all start running and running trying to find him. half way we see Cody.

"hey, why are you guys running so much" he says smiling

" just follow us" Logan screams back at him to follow us, and he does.

;astly, we find Emery screaming in the guys bathroom and Logan and Cody go running in the there. I cant stay here and just wonder whats happening so me Emily and Annabelle follow them in, and a tear roles down my face when I see Emery about to punch Jon in his beautiful, perfect, face! luckily right when Emery was about to punch him, Cody jumps in and pushes Emery to the wall and hold him down when I go running to Jon to make sure he's ok.

"Jon, can you talk, please say your ok" I hold his face in my hands

" im fine, thanks to Cody. what are you doing here and why is Emery trying to kill me" he looks at me and his eyes were full of fear and he takes my hand for comfort

"well he asked me out and I said no cuz I like you and well only you!!!!!!!!!" I look down at the floor about to cry but instead of that I do something way better.  I grab his face, and kiss him. I don't care who the fuck is looking I just need to see if there are any sparks. I use all my passion, love, and heart that I have for him and then when I let go I couldn't stop smiling and I notice hes blushing. so I walk out the door smiling like an idiot and I just go back to my locker to sit there on the floor like emery was!!!

"Jon's POV*

I start to look around at everyone who just witnessed the kiss. I keep blushing and smiling, and then I put my hand on my lips to feel where Emma just kissed me! Emery looks like he wants to kill me even more, Cody is shocked and so is Logan, Emily, and Annabelle are just smiling as much as I am going crazy since there best friend just kissed me!!! I have to go find her and I really need to go talk to her about me, her, US!!!!!!! I start to run out the washroom when Logan grabs my arm

"dude, where you going" he asks me

" to find Emma. I have to do something about us to be together" I start to run off and l leave everyone just shocked. I keep on running until I spot you sitting infront of your locker still smiling. I run over to you and she sees me so she stands up and when she does that I  grab her face and kiss her again!!!!!!!!!!!! when its over I look at her

* how was that* I smile and I pull her closer to me for our chests to be touching and our faces to be close

* it felt amazing. I felt fireworks, sparks and happiness!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't know how long ive waited for this day to come. even better on my birthday*

* I felt the same as you. I am so sorry that I haven't noticed how great you are, and that I like you ALOT!!!!!!!!!!! this is so great* I keep on smiling at you * would you like to be my girlfriend and go out with me* I ask nervous to see your response

* well, let me think about it.........YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!* she jumps into my arms and I twirl her around and then kiss her on the lips softly. I cant believe she is finally mine, only mine, to keep and cherish!!

* Averys POV*

an hour on the road, still another hour to go, UGH!!!!!!!! ive been entertaining myself by listening to all my favourite music and singing along, also I stopped at Tim Hortans to grab a coffee. im surprised I still haven't gotten a text from any of my friends in school. I wonder whats happening for Emma not to have looked in her locker yet. when they find out there probably all gonna go crazy and get worried. Cody is probably the one whos gonna go nuts and pull his har out, LOL!

* Emmas POV*

I open up my locker, to see that a piece of paper slips out and it says Avery on the front

* whos the letter from, don't tell me its from Avery and she left to go follow Justin* Jon says, and gosh its like my boyfriend is a witch, cuz he said exactly whats on the note........AVERY LEFT!!!!!!!! This isn't good.

* your right....... Avery did leave, after Justin!! I cant believe this, who knows how long there both gonna be gone for. ugh Avery why couldn't you have just liked a guy whos here in the school and is not visiting his ill grandparents*I mumble to myself and then I feel Jons arms rap around my waist * calm down, everything is gonna be ok* he whispers to me and smiles.

I just hope hes right and she will be back very soon....... her and Justin!!!!! but worse part is they are going to miss the Halloween party and my birthday.


and that is the end of chapter 12!!!!!!!!!!! you guys so didn't suspect that. you probably thought Emma was going to say yes to Emery...... well I fooled you all LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 I hoped you enjoyed the chapter. tomorrow will only be better!!!!!!!!!!!

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