Chapter 6

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     I watch in horror as Bucky continues firing into the crowd of kids. To my amazement no one seems to notice what's wrong with the army of attackers. I look over my shoulder to see Tony shooting lasers from his hands, and Nat shooting her gun into the crowd.
     I'm in the middle of the army of children but none of them seem to be moving aggressively towards me. They only seem to be targeting the ones targeting them back.
     None of the kids seem to be holding any weapons. They are, however pretty skilled in hand to hand combat. Even Nat seems to be pretty matched by their skills.
     Yes, I know what you're thinking. I am standing in the middle of an epic Avengers battle and talking to myself.
     "Hey guys hold your fire!" I yell through my earpiece.
     "Not gonna happen." Nat shouts back, clearly winded.
    "Yeah Cap, that's not really a good idea. When someone is attacking you it's a good idea to attack back." Tony agrees with Nat.
     "The army is all children." I finally get out, at last.
     "Wait......" Bucky says joining the conversation. "Steve's right. We've been killing children." Bucky whispers in horror.
    We all stop what we are doing to take in the fact of killing children. The army stops attacking right as we stop.
    "Maybe we can talk to them." I suggest.
    "Be my guest." Nat replies.
    Right as I step forward to talk to the army of kids a large missile flies from over my shoulder, right into the group.
     "Someone order some backup?" I hear Sam say through the earpiece.
     A truck engulfed in a red cloud flies from behind killing more kids.
     "What have you guys been doing without us?" Wanda teases through the earpiece. "Trying to talk it out for a first?"
     "You don't underst-" I begin, right as I'm cut off from a laser shot at the army from Vision.
      "The army is made up of children!" I practically scream at them.
     The group stops I their tracts.
     "What did you say?" Wanda practically whispers.
     "I believe Captain Rogers said the army is made up of children." Vision replies.
     "Jesus what's wrong with you people?" Tony begins, sounding irritated. "These people are obviously here to kill us."
     "Tony-" I say knowing what will come next.
     I watch in horror as Tony shoots another laser into a crowd.
     About a dozen kids fall to the ground, dead. None of us move.
      Out of the corner of my eye I see five kids beginning to advance. I spin around to see those five kids grabbing Nat, Tony, Vision, Sam,  and Wanda shoving knives to their throats.
     "Move and we slit their throats." One kid sneers at me.
     I look at the kid who made the comment and  think about how little he looks. He can't be any older than ten.
     The five kids holding onto my friends then slip handcuffs onto their hands. They seemed to run on some sort of electricity. Because they are glowing white I know they aren't normal cuffs.
     "I don't care that you're kids anymore. No one screws with my friends." I shout slinging my shield into the crowd.
     All of the kids except for the ones holding my friends captive, race towards, not me, but Bucky.
     Bucky begins to fire his gun into the crowd, with years of practice. The kids fall down one by one at his feet.
     I run into the herd of kids that are bee-lining towards Bucky. I hold my shield out, parallel to the ground, and spin in a circle. Any kids in a four feet radius immediately fall to the ground, due to contact with my shield.
     A kid jumps up, grabs onto my neck and pulls me to the ground. I flip out of their grasp, using the momentum to kick two more kids in the face.
     I plant my feet preparing to throw some punches when I hear a high pitched scream. I whip around to discover the source is a little girl on the other side of the street. She is clearly not part of the army. I'm not close enough to get to her.
     Bucky heard the scream too. He also turns around to see the little girl balled up and crying. He doesn't hesitate to run to the little girl's side and block her from the advancing army.
     I break into a full sprint racing towards Bucky and the girl. I jump up, raise my shield and begin to bring it down with my falling body. Right as it makes contact with the nearest child's face, I'm knocked backwards by a large force.
    A blinding white light spreads through the city bringing a loud screeching sound with it.
     The light disperses leaving an empty street. Everything is gone except for the buildings and road. Everything. The army of children and my captive friends, just gone.
     I run to the stop where I last saw my friends standing. This can't be right. They just vanished into thin air.
       I look down at the little girl in my arms. She is currently crying her eyes out, and rocking back and forth. She can't be any older than 5.  I look around and can't see a mother, or father anywhere.
      "Shhhhhh. Shhhhhh. Don't cry. Please don't cry." The girl answers with more crying. "Awwww come on! Please don't cry. If you continue to cry I might cry too. And we don't want that." I continue to sooth.
    The girl stops crying but begins to sniffle uncontrollably.
      "What's your name?" I ask.
      "Li-li- Lilly." She sniffs.
      "Lilly. That's a pretty name." I continue. "How old are you Lilly?"
       "F-fu-fr- four." She hiccups.
       "Do you know where your parents are?" I continue to question.
        She shakes her head no. I sigh and look up to see Steve jogging over to the two of us.
       "No sign of any of them I- I just don't understand." Steve says, exasperated.
       I put my finger to my lips nodding towards Lilly, whose begun to cry again. He gets my hint of, let's not talk about this now.
      I begin stroking her hair doing my best to calm her down. All of a sudden the crying stops. I feel her hand on my arm. I look down and see it's my metal arm.
     "Is this metal?" She asks curiously.
      "Yes it is." I reply back.
     "I wish I had a metal arm." She mutters looking up at me with big, blue eyes.
     "Oh, no you don't. I whisper. I wish I had a regular arm just like yours."
     "You're a very brave girl, Lilly." Steve says crouching on the ground next to us.
     "What's going on?" Lilly whispers confused.
    "We don't know." Steve whispers back. "But me and my friend here are going to find out."
      We then hear a scream.
     I look up to see a woman that sort of resembles Lilly running towards us.
    I hand Lilly from my arms  to the woman. She hugs Lilly so tight I don't think she'll ever let go.
   "Bless you. Bless both of you." The woman says looking back and forth from me to Steve. "Thank you so much for keeping her safe. I don't know what I would do without her. Thank you." Lilly's mother breaths at us.
    "Don't thank us." Steve begins. "It's our job ma'm."
     She returns Steve's comment with a small sad smile. She then turns on the balls of her feet and runs down the empty road with Lilly in her arms.

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