Chapter 24: that girl

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*Avery's POV*

Me and Luca go back into the house to find Justin and Amanda still talking... Ugh this girl really pisses me off! I don't like her being near Justin at all! I walk up to them and go behind Justin and wrap my arms around his waist to show her who's in charge here. Luca sees and winks at me meaning " good job". I rest my head on his shoulder and smile at both them. Amanda gives me a pissed off smile.... looks like she wants to beat me up!

" Hey you guys. I'm back and I brought Luca with me. He was outside soo ya! What are you 2 friends talking about?" I ask them and Justin puts his arm around my waist and I lean in

" Well I was just telling Amanda how we met and that you came all the way to Stratford just for me. The cute thing is, we are just friends." He finishes saying but leans his head near my ear and whispers " Hopefully more then friends soon" He whispers and kisses me on the cheek and I blush.

" That's so cute! I remember when you moved to LA... I was heat broken but I survived, And remember I came to visit you there! That was the last time I saw you.... good times" She smiles and eyes me... Bitch.

" Umm Justin can we go get a drink... together.... just the 2 of us?" I ask him and he nods his head and we leave Amanda stranded by herself and we go to the bar. " When you whispered in my ear, what did you mean by * more then friends soon*?" I ask him and at the same time I order a Santa Carla ( its a type of tequila) and Justin orders a regular bear.

" When I said that to you I was meaning it! I really do want to be more then friends with you." Justin says

" It doesn't look like it. The way you were talking to Amanda and starring at her! I know she wanted to fuck you so badly and she would have just to piss me off! I don't like her.... she looks like the type to do anything to get a guy and a bitch. It's so clear that you still like her" I grab my drink and get up cuz I don't wanna look at his face even though its hard not to look at that perfect face!! He grabs my wrist and turns my around to face him. He pushes me on his lap and immediately I feel our lips touching! He tries to enter with his tongue and I let him, giving him full control. His lips are so warm and the taste of bear is clearly there. They move in sync and it feels amazing!! But unfortunately to prove my point, I have to push away and walk away. It's around 3 in the morning so since there is nothing else here for me, I will go home. " I'm going back to your moms house... bye!"

I wave goodbye and walk out the door with him starring at me in shock that I just left him there hanging after our kiss. I remember that Justin is the one that drove us here to I guess im walking or I can ask one of his friends. I see Eric and call him

" Can you bring me back to Justin's moms house. Justin drove and he is still here so ya."

" Sure anything for you!!" I smile and thank him. We walk to his car and step in. He drives off and in about 15 minutes I am back to the big beautiful home!

" Thank you Eric! It was so nice to meet you and I hope we will see eachother soon."

" No problem. It was great to finally meet you to after all the talking Justin has done about you. Stick with him and we will see eachother a lot. And trust me whatever stupid things he does, remember he does love you and wants you!! Even though he has never said it." We both laugh. I say my goodbyes, give him a hug and he drives off. I feel bad ringing the door bell and waking up Justin's mom but I have no key and I wont stay outside cuz its freezing!! I ring the door bell and wait, giving some time to his mom to wake up. 10 minutes later she opens the door yawning

" I'm so sorry to have waken you up now."

" Its fine sweety. Where's Justin?" she asks

" Well I left him at the party cuz I got tired and he wanted to stay" I lied.

She lets me in and goes back to bed. I go to my room where Justin set everything for me and I take off my costume. I lay my costume nicely on the side of the bed and take my pjs out of the closet. I bring my pink tank top saying " love" across it and my black pj pants with a pink bow to the washroom with me. I wipe off all my makeup, brush my teeth, and put on my pajamas! I take out all the pillows off of the bed and set them in the big looking treasure box infront of the bed. I curl myself into a ball in the bed and snuggle with a pillow since I don't have the boy I like beside me. I start to think of my life and before I know it im sleeping.......


sorry I haven't updated for 5 days!! I have been really busy this week with hmwk and Christmas things but now my Christmas break started so I will update more. Hope you liked this chapter.


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