Chapter 12

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Soooooooo sorry I haven't updated in a while. School just started back up and so has the volleyball season. I'll try to update whenever I get the chance. Hope you guys enjoy this next chapter!


    The plane goes silent. I can't believe they actually know where the team is. I inhale sharply. They have to be alive.
     "Where? Where are they?" I question in barley a whisper.
"Siberia. Desolated, isolated Siberia." Clint calls from the cockpit.
"Siberia." Bucky mutters next to me.
"What. Did you ever have a mission there?" I wonder out loud, watching Bucky cringe at the mention of a mission.
"No." Bucky sighs. "It seems like a very cliche spot for an evil headquarters. I mean I just keep picturing a very suspicious metal building in the middle of a blizzard." He says drily.
"Well no one ever said this guy was the brightest light bulb." Peter begins. "He isn't even that old is he? Isn't he just a kid or something?"
     We all stare at Peter in amazement. Bucky pats his leg with his mouth in a straight line. I shake my head sadly.
     "Oh crud. I didn't think about what I was saying until it came out. I mean he's older than me but like a lot younger than you but I'm not calling you guys old or anything." Peter stutters out.
     "It's ok. You know Bucky and I are in mid nineties." I reassure him.
     "As for me." Scott says. "You call me old ever again and they won't find your body."
     Peter's skin becomes a pale white. "Uh ok. I understand. Won't call you old ever again. Cuz you're um not old."
      "Jesus man. You can't take a joke can you?" Scott laughs.
      "So how do you guys even know about the team and where they're hidden?" I question, changing the subject.
     "I was the one assigned to make sure Williamson wasn't going to do some major damage after SHIELD fired him." Clint yells at us from the cockpit. "I always knew his son wasn't in the right mind either. After he quit his Black Hole experiments I knew his son wasn't very happy."
     "So how did you find out he was hiding in Siberia?" I ask, yearning for answers.
     "I may or may not have a tracker placed on Nat." Clint replies sheepishly. "If anything was to happen to her my kids would be devastated. Oh yeah and I would too."
     "Weren't you worried someone would hack the tracking system?" Bucky questions, joining the conversation.
     "No. It was actually the one from our old SHIELD days. Those things are un-hack-able." Clint states mater of factly.
     "I know I heard Williamson say something about brainwashing when we gave him a little visit. Know anything about that?" I continue to prod.
     "Actually we do." Scott says, butting into the conversation. "There had been some children disappearances near where I live. So I went to investigate." 
     I have a sinking feeling in my stomach. I know exactly what that means.
     "The Black Holes' abducting children. They-" he states when Bucky cuts him off.
     "They then brainwash them into doing their dirty work." Bucky spits out in disgust.
     Scott nods. The feeling of how bad this is sinks in. During the fight by the tower we killed them. Not a whole lot but still. We killed innocent children.
     The look on Bucky's face is worse than the one that's probably on mine. He knows what torture it is to be stripped of your memories and given a mission. How could anyone do this to poor innocent kids?
     I don't know what to say. So I just say the first stupid thing that comes to mind. "Then why are you here, Peter?"
     "I'm just here to help." He scoffs matter-of-factly.
      "We need to get the team back and get those kids back." I say, stating the obvious.
     "Steve, I know what it's like going through the pain of mind erasing, but I'm not sure how we can rescue hundreds of people from a heavily guarded isolated facility. And on top of that the government is after us." Bucky says discouragingly.
     I open my mouth to argue but Clint cuts me off. "Your friends got a point Steve. We need to think through this before we go barging in there."
     I close my mouth defeated.
     "We can plan right after a nap." Bucky yawns. "I don't know when the last time I slept was."
     All of a sudden the reality of how tired I am hits me like a slap on the face. 
     "I'm with Buc. Some shut-eye would be nice." I yawn back.
     "You guys do that we'll be right here when you wake up." Clint says.
     Bucky and eye get up from the table and slump down on opposite walls. I slide down to the floor and close my eyes. Within minutes I'm consumed by black.


We run through the complex searching for our escape. This place seems to be an endless maze.
All of a sudden I see a blur of yellow. Then I make out the oddly familiar blonde curls. I stop running.
A couple yards in front of me I see that little girl, Lilly from the streets of New York underneath the debris from the caved in roof.
"Help! Help me! My legs stuck!" She calls out desperately.
I look into her electric blue eyes and want to help so badly but I know I can't.
From behind, Steve begins to jog towards her.
"Steve no!" I call out, but it's too late. He's already kneeling besides the girl.
Lilly pulls out a knife and plunges it deep into Steve's heart.
It was a trap and Steve fell for it. Now the one and only Captain America is dead.

     I wake up with a start. It was just a dream like always. I look around and remember I'm in the plane.
     Something doesn't seem right thought. Maybe it's that loud siren blaring. Right as I try to get up off the floor the first blast hits.

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