chapter 22: I Found Her

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* Emery's POV*

Where the fuck can Emma be! Everyone has already texted back Zoey that they haven't found her. They checked our school, her home, and even the mall and she is no where to be seen!!!! Where else can she be.... I just have to think harder then everyone else and try and find my Em. Now Emery, lets put this brain to work and try to find Emma. Where would she be........ probably somewhere peaceful, quiet, and only by herself. Wait............ I think I know where she might be, how did I not think of this before. I've been walking for 20 minutes and this only pops into my head now!! She's at the park I took her on our first date I guess. It's quiet, peaceful, and barley no one goes there. Ok lets do this Emery, lets go find your true love!

" I'm coming for you Emma!!!!!!!!!!!"


10 minutes later of running as fast as my legs could take me, I arrive at the park that I brought Emma to! When my first foot steps into the dirt of the beautiful forest, I feel a breeze come to my direction that gives me some more confidence that I will find her!! I start to make my way through the forest on the path. I look up into the dark sky full of glowing stars shining upon the people down here. My eyes look every possible direction looking for Emma but this forest is so big I really don't know where she could be. WAIT!!!................ I know where she might be! I think she might be down the hill, near the beautiful waterfall, sitting on the bench! She is probably there since its quiet and very peaceful. Full of animals, trees, and lovely flowers! I make my way down the hill looking both ways for her!


" Emma...... I.. is that you??" I see a figure on that park bench that I mention starring in the sky and you could hear crying! That girl turns around with red eyes and makeup all over her face and turns to face me.... it is Emma!

" Emery..... Emery!!!!!!!" She jumps from the bench and starts running to me. I open my arms and she jumps into them, burying her head in my chest and all her tears land on my shirt!! " I.. I'm sorry!" Wait.. what is she sorry about. she didn't do anything, Jon did!! But why is she apologizing to me, last time I checked our friendship was perfectly fine. Her tears start to come more faster and her breathing is rapidly speeding as she continues to cry.

" Emma lets calm down. Lets go back to the bench and sit down for you to catch your breath and explain how you got here!" I put my arm around her waist and guide her to the park bench she was once sitting on. She looks at her shoes and her tears start to go away slowly. She looks up at me again.....

" I'm sorry Emery! How don't you hate me. I was so cruel and a bitch to you and here you are being a perfect angel to me who doesn't deserve anything!" What the fuck is she talking about. I am very confused.

" Emma what are you talking about. I'm nice to you cuz I'm in love with you and your one of my best friends! Why should you be sorry?"

" When you asked me out, I rejected you and said no to go that bitch of a person!! I made you miserable, you even wanted to kill Jon and now that I think of it, I wish you did! I am so sorry" She frowns but then releases a little laugh but still sad.

" Emma that's the past.... We are in the future now so stop looking back and look forward now! I got over it and I'm fine now. People make mistakes, no one is perfect!! We are still friends and I am still very fond of you. If I wasn't, then why would I be here right now with you comforting you.." She stays quiet " Exactly!" I can't believe she is still dwelling over that. Dont get me wrong, I'm sad and wish that she said yes but things happen for reasons and we might end up together one day or another. But for now I'm her friend who wants to be there for her.....

" How did you get here anyways?"

" Well I just ran from Jon's house and then I got lost so I remembered the park that you brought me to on our umm..... I guess date so I went there and just prayed that someone would fine me. Luckily your the one who found me cuz I just needed to explain myself to you." She leans closer and cuddles with me, she must be cold.

" Can I ask you something Em?"

" Sure go ahead!" Emma replies

" Do you.... um.... have feelings for me in any sort of way?.!" She doesn't answer " I'm sorry that was stupid of me to ask.

" No, no dont worry it's fine. I well... if I have to tell you the truth, ill tell you. I've always been your fan since I saw you on XFactor but then when I met you and you came to our school and we became friends..... I started to get feelings for you, not in a fan way but in an actual boyfriend type of way. When you asked me out and I said no, I felt so bad cuz I wished I said yes cuz I likes you ALOT but I still didn't know who I should have picked.... Jon or you. And now I realize I should have picked you!!!" She smiles and takes my hand " We should get going, dont you think so?"

" Ya we should go I guess, let me just text the group that Zoey made to inform them I found you."


Hey you guys!!! Great news..... I found Emma!!!!!!! Miracles do happen with the power of love!!!!!! lol see you guys soon.

" There all done now lets get going." I put my arm around her back and we start to walk back to her house!


I am so sorry guys that I haven't posted for 3 days!!!! I've been busy and lazy to write LOL!!! sorry that it's short, I just had to update!

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