Chapter 10

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Please read till the end. I have a very important message for you, readers.


"Oh, crap. We're screwed." I hear Bucky mumble next to me.
I sigh and put my hands up. I slowly get down on my knees.
"Steve. What. The. Heck. Are. You. Doing?!" Bucky hisses at me.
"Doing what's best for my own good. And I'd recommend you doing it too if you know what's best for yours." I growl back at him.
Bucky gets down on his knees and reluctantly puts his hands up.
"Happy?" He asks me sarcastically.
We are then swarmed by loads of men in bullet proof vests, holding guns. One confiscates my shield. He then grabs Bucky's gun. Another man then reaches for Bucky's metal arm.
"Hey, what are you doing?! You can't take that!" Bucky screeches pulling away from the armed man.
Another armed person swivels around and presses the barrel of a gun to Bucky's head.
"You move and I'll blow your brains out. You understand me?" The man whispers into Bucky's ear.
"Hey that's enough!" I shout at them. "Who are you guys and what do you want from us anyways?"
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Captain America. Retirement getting a little boring for you I'm guessing?" A old man in a suit asks stepping in front of me asks. I recognize him yet I can't remember his name. I think he works with the UN.
"Excuse me sir but I don't think you completely understand the situation here." I begin. "You see-"
"Oh I understand the situation plenty." He interjects. "A group of dangerous people who generously agreed to retire found active again. I'm afraid that can't go under the radar, Mr. Rogers." He sneers.
"A missile was shot at the tower! An army was sent to attack us! What did you expect us to do?! Sit back and get killed!?" I ask desperately.
"We expected you to give us a call and have us dispose of the attacker properly." He replies calmly. "In fact you did not do that but decided to handle the manner yourselves."
"But the rest of the team is kidnapped! We are trying to get them back!" I plead.
"With the help of who? Insane, old Alexander Williamson? That man is crazier than a bag of cats!" The suited man laughs.
"Wait how do you know about Williamson?" I ask suddenly distracted from the current topic. "Have you been watching us?" I ask in disgust.
"Of course we were! You think after you retired we would have just left it at that?! We couldn't have just left you to do whatever the heck you wanted. There are eyes everywhere Mr. Rogers. We have been watching your every move!" The man exclaims in amusement.
I am completely speechless. I don't know what to say. I just clench my jaw and stare with hatred into the mans eyes.
"Ok, boys pack them up!" The mans yells and begins to walk off.
I consider running and I know Bucky does too. Right as I'm about to sprint a man grabs my arms and cuffs them around my back. They do the same to Bucky. They both grab us and push us along while holding guns to our heads.
     We shuffle along until we reach a large humvee. The armed men open the door to the back and push us in. Two enter with us and continue holding guns to our heads. We sit on the floor and sit in silence.


        Suddenly the humvee comes to a stop. I look over a Bucky and stifle a laugh when I see he's fallen asleep. I reach over with my leg and nudge Bucky awake. The men open the humvee doors and push us out. We are then escorted across a small runway to a cargo plane. We are pushed inside and the journey begins once again.


     The back doors of he cargo plane open up to reveal a large hangar. I struggle to stand up with my cuffed hands expecting to be forced to walk again.
      I'm startled when one of the men grab the back of my neck. I struggle to see another one has Bucky by his neck too. I notice the one holding Bucky pulls out a large needle. I feel a small pinch on the back of my neck when everything goes black.


     I wake up to be blinded by a bright light. I open my eyes and see that I'm lying on the floor in a padded room. I get up and look around. I see Bucky leaning against the wall watching me very closely. I'm shocked to see that his metal arm is gone.
     "Rise and shine sleeping beauty." Bucky mummers sarcastically at me.
      "Where are we?" I ask.
      "I honestly don't know where we are. Probably some government prison." Bucky shrugs.
      "I thought you knew everything." I tease.
       "I only pretend like I know everything." Bucky laughs with a small, sad smile. 
     All of a sudden a loud voice booms from above.
       I quickly strip down to my boxers when I hear Bucky laugh. I turn around to see him wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.
     "You don't wear anything under your suit?" Bucky laughs at me.
      "Obviously not." I laugh back.
     "You're such a dork, Steve." Bucky smiles at me.
     "PUT ON THE JUMPSUITS." The voice booms again.
        Bucky sighs as he strips down to his boxers as well.
       We bend down and pick up the orange jumpsuits and put them on.
      A door at the back of the room opens revealing a long hallway.
     "ENTER THE HALLWAY." The voice shouts again.
     We walk down the hallway to another door that opens.
     "ENTER THE ROOM." The voice instructs us.
     When we enter the room the door immediately swings shut behind us.
     I look around the room. There is a concrete floor and a large glass window that wraps around the entire room. The glass is blacked out so we can't see out but others can see in.
     There are also two security cameras in the left and right corners of the prison.
    Bucky walks up to the glass window and draws his fist back and swings it into the glass. The glass doesn't break or even move.
     "LET US OUT! LET US OUT!" Bucky screams while repeatedly punching the glass. "Please." He whimpers finally giving up.
     Bucky falls to ground. I see that he's crying. I walk over to his side of the room and squat down next to him. I lean forward and wrap my long arms around his shaking body. His crying begins to slow right as I begin to hug him.
     "Hey Buc please don't cry. Please don't." I whisper into his long disgusting hair.
     His crying stops and he sits up. "I'm sorry Steve. I was gonna help find your friends and I failed you."
     "Our friends Buc. Our friends." I say to him.
     "Sorry I had a temper tantrum." He mutters. "The cell reminds of somewhere Hydra used to keep me."
     "It's ok. It's perfectly ok." I comfort him.
      Bucky scoots away from me closing me out. He leans up against a wall and falls asleep. I finally realize how tired I am. I scoot up against the wall and do the same thing.


     I'm awoken by what sounds like a thousand tiny legs marching in unison. I see Bucky is awake and standing in the middle of the room.
     "Steve look." He says pointing at the window. The outside is covered in what looks like a spider web.
    I look up at the security cameras. Both are being swarmed by ants.
     All of a sudden the siren starts.
     Then the door bursts open. I spin around to see Scott Lang and Peter Parker standing in the door way.
     "Are we interrupting something?" Scott asks with a smile.

Dear very few but valued readers,

Thank you so much to anyone who has read, voted on, or commented on my story. I am very grateful to all of you. Sadly I'm considering quitting this fanfiction. I may write something in the future but it probably won't be in the fanfiction category. I'm not positive on what I want to do. If you could please comment whether you think I should quit or not that would be great.

Love you all,

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