Chapter 11

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"So Spidey and Ant-Man. How longs this been going on?" I ask as we continue jogging down the hallway, searching for the room where Steve's shield and my arm should be.
"How longs been what going on?" Peter mumbles through his mask making it sound muffled.
"The two of you. Spider-Man and Ant-Man working together. The Bug Boys." I mummer sounding ridiculous.
"Psh. The Bug Boys! I can't believe this guy. Hey Steve is he for real?" Scott scoffs at my remark.
"Here. Turn left." Steve says grabbing my arm and pulling me down another corridor.
Scott and Peter swerve and begin to run after us.
"Whoa guys wait up! That was not cool." Peter protests.
"Jesus. How old is this guy?!" I mummer to myself.
"Here. Here it is." Steve says sprinting forward and kicking down a metal door.
Instantly dozens of armed men in black armor come racing from the broken doorway. Steve grabs the two closest men by the throats and slams their heads together.
Scott shrinks down behind me and instantly grows in front of me kicking multiple men up against the wall.
Peter shoots webs out of is wrists tying the rest of the men up. He then pulls himself towards them using his web and kicks them unconscious.
While all of that is going on I stand there looking like an one armed idiot who can't fight.
Scott walks up behind me and puts his hand on my shoulder. "What's wrong Bucky O'boy? You can't fight without your other arm?" Scott smirks at me.
"Yeah." Peter chimes in. "Not bad fighting for a kid, huh? Oh wait at least I actually did something."
"When I get my arm back I'm breaking both of your guys' necks." I say blankly.
"Jeez that's harsh." Scott whispers, patting me one more time before scooting around me.
"Hey guys it's all in here." Steve calls from inside the room. "Our suits. My shield. Your arm. Your guns. Your knives. Wow Bucky you do carry around a lot of weapons."
     "Well you better get your crap fast cuz we're gonna have company." Peter yells glancing down other corridors.
     I jog into the room to find Steve already in his suit holding his shield. He runs out of the room preparing to fight.
     I find my arm and attach that first. I then quickly pull on my suit. And lastly I load up with my knives, sidearms, and my rifle.
     I find it strange how a lot of things that remind me of my Winter Solider days bother me, but yet I still wear the suit.
     Maybe Steve is right. What happened with Hydra in the past should stay in the past. I mean what happened is a part of me so there's no really running from it.
     In front of Steve, Peter, and Scott I can see more armed guards running towards us. I aim my rifle over my allies' heads and begin shooting them down, one by one. I don't miss a single shot.
     "Oh look who decided to join the fight?" Scott teases, as he shrinks down to the size of a grain of rice. It's kind of funny watching him beat up the guards, when he's that small.
     I continue shooting more men down as Peter and Steve tag-team. Peter shoots a web at Steve's shield, lands on top of it, and backflips off, knocking multiple men to the ground.
     Soon enough there are only about four men left. We easily pick them of until, the only one left is standing right in front of me. Using my metal arm, I pick the man up by his neck and slam him to the ground.
     "Not bad. Not bad at all." Scott says as he grows in front of me.
     We continue running down the hallway even though I have no idea where we are going. I look up and I see the security cameras.
     "So what about the security cameras?" I ask, thinking out loud.
     "The ants took care of them." Scott replies.
      "Do you, like talk to the ants?" I ask, curiously.
     "Yes I like talk to the ants." Scott says sarcastically. "I don't make fun of your ridiculous hair so don't make fun of my ants."
     "What does everyone have against my hair?!" I exclaim.
     "Jesus Cap." Peter calls from farther down the hallway. "Your boyfriend really whines a lot."
     "Well first off he's not my boyfriend and second when you've known someone for ninety years you get used to it I guess." Steve laughs.
     "Ok we are here." Scott states.
      "And where exactly is her-" I begin right as Scott cuts me off.
      "Our extraction point."
     Scott then pulls a small package from his suit and sets it up against the wall.
     "You might want to get away from that wall." He advises. "Oh yeah and cover your heads."
     We all get down on the ground and cover our heads. Scott pushes a button and the wall explodes in front of my face.
     We get up and sprint through the hole into the wall.
     The light outside blinds me. I didn't realize how dimly lit the building was until getting outside. I look around and see the building in which we were being kept is located in a large field in the middle of no where. Armed men and vehicles are racing from the building straight towards us.
    Coming from the opposite direction a jeep, pulls up in front of us. The door opens to revel Clint Barton.
    "Get in!" Clint yells over the sound of tires on pavement.
      After we all climb into the jeep Clint begins to drive the car straight for the people who want to kill us.
     "So Barton, retirement get a little boring for you?" Steve jokes.
     "I feel as thought I should as you the same thing." Clint replies stopping the conversation.
      Since there is no cover on the jeep I stand up, on a seat and aim my rifle.
     One by one I blow out humvee tires, and send men flying to the ground.
    We continue driving, making our escape. We stay driving until we reach a dense forest. Clint parks the jeep right on the edge.
     We climb out of the car and begin the follow him into the woods. A couple yards in I notice our rescuers managed to land an airplane amongst the trees.
     We climb aboard and soon Clint has us up in the air.
     "So." Steve begins. "I don't know if you know but there was an attack on the tower. There was an army of children. Our team was captured."
     Peter laughs. "We already know. We also know where the team is being held."

Dear readers,
      I have decided to keep writing this story!! I may not add to it as often because I'm trying (but failing) to right an original story as well. Thank you for the wonderful support.
Love you all,

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