Chapter 1

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All characters belong to Marvel.

"Longing. Rusted. Seventeen. Daybreak. Furnace. Nine. Benign. Homecoming. One. Freight car."
    "Ready to comply."
     I am the Winter Solider. I have one mission. That mission is to kill Captain America.
   The mission was completed quick and easy. The last thing I see is Steve Rogers' dead, lifeless corpse lying at my feet.

     I wake up coated in sweat and twisted in sheets. It was a dream. Only a dream. I don't dare go back to sleep for fear of facing similar dreams when I close my eyes.
     "Steve is alive. You didn't kill him. He's alive." I repeat over and over to myself.
Steve. I get up off the bed and wander through my small apartment. When I get to the door I open it and exit. I begin walking down the hall towards Steve's apartment.

      I don't even wait for Bucky to knock on the door to open it. I heard his screams coming from the apartment next door. I heard his quick, heavy footsteps coming towards my door.
     As I open the door Bucky's standing there with his hand up ready to knock.
    "Steve." Bucky breathes at me.
    "Come hear Buc." I say ushering him into my small apartment.
     I guide him onto the couch and grab two glasses of water from the kitchen.
   "Another nightmare?" I ask easing onto the couch next to him.
   "It was you. I killed you. I killed you Steve." Bucky replies while not making eye contact.
   "It's okay. It's okay Bucky. It was a dream. It wasn't real." I assure him.
   "But Steve. I could've killed you. What if we never got Hydra outta my head? That dream could've been our reality." He argues back.
   "Even if you did, it wouldn't be you killing me, it would be Hydra. You would be doing it against your will." I tell him. "I get them too you know. The nightmares. I get nightmares too." He replies with blunt silence. "When I get them I just tell myself it's not real. I make a list in my head of all the things that are true and that are good."
     "Thanks Steve. Can I stay here tonight?" Bucky asks with a yawn.
     "Sure. Stay as long as you need. Want me to sit hear with you." I question with concern.
     "Nah. I'm good. Go back to bed. " Bucky mutters.
     "I have nightmares about you too. You and your ghastly hair." I tease. Bucky glares at me. "In the morning can we please go get it cut?" I plead.
   "No." Bucky says dismissing the idea.
   "Please? I rather Hydra brainwash you into killing me a thousand times than see that disgusting hair ever again." I continue.
  "Punk." Bucky smiles using my old nickname.
  "Jerk." I say leaning forward and giving him a hug.
  "Get some sleep Steve." He says to me.
  "You too." I reply, shuffling back to the bedroom.

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