chapter 25: he looks familiar

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* Emily's POV*

When Jon texted all of us saying he found Emma well I got relieved. Now me and Harry can be alone in peace not worrying!!

"Harry where are you?? they found Em so we can have fun now! Where are you? Stop playing hide and seek with me"

" I'm up stairs in my room... come up here! Don't worry I'm not naked, if I was it would have been an early Christmas gift!" He laughs..... pervert

" OK I'm going! Just if you are naked please put clothes!!! Were not together... just friends. And usually friends don't see each other naked." I laugh walking up the stairs and entering the room he's in. Good he is dressed....


" Ugh I just came up the stairs now I have to go down.!! Who the fuck can it be, is it a special day?"

' Ya very special!!! It's a day after Halloween!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'

" Shut up I'm serious you little bitch!' I laugh and throw a pillow at his face that causes him to fall off the bed

" Wow thank!!!!"

" That's your early Christmas gift!!!'

I run down the stairs and hear the door bell ring again

" I'M COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell

I open the door and see a guy with his head down low... he looks familiar

" Yes may I help you??"

" UMM ya is this where Emily Young lives?" He looks at a letter he has in his hand and then looks up. He gasps

" Emily it's you!!!! Gosh I've been looking for you!! Oh how much I've missed you!!' Omg it's my ex boyfriend.... just great! he throws me in the air and spins me in a hug

" Hey Christian. Long time no see. Why did you come looking for mw only now? We broke up like 4 years ago."

" I know but I always thought about you and couldn't get you out of my head so your mom gave me some house numbers. I went to some but you weren't there but I found you here.... Is this where you live?"

" Well...." I get cut off

" Why do you care if she lives here? She could live where ever she wants!' Fuck Harry is here.

" Who is he Emily? Don't tell me you've been seeing other people?!?"

" UMM its been 4 years, I could see who ever I want to see! I haven't been hung up over you... I moved on and now I have a great life full of new friends!! And his name is Harry. He is just a good friend. And if he was my boyfriend he would have been a way better one then you!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yell the last part

" Shut up Emily! You don't know whats good for you! I'm good for you even your mom thinks so!! This curly haired freak over there isn't good for you! Look full of tattoos. You seriously wanna be with him?"

" UM I don't know who the fuck you are but I didn't let you come in my house, say shit about me, act like a bitch to Emily, and then tell her what to do!!! Emma is already old enough to know what she wants and doesn't want so if you don't mind GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!" Whta's happening?!?!?!

" you gonna let him talk like that to me??" Christian asks

" Christian please get out of here! I never wanted to see you again and I still don't! You just wasted your time coming here!! And I know what is good for me... in fact Harry is perfect for me so get your ass out of here NOW and never come back!"

"Your making a huge mistake Emily but I will still accept you when you come crying back to me that this idiot hurt you or left you heartbroken!"

Harry steps closer to him with his fist in the air ready to punch him but I push Harry behind me for there not to be any violence.

" Just go Christian ok just go!!" Christian gives Harry a threat look, then a sad look to me and he slams the door closed!

I turn around to face a furious Harry

" What the fuck was that!!!!!!!!!! Who was he!!!! What did he want?? Why did he come here and start being a bitch to both of us? UGH I wanna punch him..... he was a complete jerk to you Emily!!!"

" Ok that is Christian my ex boyfriend..... He came back here to get back with me. We broke u p4 years ago. I'm the one who broke up with him cuz he was a jerk and was always hurting people! When he saw you, he thought we were dating and lived in the same house so he got mad. I'm sorry you had to be part of that.*

" OH. He's your ex.... No wonder he's a jerk and wanted you back. Like who would break up with you, your so hot, sweet, perfect, smart and again sexy!!" both of us laugh.

" Tell him to leave you alone or actually don't talk to him ever again ok! I'm here to make you safe and with him around it's sort of hard to do!!" Harry says

" I think I should go..."

' Why don't you stay the night with me?"

" I've caused enough trouble so it's ok maybe another time. See you at school tomorrow. Byee!" I give him a hug, and walk out the door leaving him shocked.


OK guys Merry Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry its short. I had to update fast since I have a party later. So bye and hope you enjoy




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