Chapter 17

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I can't stand to see him like that. His long-haired, greasy head, drooping.
It would be a crime to say Steve was his better half. Steve was a great man and all of us will miss him in our own way.
Bucky was brainwashed into committing crimes against his will and now his best friend is dead. Well I guess Steve was his best friend. I will never truly understand their relationship.
After all the horrible things that happened to him, the least I could do is comfort the guy.
"Hey Buc," I sooth.
Bucky turns around and gives me the, only Steve can call me that, look.
"Ok, sorry." I mutter taking a step back.
The daggers his eyes were shooting at me soften and turn into windows to his pain.
"Steve- Steve, he was a great man, to say the very least." I say stepping forward and placing my hand on his shoulder.
"He was more than that." Bucky mummers, not looking me in the face. "He was hope. He gave people hope. He gave me hope."
"I know Bucky." I say sitting on the floor next to him and pulling his head onto my shoulder. "I know."


I have felt a great deal of loss in my life. First my parents, then Pedro, Sokovia many times, and now Steve.
The loss I feel is somewhat complex. Even though I haven't known him long I still feel as though Steve was a significant part in my life.
He was a friend, a teammate, a father. But now, he's gone. The remorse I feel is beyond the tears I've cried in the past.


He's gone. That little turd is gone. Steve is dead. The worst part is I'm still alive.
Somehow I'm stuck feeling like this is my fault. Like there was something else I could've done. Force of habit I guess.
I feel bad that things ended on the wrong foot. I wish I could've told him how much he really meant to me before thousands of pounds of rocks nailed him in the head.


You got to be kidding me. Now Steve's dead! Why do people have to die all the time?!


Dead. Gone. Not living. Taking an eternal nap.
No matter how much you say it, it never really sinks in does it.
He's never coming back.
I don't get it? Why won't it sink in?
I should've been the one to die. Steve was better than me. He deserved to live. I did things he can only imagine. I would give anything to switch places with him. To put my body under the rubble and have him, alive, sitting here on the plane.
Why did he have to be taken from this world? I deserve to be dead, not him!
I inhale sharply and pull my head off Nat's shoulder. She continues looking at me with that poor Bucky look. It makes me sick inside.
I turn my head just to avoid making eye contact. Staring out the window, I can feel everyone's eyes burning into the back of my skull.
Finally Vision breaks the silence.
"In sorry about Captain Rogers, James."
"Yeah." I sigh. "Me too."


     Clint lands the plane in a large grassy field next to a small cozy looking farm house.
     "Ok guys, I guess I should head back to the wife and family." He tells us, glancing around the plane and looking each of us individually in the eye. "I'm so sorry." He says when he lands on me.
     I nod. What I don't understand is why they're acting like I'm the only one who lost someone. Wasn't Steve their friend too?
     He looks at Nat. "Fly about ten miles East." He instructs. "There there's a deserted barn and an empty field in the middle of nowhere. You guys will be safe there."
    Nat nods and heads to the cockpit of the plane. Clint walks down the back hatch and makes his way towards the farm house.
     Once he's a safe distance away, Nat takes off and flys us to the empty barn. We land right next to and settle down for the night.


I walked out into the field and looked up at the sky. A thousand stars over head twinkle and wink at me.
Why has always been a question that swirls through my head constantly. Why did World War II have to start? Why did Steve choose be injected with the serum? Why did I have to fall off that train? Why did I have to live? Why did Hydra have to take me, brainwash me, torture me and force me to do kill? Why did Marcus Williamson have to brainwash innocent kids? Why did Steve have to die?
I fall to my knees in the soft wet grass. I dig my fingers into the ground ripping up chunks of grass and dirt. I throw them as far as I possibly can. I throw my head up at the sky and scream.
I hate that question.
That sick, twisted question that no one can answer.


Smoke. Lots of smoke. Smoke painting a white canvas gray. Underneath that smokes lies a building. Or what used to be a building at least.
If you look very closely you can see the rocks beginning to shift.
Suddenly a hand shoots up from the rubble.
Broken and bloodied, Captain Steve Rogers slowly pulls himself from the debris.


Dear readers,
Sorry for the boring chapter, but I don't think it was that horrible for a last minute effort, if I do say so myself. Found it fun to add some more POVS this time. You know just to spice it up a bit. I continue to thank everyone for the endless support.



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