Chapter 4

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The day I lost Bucky was the worst day of my life. Even worse than the day I flew the jet into the ice and knew I'd never see Peggy again. Even worse than when I woke up in a strange time period without anyone I knew. Even worse than the day Peggy died.
Even when I've had nothing I've had Bucky. He's always just been there. Before I was pumped with steroids he defended me and didn't seem to notice my lack of athletic ability. Even after I was turned into a super soldier Bucky was still there for me. We've always been there for each other. I would say we are like brothers, but there is no word that describes how close we truly are.
Right as that missile blew through the window the only thing I could think of was Bucky. I lost him once. I wasn't going to lose him again. Bucky. I needed to find Bucky. That was when I blacked out.
I woke up frantic. That's when I remember the missile and search for Bucky in the blind dark.
I can't hear anything. Nothing except that pesky ringing.
"Bucky! Bucky!" I call out even though I can't hear myself.
"Steve?" I hear Bucky reply right as my hearing comes back.
"Oh thank God you are safe!" I say overjoyed.
"Oh don't worry Steve. I'm ok too." I hear Nat joke sarcastically.
"Don't worry about me either. I just jumped over all of you guys to save you from blowing up." Bruce chimes in.
I open my eyes to see I'm lying on the ground in the lab. Or what used to be the lab. As I look around the room I see we are all here. Bruce is leaning against the wall next to what looks like his ripped shirt. Nat is rummaging through the rubble looking for anything that might be salvaged. Bucky is curled up in a ball in the corner. And then I see Tony sitting on what was once as desk with his hand over his closed eyes.
"What happened?" I ask slowly.
"I saw something shot off in the distance aimed at the tower. I tried to warn you guys but you were too busy arguing." Bruce says groggily while shooting an angry look at Tony.
"Where's everyone else?" I question.
"They escaped." Nat says. "Sirens went off everywhere else in the building except here." She shakes her head slightly and goes back to rummaging. "Thousands of confidential files permanently destroyed." I hear her mutter under her breath.
"I'm going outside to see if there was any type of damage done to the city." I tell the group. "It seems pretty calm now but whoever shot that missile, shot it for a reason."
I walk out of the room and turn around to see Bucky following me.
"Hey." I say. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm good. You?" Bucky replies.
"Yeah. I'm never officially 'fine' but I can manage. What's everyone else doing?" I ask.
"Tony said something about getting out his suit in case of more trouble. Nat was gonna contact Sam and the others. And I think Bruce is gonna go hide somewhere so if there is more trouble he won't destroy all of New York." Bucky tells me.
"Ok. That's good." I say as we step outside.
As I look up at the Avengers tower I can see the damage isn't all that bad. Just a large hole on the side where the lab was. There's also another large hole where the kitchen used to be. That's where everyone was standing when I left them. Whoever fired the missiles was obviously targeting all of us.
I look around the street to see only a couple people outside staring at the tower in confusion. If I saw a missile shot at the home of "Earth's Mightiest Heroes" I would be confused too.
That's when more people begin to flee from their buildings. They all begin running in the same direction, screaming. I turn to see what they are all running from. What I see is a large army of what looks like people, marching towards us.

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