Chapter 18

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I wake up to feel someone shaking me to consciousness.
I immediately panic not knowing where I am. It registers that the cold hard surface pressing against my cheek is the ground.
I sit up and spin around to see Natasha with her hand hovering inches from my shoulder.
I must look like crap. My hair more ugly and matted than normal. Mud plastered across my face and my side.
When I go to wipe the dirt away from my face I feel something else as well. I know what it is and I come to the conclusion that I must have been crying in my sleep.
In a blur, the recent events come back to me like a slap across the face. I remember where we are and why we are here. Oh yeah, I also remember Steve's death too. A lump forms in my throat remember that I am now alone without him.
      All of a sudden Nat goes from being nice and concerned to being curt to brisk.
     "Get up Bucky, we're leaving." She says beginning to walk back towards the barn and the plane.
     "Where are we going?" I call after her.
      "Somewhere you have never been." She replies.



     How am I alive?
     I watch as the blood seeping from my body slowly turns the painfully white snow red.
     After pulling myself and the shield from the rubble I collapsed on the snow and tried my best to stop the bleeding. I've been on the ground ever since.
    I'm not hurt bad, surprisingly, but that doesn't mean I walked away with no scrapes and bruises.
I flop down on my back and stare at the sky. The whole team must think I'm dead. Bucky must think I'm dead. I can only imagine how it feels for him thinking I'm dead.
I remember exactly how it felt seeing Bucky fall off that train and thinking he was dead. Since he's been through so much and has been tortured beyond my imagination I know it must be worse for him. I'm the one person who can help him feel safe, but he's out there thinking I'm gone forever.
I sigh and continue staring at the sky. To my surprise I see a thick column of black smoke pouring into the sky. This column of smoke isn't coming from the collapsed building, but from something off in the distance.
That can only mean one thing. People.


Off in the distance I can see two black specks on the ground. The heavy smoke is billowing from one of them.
I run as fast as I can until I'm a couple yards out from them.
    I slow to a stop when I realize the one of the helicopters is the helicopter Williamson and his bodyguards escaped in.
    A mixture of about fifteen kids and adults in full body, bullet proof armor, come rushing towards me all at once. Good thing I dug my shield out of the rubble along with my body.
Even broken and bloodied I knew this would be an easy fight. I throw my shield frisbee-style into the herd and watch as it plows down three advancing hostiles.
I catch my shield in mid jump and bring it down right onto another hostile's head. I then turn around to knock one to the ground with a quick blow to the face. I grab the next hostile by the shoulders and smash their stomach down on top of my bent knee. I then grab them by the back of their armor, and using all my strength, throw them right into another hostile.
I charge at three more hostiles, jump up in the air, kick two of them in the face, and send them to the ground. When my feet are planted firmly on the ground I use the momentum from my jump to slam another Black Hole worker in the face using my fist.
To take out the next two I use quick, heavy blows to their stomachs and their chests. I then spin around and smash my shield into two more hostiles sending them into the ground.
I squint to see through the window of the helicopter which isn't broken. I can see a person cowering inside. It must be Williamson. I break into a light jog to go and surprise him. He is probably helpless without all of his protectors.
"Stop right there!" A high, feminine voice yells from behind.
I turn around to see one last Black Hole hostile pointing a gun right at me. They take off their black protective helmet and drop it to the ground.
Pointing the gun at me is a very pretty girl, who must be around fourteen. Her long, red pigtail braids go a little past her shoulders and her deep green unwavering eyes stare into my blue ones.
I hold up my shield right as she begins firing. I charge at her and deliver a punch straight to the side of her head.
I step back and stare at her unconscious body on the ground. A steady stream of blood from her nose stains the ground just like mine had only and hour before.
I rip the gun from her cold, unmoving fingers and point it at her head. I stop myself right as my finger tickles the trigger.
I drop the gun deciding it's not worth it. I walk away telling myself that whoever that girl is, it's not really doing the Black Hole's bidding. And plus by the time any of them wake up I will be long gone.
I go to the helicopter where Williamson is hiding and rip open the door.
"Well, Captain America I must say I am genuinely impressed." He says, clapping his hands together slowly.
"Shut up." I reply harshly.
I grab him by the back of the shirt, and using some rope that was just lying in the back of the helicopter, I tie him up. I throw him to the floor of the chopper and climb into the driving seat of the helicopter.
As we take off I yell over the noise of the chopper into the back.
"Hang on Marcus, it's going to be a long ride."

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