Chapter 7

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     "Hey Steve, I think you need to see this." I called out from my seat in front of the computer.
     "What is it, Buc?" Steve asks.
     "Well it's something I found, but it's probably not that important." I respond sarcastically.
      Steve walks up to me from behind. "Thousands of children reported missing around a world in a week." Steve says, reading the headline of the news article. "Seriously? You found this and you didn't think it was that important?"
     "You know I love the twenty-first century. It's way better than back in the forties. There's so many helpful things now. Like the Internet. And this new thing I just discovered. What was it called again? Oh yeah. Sarcasm. You should really try it sometime." I joke, turning around to smirk at Steve.
     "Ha ha. It was so funny I forgot to laugh." Steve says back punching me in the shoulder.
"What's the rest of the article say?"
     "I don't know. Just about how there was a record number of children reported missing, around the world the week this article was written." I reply.
     "Well when was this article written?" Steve continues to question.
     I scroll through the website. "Um, it says here about a two months ago." I answer.
     "Well kidnapped children. That explains the army of them we just fought. Or at least explains a little bit." Steve mumbles, thinking to himself.
     "I wonder what those kids wanted from us. Not the usual autograph from the Avengers, huh?" I says jokingly.
     "It's simple." Steve explains. "They want us gone, dead, working for them. All I know, is that wherever they took the rest of the team, it isn't a five-star hotel."
     "We need to find how to get them back." I say all seriousness returning to my voice. We both know what is happening to our team. Neither of us say it though. Torture. They are being tortured. And I of all people know torture too well.
     "We need to get Banner back." I finally say.
     "Do you know where he went into hiding?" Steve asks.
     "Somewhere safe. With someone we all trust." I reply.

     "Oh no! I am not going to go see her!" I shout angrily at Bucky. How could he bring her into this?!
     "C'mon Steve! We need Banner and she's the one whose got him!" Bucky argues back.
     "But her? Of all of the people he had to hide with her?" I shout at Bucky.
     "Seriously Steve? You have to be like this?! It's been months since you guys had a falling out! Can't you just go and see her?!" Bucky yells at me.
      I shake my head. Bucky seems to be getting really angry now.
     "Yessssss Sssssir." I say. "Fine, Buc. If you really want me to go I'll go." I say, finally caving in.
      "Thank you." Bucky sighs, sounding  exhausted from his screaming fit.
       "Ok." I say. "We have a green, angry scientist to find."


Bucky knocks on the apartment door, once, twice, three times. The door opens and there she is. Right in front of me. In person. I raise my hand in greeting.
     "Hey Sharon." I manage to squeak out.
     Sharon Carter looks me up and down with an unreadable expression on her face.
      "Hello Steven." Sharon says dryly turning her head towards Bucky.
     "Well, hi Bucky!" Sharon exclaims. "It's so good to see you again." She says, pulling Bucky into a hug. During their embrace Bucky looks over and winks at me. I can't help but help rolling my eyes.
      When they break apart Sharon returns at her place at the doorstep. "So what can I do for you today?" She asks curiously, directing a warm glance towards Bucky, and a cold one towards me.
      "We are here for Banner." Bucky says bluntly.
      Sharon looks confused. "I don't know what-" she begins when Bucky cuts her off.
      "We know Bruce came here to hide after that missile was shot at the tower. He was in no mood to go code green today. So where is he?" Bucky demands.
     "You better come inside." Sharon whispers with a dreading look on her face.
     Bucky steps into the apartment. I move to follow him when the door is slammed in my face. I can here muffled arguing from behind the door. I strain to listen when the door opens again.
     "My apologies Steven." Sharon begins. "But if James wants you with him I suppose you can stay."
    Bucky looks at me and mouths 'James?' with a hilariously confused look on his face. I look at him and shrug. He shrugs back.
     We turn around to see Sharon in the kitchen. "Would you guys like anything to drink?" She asks.
     "Oh yes Steve and I would love some water. Thank you." Bucky replies. She gestures towards the table to sit.
     Bucky and I sit down side by side. Sharon puts one glass of water on the table in front of Bucky before taking a seat herself.
     "So where do you want me to begin?" She asks.
     "Right when Banner got here." I reply.
     Sharon shoots me a cold glance then begins. "Well Bruce showed up at my door and told me about the missile. He said he felt there was a battle coming and it wasn't a good time to go code green. He asked if he could lay low here. I agreed. So we sat in silence waiting to hear from you guys.  We could here the screams running away from a battle but we couldn't see anything from the window. But we did see the blinding white light that flooded the city." Sharon pauses. "Is that something new by Stark?"
     Bucky and I both shake our heads. "Well let's just say it was from the opposing team." I reply.
     Sharon shoots me another cold glance almost to say talking is a crime. "Where was I? Oh yes the light. So after the light went through we tried to list some of the possibilities of what it was when we heard a knock at the door. I answer it to see a cute little girl crying. She said she got lost and couldn't find her parents. So I let her in and turn around for one minute to find some tissues. When I return she's holding Bruce in glowing white handcuffs. There was another blinding white flash and they were gone." Sharon sighs with relief now that her story is over.
     I wait as Bucky explains what happened with us. The missile, the army, the disappearance, and the news article.
     Bucky stands up and I follow. We begin to head towards the door.
     "Thank you very much Sharon." Bucky says.
     "That's it?" Sharon asks. "You're just gonna leave me here? Isn't there anything I can do to help?"
     "I'd rather you sit this one out. I don't want anyone getting hurt that doesn't have to." Bucky replies.
     We begin to walk towards the door again. Right as I put my hand on the door knob Sharon begins to talk.
     "Hey boys," she says as Bucky and I turn around, "Good luck."

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