Chapter 15

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    "Thank you soooooo sooooo sooooo much Linda." I croon genuinely through the rolled down window.
     "No problem, sugar. And if you need anything just call!" She says happily.
      "Bye Bucky! Hope you find your friend!" Jack calls from the backseat.
      "Thanks Jack! You guys have fun in Queens!" I shout beginning to back away from the minivan.
"Byeeeeeeeeeee!" The whole family yells after me in unison.
I stand on the other side of the street and continue waving at them until they drive away. I then turn around and jog towards the apartment building. I go inside and sprint up the flight of stairs until I reach the door to my "home."
I bend down and dig under the welcome mat for my key. I pick it up and start fiddling with it to fit it in the door. Suddenly I stop. I sigh and look over at Steve's apartment door. A lump forms in my throat thinking I could've done more. I shake my head knowing deep down there wasn't. I let out another sigh and go back to the key.
I finally get my apartment open. Once inside I head straight for the kitchen. I make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and eat it all in one bite. I then chug down a whole bottle of water.
After I'm fed and hydrated I head towards my room. I strip out of my suit and get in the shower.
After a quick shower (I think better when I'm clean) I search through my closet and some dark jeans and a black long sleeve shirt.
I'm finally ready to go. I know where I need to go but I have no clue how I'm gonna get there. Maybe it wouldn't hurt to make a quick stop at the tower first.


I get off the subway and emerge onto the street. I then jog a couple blocks until I see the large, unmistakable shape looming in from of me.
The tower is exactly how we left it. With the big hole blown into the side and everything.
     I gingerly step over the broken glass along the sidewalk and enter the building. After jogging up a couple flight of stairs I finally reach the main floor wear the bombs were set off.
     I don't pay much attention to the debris while maneuvering around them to get to a computer. Using a super high tech locating software on the computer, I search up the coordinates from the cemetery.
   Suddenly my fingers that were just flying over the keyboard stopped. Something had just occurred to me. Siberia. That's where the Avengers are being kept. That's where I was kept.
How could I have not remembered? That's where I was frozen, trained, given missions, and stripped from my identity and memories. How could I have forgotten that so easily?
All of a sudden a sickening feeling washes over me. I have to go back. Back to the place that is the reason why I can't sleep at night. Back to the place that made me into a killer. A monster.
I try my best to push the horrible thoughts in my head away knowing that Steve an the others have to be rescued. I can't leave them there to die. Or worse.
I push away from the computer with the map of Siberia on the screen. I begin to hyperventilate.
Yeah I did go back to the actual Hydra facility with Steve when he fought Stark. It was difficult even then. Even though I'm not going back to the actual place it still makes me sick knowing I'm going to be anywhere near it.
My panic attack is suddenly interrupted by a loud bang coming from the street. I turn around and glance out the nearest window.
Standing at the street bellow is a little boy looking completely lost. He can't be more than Jack's age. He's knocking on the door, or at least what's left of it.
I jog down the flight of stairs and reach the main level. I swing open the door and kneel down in front of the little boy.
"Hello there. Are you lost?" I ask in the most comforting voice I can mange.
"Uh-huh." He nods with tears in his eyes.
"Oh maybe you can come on inside and we can work together to find your parents." I say soothingly. While leading the little boy inside I immediately think of Lilly. And the army of children. What if he's one of them? What if he's not? He could be as genuine as Lilly but also one of the Black Holes hallow killing machines. I push the thought away and following him through the broken door.
"Do you know where you last saw your parents?" I question, staring down at this black haired, curly headed boy.
He looks up at me and blinks twice. Then he shoves his hand into his pocket and pulls something out.
Next thing I know I'm lying flat on my back and the little boy is pressing a gun to my head.
I grab the hand hand holding a gun, twisting it around as far as it will go. I then jump up off the ground and punch the boy up against a wall.
He recovers so quickly it's almost as if he isn't human. He kicks me in my legs throwing me onto the floor once again. After delivering a couple good blows to my face he scrambles for the gun.
Before he can reach it though I grab him by the neck with my metal arm. I begin to slowly lift him off the ground. As I tighten my grip around his throat his little fingers pry at my lifeless metal ones as he gasps for air.
With one final squeeze I hear a cracking noise and I drop him to the ground. I watch as the blood pools out around him.
When the reality of what I have done hits me I fall to my knees and let out a sob.



I wonder where all the kids are. I mean don't they have an army of them? What do they do with them all day? Are they chopping up their brains some more? Are they training them? Do they go to school all day? What is it people?!
As you can probably tell being in this prison is driving me slowly crazy. The food sucks and I have nothing to do. And I know Bucky is out there all alone. It's not like they torture me or anything. I don't even know what they plan to do with us.
I occasionally see a guard walk by ( I've only seen adults around here. They aren't being brainwashed.) and sometimes I try to communicate with one of my teammates. The sad thing is I don't know sign language. The one thing Captain America can't do.
That meeting I had with Williamson's son was the only time I've seen him. I don't even know what that guy's issue is. He's just a kid really. A kid who I think is off his medication.
But the one question that is the most important running through my mind as I slowly go insane in this fortress of solitude is where the heck is Bucky?!



I wish I could say I buried the boy. I didn't. I stashed his body under the stairs.
After crying a bit and hiding his body and putting on my suit again I went to the roof and got in a plane. I entered the coordinates into the computer and was off.
I look down at the snowy landscape underneath me and plunge the plane downwards. Here goes nothing.



I'm awaken from my sleep by a loud siren. I get up and run to the glass wall to see guards rushing by underneath red flashing lights.
I can't help but think this is a good thing.
A group of guards stop in front of my cell. I don't know what they are doing but they seem to be pointing and shouting at something farther down the catwalk.
Suddenly each one of them has a bullet in their brain and are lying on the ground cold and lifeless.
Next thing I know Bucky is standing right in front of the glass.


Dear Readers,
Soooooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. School sucks and takes up so much time. But what else is new? So I hope you like this chapter and I promise to try and update whenever I get the chance. Thanks again for continuing to read my crappy shameful story.

Yours Truly,

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