chapter 20: Lets go

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* Lucy's POV*

When Cody and I are in the car driving to his high school, we finish off our conversation about saying he doesn't want anyone to hurt me and that Jon is a good guy. I turn my head to look out the window and I wrest my arms and the ledge. My eyes get lost in the beautiful leafs that are orange, red, yellow, brown, and some still green! I feel a soft, warm touch on my thigh. I look away from the window and down at my thigh to see what's there and by my surprise its Cody's hand!! I look up at him with my cheeks probably a bright shade of red, and smile at him driving. He notices me starring at him and he looks at me and smiles to. I turn my face around a little and let a small giggle escape. He lets out a gasp and then smiles! Cody is such an amazing friend. I've known him since, well since I was born. Our parents have always been friends and we were always together! He was always there by my side in my good and rough times and I did the same for him too. I'm surprised we have never dated..................

Wait did I just say that I'm surprised we never dated.................

Wait do I want to go out with him............. AHHHHHHHHHHH I cant believe this is happening!

" OK we are finally here! Hopefully she's here." Cody says when we turn into a more busy street with more cars and people walking around. He stops in front of a big building which must be his high school. It's nice and pretty and pretty big to! Also, the teenagers who go to this high school are very lucky cuz behind the school is Tim Horton's, Wendy's, Menchie's, Pizza Pizza, and McDonald's. They are so lucky!!! They don't have to walk like 10 minutes to go to one of those locations, its right behind them. We park in the school parking lot and we exit the car and walk to the sidewalk.

" Do you think she will actually be here?" I grab his wrist and he stops in his path to turn around and look at me.

" What do you mean by that?" He asks me with a confused but cute face.

" Well why would a girl be at school after she just got her heart broken. Like seriously, no girl would come to school! Like me for example, I probably would have run home and ran into my room and lock myself in there crying for the rest of my life until I die!!!"

" Wow you girls really get emotional and you guys exaggerate a lot!! Like seriously you can't cry the rest of your life and I know you won't stay in your room forever! Just calm down Lucy, it's not even your situation and your taking it as it is!" He says and laughs. He moves his hand down for it to be holding mine. I don't know why but I feel weird doing this with him since he's one of my best guy friends so I decide to let go. But now I feel bad cuz I look up at his face and it looks hurt!

" I'm........ I'm sorry. I just....... well it didn't feel right since we are friends. I'm sorry"

" Whatever it's fine. Just lets forget about that and find Emma!" He starts to walk away and I know he is mad. We walk into the school and the first place Cody thinks of going to is up to where Em's locker is so we start to walk up some stairs. We get up to where some lockers are and he stops in his tracks when we get to one locker that has heart, sparkles, fashion things, and with One Direction and Justin Bieber.............. This must be Emma's locker! Wow very creative and pretty......... this must be like her personality.

" Is this Emma's locker?"

" Yup! It's very show able that it's a girl and Emma!!! She's a huge diva and mega fashion girl. She's like the fashion police!!!' He starts to laugh and its so cute cuz hi smile is so beautiful but he has dimples and it looks great on him!

" She's not here! Ugh where can she be. Lets go look in all the classes and washrooms. Knowing Emma, she could be anywhere!! And I mean anyhwere!!!!!!!!" he says and we take off. We enter basically every class room but in everyone there is no Emma. We enter class rooms, washrooms, office, staff room, and even gym but she is no where! I think we mine as well give up and just hope that one of Cody's other friends find her!!!

" Let's go! She's not here....... we checked everywhere. Emma must be somewhere else so lets leave it to your friends to find her now, ok! Text one of them to see if they have any new news!!" I say to him eager to leave.

" OK sheesh, ill text them. Just calm down before your tits erupt!!" He laughs and pulls out his Iphone 5c and I just cross my arms across my chest annoyed at him. He makes a group with Zoey, Niall, Emily, Logan, Emery and Harry.

From Cody:

Hey have you guys seen or heard anything from Emma? And Emery where the fuck are you, we are also very worried for you. Please someone answer for me to know if you guys found her cuz I'm at the school with Lucy and Emma aint here..... no luck! Hope you guys find her. Byee!!!!!!!!

he sends the text and puts his phone away, back in his pocket.

" So what are we going to do now. It's 11 already!"

" Well we could go back to Jon's place, back to the party or back to my place. You pick!" he says sweetly

" Your place it is. I'm not going back to Jons house after all this confusion. and it will be fun to spend some time together since we've been so far away from eachother for a long time!!" I smile and we both exit the school and walk back to his car. We enter it and he drives off to his house............. Can't wait till we get there!

* Emma's POV*

It's freakin freezing out here and I'm in short sleeve..... UGH!!!!!!!! Someone please find me soon. I want go home not just cuz I'm cold but cuz I want to cr yon my bed and eat ice cream in my pjs!!!!!!!! FIND ME SOMEONE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


OK everybody truly very sorry for not updating for 3 days. Ive been sooooo busy and lazy not to write LOL!!!!! Enjoy vote comment and............ READ!!!! LOL thx and ya bye. BTW I will put a picture of what Emma usually wears, so her type of style

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