Chapter 3

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"Oh. Hey Steve." Bruce says, without looking up from his computer.
"Dr. Banner." Steve says in return.
"I feel no need for you to be so formal after all we've been through together." Bruce whispers with small, sad smile.
"Oh. Helllllloooooooo Cap." Tony sneers, walking into the lab. "So how've things been? I hope your well." Tony continues with mockery in his voice.
"Tony please-" Steve begins before Tony cuts him off.
"Oh please, pretty boy. Save me the chit-chat." Tony spits.
A awkward silence falls over the four of us. Bruce looks up momentarily, looking around like he can see the tension in the air. I know why Tony feels this way. I killed his parents. There was nothing I could do. I was the Winter Soldier. I never meant for Tony to lose his parents. I never meant for Steve to lose his friend.
"I see you've brought the him." Tony jeers stabbing his finger at me.
"Leave. Bucky. Outta. This." Steve whispers, defending me.
"How can I? He's ah- he's ah- ah- a murderer!" Tony spats right at Steve.
Tony begins to screams back at Steve only to be interrupted by Bruce. "Tony." Bruce warns.
     "Stay outta this Bruce. This isn't your fight." Tony interjects back.
     "It's not yours either. It's not a fight worth fighting." Bruce replies sternly, just as Nat walks slowly into the room.
    "What are you boys screaming about in here?" She asks curiously.
    "Oh nothing." Tony begins sarcastically. "Except the fact that Cap here won't admit his Soviet Union boyfriend is a murderer!"
     "Oh not Bucky again!" Nat screams. "Tony! I thought you got over that! Please get it through your thick skull the poor man was doing it against his will! We are all sorry your parents had to die that way but stop pointing fingers at someone who was brainwashed!"
     An awkward, angry silence settles over all of us. I hang my head in shame trying to believe Bruce, Tony, and Nat. I know Tony's probably right though. I am a murderer. There is no excuse for the things I've done.
      "Tony." I begin, "Your father was a great man. I regret the things Hydra made me do, everyday. I can't sleep and I can't eat knowing the things I've done. If there was anyway I could go back in time and prevent them from dying I would" I mutter sheepishly.
     I look over at Tony and see he's about ready to yell again. "Oh don't play so innocent-"
     "Guys you really need to look at something." Bruce interrupts.
      "What now Bruce?! Just give me a minute to speak!" Tony exclaims angrily.
     "No we really need to get out of here right now." Bruce says shakily.
      "Yeah whatever it is Bruce sounds so nervous about he probably has a good reason to." Nat says.
     "Yeah. Let's just drop it Tony." Steve agrees.
     "EVERYBODY JUST SHUT UP!" Tony screams right as a missile blows through the glass window.
     The last thing I see before I black out is a large, green, amorphous shape moving to protect us. 

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