chapter 16: i thought you loved me

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* Emma's POV*

" Happy Birthday Emma" everyone in the house shouted...... for me!!! I cant believe this. its great, what an amazing surprise........ or wait is there more to come?

" wow thank you, this amazing!! thank you!!!" im speechless and just so happy that Jon would do something like this for me. I see Jon start to walk over to me looking great and smiling

" Happy Birthday Em!! your finally 17, congrats." he kisses me on the lips and we move together in sync. his kiss is so gentil  and full of love, im glad hes mine!! we break out of the kiss but he still holds me with his hands around my waist and my body up against his chest.

" thank you, soo much!!! how did you get everyone to wish me a happy birthday at once? It was so great!!!"

" just lets say I talked to everyone invited to the party a day or two before to make sure when they saw you walk through the door to scream as loud as possible Happy Birthday Emma!!! and they did it" he says smiling

" well thank you, its amazing!! I love it but enough about me. your house looks amazing!! when I walked in I got freaked out by your décor" I giggle a little and so does he

" well I hope you like it, and have a great time. but now I have to go welcome my other guests and make sure everything is going well" he kisses my head and says goodbye

" ok bye Jon. ill see you later in between of everyone" I smile and laugh and wave goodbye, and so does he! I walk over to my friends to see all of them looking great, smiling and laughing. there laughing cuz they have beer in there hands.

* Annabelle's POV*

" hey Emma, why don't you get a drink and join us" i laugh and basically almost trip over my own feet. im holding onto Ricky whos also drunk and laughing.

" ummmm no thank you, I rather not get drunk on my birthday and ruin my beautiful costume with stupid things id do if I was drunk. and you guys shouldn't be drinking so much to, your gonna pass out soon and I don't want to clean up your vomit after!!!!!" she takes the beer out of my hands and looks at me seriously

" come on Em, relax its your birthday! have some fun, drink a little!" I take the beer from her hand and take another sip and laugh some more. I see Niall, Harry, Emily, and Zoey drinking and Cody, Austin and Logan drinking with a couple of girls who are half naked!! and then you see Emma looking at us disappointed and Emery not drinking to, WTF since when  doesn't he drink!!!!!!!!!

" Emery, here take a beer. don't listen to Em have a little fun and go crazy" I pass him a beer but he refuses it

" no thank you. I don't drink. sorry but ya im on Emma's side" wow there perfect for eachother, both borring people who don't drink.

" well suit yourselves. were gonna keep drinking and having fun. you 2 enjoy your sober night" I laugh at them and turn back to my drunken friends who are all laughing and having a good time. I watch as Emma and Emery walk away together and then they disappear into the crowds cuz they are no where to be seen again.

* Emery's POV*

wow when everyone is drunk they are really stupid and assholes. god poor Emma, trying to make them sober and have fun but nooo they have to be bitches and have fun drunk!!!!! me and Emma decide to leave the drunken group and we walk past the crowd of dancing people and go take a seat on the couch. this couch is huge so there is probably 10 people here making out!

" so umm Emma.... since its your birthday i decided to get you something. i hope you like it." i smile at her and put my hand in my pocket to reach for the red velevet coloured box. i finally find it and pull it out of my pants and get on my knees for Emma. i hear her gasp and then cover her lips with her tiny hands. i open up the box to reveal a beautiful silver necklace with the letter E hanging from it with diamonds. a tear escapes from her beauitful brown eyes and she smiles.

" Emma i know your taken but i will always have feelings for you cuz you are a beautiful, smart, sweet, and funny girl that has stolen my heart!!! except this necklace as our friendship."

" Emery this is soo sweet. thank you! i will except it as a token of our friendship! its beauitful, it must have been a fortune since its actual silver. can you put it on me please?" her smile is beauitful and when she asks me that i am so happy. i take the necklace out of the box, open it up from the back chain, and i put it around her neck and close it for it to be placing on the to pof her chest. she places her hand on the "E" and smiles and some more tears escape

" why are you crying" i turn around to her face and wipe away the tears

" im crying cuz your the only who gave me a gift......... not even Jon did........... my own boyfriend.' she says looking at the floor. my heart literally stops thinking that her own boyfriend didnt get anything for her birthday........ what a dick head!! well im happy that i did!

" its ok.... forget about him for a little. you got one from me and thats all that counts. now lets enjoy the party and your birthday and lets dance!! doesnt that sound like fun?" i smile at her and take her hand and start walking with her to the dance floor

" ya that would be nice. i guess he just forgot...... ya he only forgot!!" she tries to feel better but wait................. OMFG!!!!!!!! i did not just see that... that ass!! mother fucker.... i cant believe hes doing this!!!!! when me and Em are walking to the dance floor, i look up and spot Jon...... making out with another girl!!! OMG i hope Emma doesnt notice.

" umm actually lets turn around and go somewhere else. its to crowded and besides when your dancing you dont want to be looking up"

" what are you talking about" i try to turn her but she turns around and gasps in her view. tears come slowly down her cheek and then faster " is this what you didnt want me to see" she looks down at the floor sad and broken hearted

" yaaa.............. im sorry Emma!" i go to hug her and she hugs me and releases more tears and she tightens me, she lets go and looks up again to see Jon still making out with the girl. she leaves my arms and starts fast walking up the grand stairs to where Jon is. i tell the D.J to stop the music cuz i want to hear what Emma is going to say. when she gets up there and finally sees him...........

* Jon's POV*

this girl really knows how to kiss..... it feels great!! i heaar the music go off but i dont bother to check why so i keep kissing. a minute later i feel someone tap me

" Jon sweety...." fuck its Emma! i turn around to see her and then i feel her hands on my cheek hit hard.

" you asshole, bitch, player, dick head!! you said you loved me and then i catch you making out with another girl!! let me guess you love her to . is that your catch fraze for all girls!! if it is well its really getting old and stupid!!! i cant believe you did this to me........... excpetioly on my birthday. all my friends were right about you! and i was the stupid one who declined Emery's offer to be his girlfriend. he actually cares for me not like you............. look what he got me!!! a silver necklace with my letter on it and you gave me bullshit!!!!!!!! i cant believe i ever fell for you....... i never want to look into your fface again!! were over" wow i cant believe she just said that....... i never knew a girl like her had all that in her!!! i stay quiet but then i see her move to leave

" Emma please wait........ im sorry!!!"

" ohh shut up and go fuck that girl. your sorrys are all of shit and lies!!!!! go to hell and never come back" she runs off and i hear the front door open and then close............. she jsut left!!!!!

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