chapter 2: school drama

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*Emma's POV*

ok so me, Logan, and Annabelle all walk in together to biology class. we take a seat in the 2nd row. if your wondering why the 2nd row, well its cuz we basically have a seating schedule for different categories. 1st row is all the nerds and brainy people, then 2nd row is the popular section were like me, my girlfriends, and all the jocks sit so like Logan, Cody, and Jon. then last row is all the bitchy people, so basically bullies. and this row seating goes for EVERY class!!!!!!! while we wait for the teacher Soleil, Logan, and I just talk and chill.

"so Annabelle, you excited for the club tonight. God I'm gonna look so sexy!" I giggle by my comment when talking to Annabelle

" gosh Emma you are such a slut haha. but ya I'm ready, I got my outfit already to party" when Annabelle called me a slut she laughed, but inside me it kinda hurt but I tried to take it as a joke to.

"girl your probably a bigger slut then me hehe. now lets end that conversation like that!" I called her a slut right back, oh ya I'm good.

while me and Annabelle were having that weird conversation, I never remembered that Logan was there, oops!! maybe he was day dreaming and didn't hear anything

"umm Logan, were you listening to what we were saying?"

"well duh, I was here the whole time stupid. so ya I heard the whole thing, and it was funny but don't worry your not a slut" while Logan said that he smiled

"awww thx, ok whatever lets imagine that this conversation never happened." I tell them when we all erupt in laughter

right after that my heart stops when I see my crush Jon Klaasen walk into the class looking hotter then ever!! and then he starts to walk up to me and I try to act cool, even though he knows I like him I wanna act normal. soo I just stare at him

"so you enjoying my body cuz you cant stop starring at me" Jon said when he took  a seat next to me and just smiled like an idiot

"shut up, you know I like you and all but that was just weird what you said" I couldn't keep a straight face so some laughing slipped from my mouth.

"ok then but I know you wanna see some of this" OMG did Jon just say that one day I'm gonna wanna see it!!!! I know he means his body but EWWWW!!!!!!

"ugh, shut up god your so horny" I laughed at him and then noticed that the teacher had arrived so I turned around and focused on her.

*Avery's POV*

right now me and Cody are walking to class, and about a minute later we arrive and take our seat in the 2nd row. Cody is a great guy, he's one of my best guy friends but he likes me way more then just friends. its a little weird me and him going to class together, but I have no one else that I like in science class so I go with him. we always sit together and some times were even partners together.

" so Cody have you met anyone that you like that you know is the one for you?" hopefully he says yes

"ya I did" thank god hes over me, he found some one yay!!

" that's so good for you, who is she?"

"you!!!!" oh shit, I spoke to soon

"Cody I know you like me but your like a brother to me so I could never want to ruin that. there's so many more girls in the world, you should go find one and NOT me." hopefully he doesn't get hurt

"fine whatever, just lets pay attention to the teacher" I think he's mad at me know.... oh well

the teacher assigns us partners for us to dissect frogs, and guess who I'm with..... Cody!!!!!!so during the beginning of the work he didn't talk to me, but then I started to talk so he did to. I guess he's not mad anymore

*Emily's POV*

while me and Zoey are walking down the hallway to get to our math class all the guys are going crazy just by us walking, guys these days are total perverts there probably just staring at our asses but whatever its meant to look at. when we get to class we sit in row 2 like usual and start talking about the latest fashion trends and the club tonight.

" so I cant believe neon colours are back in now!!!! I'm gonna look so damn good in neon yellow and hot pink"

" your so funny, and I think ill look good in neon blue. so are you wearing any of those colours later tonight for the club?" Zoey asked with a sneaky and sexy smile on her face

"no. I'm gonna wear a more sexy and club worthy colour tonight" I said meaning more darker colours

" hopefully the security lets us in since were under age. apparently for some reason all the celebs are gonna be at that club tonight to celebrate something!! I want Niall to be there maybe he'll think I'm hot and want to get in my pants and take me to bed!" Zoey said while trying to make a sexy face, she can be real sexual sometimes.

" they better let us in or one of them are gonna meet my fists. and wait a minute.... I just realized that you said you want Niall Horan in your pants!!! god girl your nasty." I say with disgust in my voice

" they will don't worry. If they don't just act all sexy and horny in front of them and then they'll let you in!" wow I am so not doing that, ha.

" ok shut up now, our teacher got here already, time to begin boring math yay." sarcastic face

*Emma's POV*

the bell rings, so we all run out of class looking like a fire is happening. something I never said was that I love Jon right but were not dating and he actually doesn't like me just only a little bit apparently. but what gets on my nerves is that one day he likes me another day he's doesn't, he says its another girl he sooner or later I'm gonna just get sick and tired of his little stupid game and ill hate him for the rest of my life. all 5 of us end up meeting outside to say our final good byes till tonight at the club, woo hoo!!!!!! but we will be texting non stop about our outfits, duh!!!!!!


and that was the end of chapter 2!!! yay, lol. hopefully all of you guys liked it, I sortove left off in a cliff hanger by making you guys all curious to what's gonna happen in chapter 3 in the club. will they be let in or not, which celebs are they gonna see, and much more. also can you guys decide whether if you like Jon or not so if I should like him or not. plz comment on that, and about the book and plz vote!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also by Monday I wanted to have reached 150 reads or even more, and if I accomplish that something special will happen with the book so plz and thx u, BYE!!!!!!!!!!!

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