Chapter 19

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"Steve?" I whisper out into the darkness. Steve looks at me with a blank expression. Wow, he looks like crap. Blood and black dust have completely stained his stars and stripes.
I walk the few remaining yards towards him and wrap my arms around his neck.
"I thought you were dead." I mummers as I bury my face into his muscular shoulder.
"Yeah me too." Steve chuckles rubbing the back of my head. "Me too, Buc."
"Can anything kill you?" Wanda's accented voice calls out from the darkness.
"I guess not." Steve sighs, pushing me away, ending our warm embrace.
"I wish we were as all invincible as you, Steve." Wanda says with a small, sad laugh.
"Yeah, me to." Steve mutters, following me with his eyes.
Tony wanders into the kitchen. He grabs the carton of organ he juice from the fridge (I can only imagine how old that stuff is) and walks purposefully back towards the hallway.
"Nice to see you to!" Steve yells after him.
Tony renters the kitchen.
"I know that when I wake up in the morning you won't be here. This is all just a dream. I'm tired of always thinking things aren't so bad only to wake up and realize they are." Tony states.
"I'm not gonna pinch you Tony, but I'm pretty sure you aren't dreaming." Steve laughs.
    "Oh." Tony realizes blankly. "How'd you survive?"
    "Beats me. I'm not even hurt that bad. Just kinda scraped up." Steve replies.
    All of the sudden Sam stumbles into the room, still half asleep. He sees Steve and his eyes widen.
     "Man, you really are indestructible! What ever meds you're taking I wouldn't mind some!" Sam exclaims.
     We all laugh knowing that the serum Steve was injected with is probably why he could stand the force of a ceiling collapsing on him. We all laugh some more knowing perfectly well no one in the right mind would want that serum.
     I turn towards the hallway to see Nat walking angrily towards us. I know she's coming to chew us out for waking her up. Like the rest of us she sees Steve and stops.
     "Why am I not surprised?"



     While Wanda went around waking up the rest of the compound I decided to show the team the ungrateful hitchhiker I brought back with me.
     When I parked the stolen helicopter out front I had dragged Williamson into the glass entry way of the compound. I had also gagged him and then went inside to show everyone that I wasn't actually dead.
     We now stood in front of a holding cell we built into the compound. When I had taken out the cloth tied around his mouth was when Marcus Williamson began showing us how crazy he really was.
     "I don't understand," Tony begins. "I mean I thought I could be narcissistic at times but this really puts me to shame."
     At that moment Williamson was ranting about how all-important he was.
     "I am a God! I am a gift from the heavens that is meant to wipe out the plague on this Earth that is the Avengers. The plague that tried to save humans from their inevitable fate!" Williamson screams.
     Bucky suddenly steps forward and taps on the cell's glass.
     "Hey man, I know you are in the middle of throwing a temper tantrum and all but I would like to ask you a few questions." Bucky states, straining to sound very friendly.
     Williamson's screaming stops and he stares at Bucky with curiosity in his eyes.
     "So I heard you lost your sister and your mother. Is that correct?"
     Williamson nods. I am completely astounded by the manner in which Bucky is handling the situation.
     "They were lost in some of the Avengers' battles right? Does that contribute at all to why you think they are a pla-" Suddenly Bucky is cut off by another screaming fit.
     "I don't want to destroy just you! I want to destroy every group or person that even remotely operates like the Avengers! Your species of so called heroes is the plague! You think you are helping humans avoid their doom but really you are just speeding up the process! Earth's mightiest heroes! Please spare me the lies! You're just a piece of artificial hope!"



     After Williamson finished his long rant he began to scream at the top of his lungs for twenty minutes straight. We were all relived when he stopped and fell asleep.
     It was Steve's idea for one of us to watch him for the rest of the night. I gladly agreed to keep an eye on him and I'm pretty sure everyone else was extremely happy to go back to sleep.
     I have to admit watching him is pretty boring though.
     "Psssst." A voice calls out from the darkness. "You. Yeah you. The Winter Soldier. Look at me."
     My heart plummets hearing that name again. I turn to see Williamson wide awake starring  at me from his cell.
     "Yeah don't think I don't know your true identity." He sneers at me from behind the glass.
     I can feel it. I know this won't be good. I know I've done horrible things and I don't need this psychopath to tell me anymore than I already know.
     "You. You make me more sick than the rest of them." Williamson begins with disgust in his voice. "You pretend to be a hero like all the rest. Maybe you were at one time, but I know the things you've done. We all know the things you've done."
     I can't take this. I curl up on the ground and press my hands over my ears.
    "You blame your crimes on others but you are no less guilty than the ones who put your brain in that blender. You James Buchanan Barnes deserve to be dead more than the rest of them."


     I awake with a start. Light is shining in through the window showing it's day. I realize I must have fallen asleep on the floor last night.
     I can still feel Williamson's accusations burning through me. I turn towards his cell.
    What I see through the glass is horrific but there is no way I could be mistaken.
    Marcus Williamson hung himself.


Dear readers,
     As you have probably noticed I have changed my username. Don't be alarmed! Still the same person, still the same story. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Sorry for not having a lot of action but, oh well. Thank you all for the millionth time for all the endless support.




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